I don't get it, what's the deal with Americans epitomizing peanut butter and putting it in everything? It has a dull taste that covers the entire tongue and blocks other flavours because of the high amounts of fat and oil. I expected it to at least be sweet or something.
American peanut butter obsession
We add fruit jelly to it typically you fag. Like grape or strawberry jelly, it is full of sugar that way.
Then have it with sugary milk.
And people like it because it's non-perishable and easy to make. It's the lazy mom's sandwich for school kids, no worries about it going bad too fast, just bread an nut butter if no jelly.
You can live off mostly that for a very long time also.
And it's relatively cheap.
it's coloured the average americans skin colour so they're all fuckin over it
I'm poor and it's tasty and high in calories
jif isn't real peanut butter.
real peanut butter you can eat a shit ton of it because it isn't loaded with added sugar, that's why the jelly makes more sense.
Gotta hit that pol button.
I LOOOOOOVE peanut butter!
All kinds, natural and the kind with preservatives, it's all so tasty!!!
And you wanna get HUGE right, well, three times a day just have a snack of peanut butter and milk, over 1000 easy calories right there, bada bing bada boom
>not the superior Smuckers
>it's tasty
That's what I don't get. It's just slightly salty with a faint taste of peanuts, not exactly what I would classify as tasty.
I fucking love peanuts
>tfw the only peanut butter available in my country is Skippy
>fucking expensive at almost 5 eurobucks a can (9 oz or so)
>can't make it at home because my blender isn't powerful enough
Except we don't really put it in everything. You make sandwiches with it, maybe dip celery in it, or eat candy with it, but it's not super popular.
maybe you just dont like it? not everyone likes the same thing brah
some days i love peanut butter and cannot stop eating it, and some other days i dont even care about it in the slightest
dude, peanuts taste amazing.
Peanuts are super tasty!
A few kinds, like Jif or Skippy, add small amounts of sugar, which make it sweeter. Some people seem to get angry about this (grrrrr my peanut butter must be SALT PEANUTS ONLY ROOOOAAAR) but I think it's good too.
If you like, there are even neat kinds with chocolate mixed in with it -- some even have jelly or jam already mixed in with it too. I wouldn't eat those regularly but they're a fun way to switch things up.
I can't stress enough that it's a great way for people to gain weight, too. I mean, it was invented so that sick people who had trouble eating could have an easy source of protein.
I pulled a random image from google, my local brand is the "generic american import" one.
Where do you live? I get 18 ounces for 2 eurobucks.
>Where do you live?
fuck you this is the best condiment in the world and this is why you're on r9k you dumb faget
Maybe I'm making a mistake by eating it on sourdough bread? It's got 7.5 grams of sugar in 100 grams, so it should be kinda sweet.
I've seen it in cupcakes, candy (Reese's), turned into sauces, cereal and the things you mentioned. It also comes up in pretty much every single movie, show and comic coming from the US.
Another interesting peanut butter is powdered peanut butter. You measure out some powder and mix it with water and stir it up and it becomes peanut butter. I don't really care for the taste very much... but it has like 1/4th the calories, but the same amount of protein. Perfect for a Jow Forums user who wants to add something to his or her oatmeal.
What's the matter yuropoor? Not enough soy in it for your taste?
>american education
Peanuts and Soybeans belong to the same subfamily.
>Peanuts and Soybeans belong to the same subfamily.
I think it's related to price and to the army using it for so long. The PB&J sandwich is a staple of the US Army.
I belong to the same family as my Thunderchad cousin and look where we are.
If crushed into a creamy paste, there'd be hardly a difference between you and your cousin either.
Yeah I hate the way it makes your mouth feel and it's like 100 calories for one tablespoon.
Yah it's not that good. Nutella blows it out of the water.
They used to use it like post Civil War for people who couldn't eat solid food to keep them alive. So it kind of has a historical medical application.
What if I told you there are superior hazelnut spreads
peanuts aren't even in a subfamily, they're in a domfamily. i guess your trannybeans killed too many braincells to know that.
Real shit bruv
...green colored?
Vegan nogainz?
When I haven't had peanut butter for a while I can finish a whole jar pretty quickly. I melt it then pour it on ice cream and it hardens and encases the ice cream and it's really tasty. I also like to eat it on graham crackers with milk
At least we're not eating yeast extract and pretending it's good like brits and aussies
It's not very good alone, but it goes well with fruity or chocolatey flavors.
I personally like it because it's high calorie and cheap although I'm still stuck in skele-mode.
I hope you understand just how little sugar they actually add to peanut butter. you probably add more to your morning coffee than what's in an entire jar.
because it tastes good, not all treats need to be sweet.
You got me there, friend.
>It's not very good alone
becuz it is are peoples inventonm
Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.
>my local brand is the "generic american import" one.
that's probably why, you probably get some dogshit generic shit that tastes like nothing.
peanut butter tastes fucking good OP, I can eat it by the spoon.
peanut butter is primarily a sandwich thing. I don't question aussies putting vegemite on everything, or the asian obsession with soy sauce.
>dull taste
It has fats, protein, and salt. It's chemically proven to taste awesome.
>eating it on sourdough bread
That's a weird combination. If you're going American get some standard sweet processed white sandwich bread, that's how it's eaten 98% of the time
>I don't question aussies putting vegemite on everything
By everything, you mean bread, right?
>And it's relatively cheap.
how cheap? where I live a small jar of 300 grams costs 3-4 fucking euros
Its got proteins for mad gains fag
My breakfast most morning is 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and a cup of coffee
A 450 kg jar of Jif is $2.50, current conversion rates would make that about 2 euros.
how does it work for you user
>what's the deal with Americans epitomizing peanut butter and putting it in everything
I've never seen this at all. The only time I've seen peanut butter being used is either with chocolate in some candy bar rarely or in a sandwich