Oh man its Saturday already?
Guess that means its time for waifu thread. I'll post the wall in a sec
Oh man its Saturday already?
Hmm maybe its too early for a waifu thread
Oh hai there. It could be a bit early, its only 4 here, but thats Ok ! If anything just make another thread later if it dies off
Good idea honkanon, its only 3pm here as well.
Guess we should all settle on a good time for threads to be created.
Some 2D girls love dancing, and music; dance with her, and sing for her
Good afternoon, user. I hope it's not too early to start dinner?
Yeah that would be nice I made a thread last night and it got 0 replies so I just shitposted on other boards and watched anime
thats a cute dress !
Naka sings and dances, I cannot.
I don't see why not, an early dinner means an early bedtime!
Oh Honkanon...
I'll make threads so we don't end up plastering the board with them, I think that I'll make them around 5PM PST
What did you watch?
Mio on the front page!
Ok !! I watched the first episode of Konosuba since I havent seen it yet. The only other isekai ive seen is Re zero and I really liked it.
Mm, I love seeing her in unique outfits. She's a very stylish and cute girl, who loves dressing up. The majority of fanart, though, has her wearing her one school outfit from the source, or her usual casual dress. So it's super fun for all of us to have her wearing something new and cute. Girls should get to try on lots and lots of adorable outfits, if they're the type to enjoy that sorta thing.
Mio's always on the front page of your heart!
Konosuba is pretty good/funny.
Really nice to watch after a hard day's work. I'd love to be in a world like that.
Hope you enjoy it!
You could take up drawing and draw her in qunique outfits ! Yeah im jealous of womens fashion because they get to wear cute dresses and colours. I still like male fashion though, but i mostly wear simple stuff and mono colours.
I heard it was good so im gonna give it a try
I hope you enjoy it, its one of those animes that you can probably end up bingeing.
At least for me, I had to stagger out the episodes. Don't think I finished it though, I did play the game...
But I didn't beat it.
Hah most of the time I end up binge watching every anime because Im always late seeing them since I only really watch a lot of anime during summer or christmas/spring breaks and stuff like that.
>But I didn't beat it
You can always try again !
Sweeeet dubs man.
I would watch it but right now I'm either working or playing Dark Souls.
Right now I'm on the second one, its good so far. First time playing/blind run.
So, OP, if you want to be the one who does waifu threads around here and contain it, I suggest that the OP posts be more inviting, calling anyone with a waifu to share any thoughts that they'd like to, regarding her. As it is, it seems more like we already have a little established community and it's a general. That's my thoughts on it, anyway. The main focus should be on the 2D love and kindness towards fellow lovers, at least in the OP, rather than the time and what it means, even if we do choose to dedicate it to certain days.
True enough.
what about Galactus-friend
Anyway, I suppose you're right, everyone in this thread is free to express their feelings about their waifus if they wanna.
How're you guys doing today btw?
Oh sounds fun ! I dont play many games now a days besides SiF since all the games I used to play have such toxic communities.
Yeahh, when I made some threads before it seemed like people were happy if you asked about why they love their waifus in the OP.
A friend recc'd me this show yesterday and it's already given me my waifu
What game is that?
The way I feel about Naka is strange.
I wouldn't say love, cause she's a character from a gacha game but...
I really like her, she's cute and bubbly and really friendly.
Guess I wanna be like her in the sense that she never backs down and always shines with the aura of an idol!
Which show is that?
Also here's the wall so far.
Yeah, that's right. I think there should be wording and focus that lets people know it can be a kind and open thread for any 2D love and feelings regarding it, along with being a meetup for lovers interested in the lives of eachother. Just whatever people like, if it's gonna be like the board's primary waifu threads and not come off as a general mainly about a few people chatting, with waifu as the secondary theme. It works better the other way around, inviting people for their waifuism and then staying for the friendship and sense of community as a secondary point.
Yeah, topics are nice too, just little questions to keep people engaged and attracted.
Kagari. For ever and ever
>What game is that?
School Idol Festival, its a mobile rhythm game thats been around for a while. I know people hate on mobile games, but its a game for the Love Live franchise which is my favourite anime and its got a huge community worldwide. You can collect these cards on the app which is the characters in different outfits and stuff so its good fun to pass time when I have breaks at school and stuff.
that makes sense it would be more inviting to new people like that, otherwise it would come across as a closed off community
Tell me more about Kagari user.
Oh right right, didn't even realize that. I'm a brainlet after all.
Is it fun?
I don't really get the hate on mobile games, as long as they're fun I don't see the harm. I guess it comes from the whole GAMING culture thing. I dunno
Mio wants to be on the wall please!!
The show is Magical Girl Site
Mio on the front page, Mio on the wall.
Is there anything she can't do?
I'll place her in as we get more people posting their waifus!
Again, just post a good, cleaned up picture of your waifu to be placed on the wall!
What's it about?
She's from the VN Rewrite! She's the "key", a special being that the Earth creates to judge Earth when its resources are running low. She can start re-evolution to start Earth from scratch!
She's insanely smart and has built a full theory of the universe, which she uses to find the one timeline that allows Earth to continue existing. She has a less common moe side, which is displayed far more in the anime.
She's cute, smart and powerful!
Ya ! its fun because you get to listen to their songs as you play and its fun to collect stuff. I guess people who are like hardcore gamers hate on it but that whole gaming/twitch tv culture is annoying to me.
Can Kagari be on the wall?
She sounds incredibly powerful, I like the idea of her character.
I wonder if this Earth would be worthy enough of judgement.
Of course! I'll place her on the wall post-haste!
Its annoying to me too, I enjoy a good game but I don't really get balls deep into it. Its a game, nothing more behind it.
o kyaku sama
>tfw waiting on season 3
Konosuba is way too fun and comfy. I binged both seasons in the same day, but I think there's an OVA I need to watch, my go-to sub group just doesn't have it, so I gotta search. Aqua is my ditzy thicc waifu. Megumin is also cute.
I haven't watched Re: Zero, but I'll probably check it out. Overlord is tied with Konosuba for my favorite isekai; not quite as goofy, but a lot more interesting plot and character-wise. Season 2 just wrapped up.
tfw just sent the payment for a masturbating Rena commission
It's great, and exciting, and I'm enjoying the blushing, thinking about getting an adorable portrayal of her enjoying herself in a natural and wonderful way while thinking about sweet, sweet love and the things that lovers do and the strong emotions involved
Aqua is such a cutie from only the first episode ive seen ! But shes a bit lewd with no pantsu...
Re zero was really fun to watch and I know a lot of people enjoy it. I think theres an OVA fro re zero out coming soon or maybe its already out?
Gotta go for now, be back soon.
Hopefully thread's still up if not then maybe later or next Saturday!
Rule of thumb, I'll post threads on Saturday Afternoons around 5PM PST
I want to lick her braces and live in her smile. I get an erection when she laughs.
>But shes a bit lewd with no pantsu
That's one of my favorite things about her desu. Thick thighs, no-pan, blue hair, smug, and stupid are pretty much my ultimate favored traits in a waifu.
I'll definitely try Re: Zero, but I've heard a lot of negativity about it. Won't stop me from watching it though!
how much did it cost for that?
And thats cute, its important for your waifu to be as happy as possible and pleased ! You must love her a lot.
ahh well as long as you love her ! She is also a goddess right, so she must be fun to be around.
do you really like braces?
Just 13 dollars, for this one. I spend a lot of time thinking about what kinds of drawings I could buy and what prices are good, and who would provide a pleasant transaction, and think I found a very good one here.
Mmhm, too, nurturing their happiness and satisfaction really pays off, just like any other relationship. When you take care of the her in your heart, she's there to take good care of you, too. When you know you're doing good by her and giving her the proper attention, the warmth and returned love is very inspiring and sweet. I really love it, and it makes me wanna help other lovers secure their way and not let any insecurities win over them if they want the love.
Nice! I could draw you a lewd Rena, but I really only draw kinky lewds with tears, ahegao, bondage, mind break, yandere, NTR, blood and bruises, etc. How much are you paying, if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking to start commission work, so I'm just looking to get an idea of how much I could try charging.
>ahh well as long as you love her !
Of course I do! So much. Plus no one else does, especially in the show, so it makes me care about her just that much more!
Thats a lot less than I thought people would charge honestly.
You make me want to love Honoka even more.
Yeah when characters arent loved enough all I want to do is protect them
>do you really like braces?
Not so much, but I love my wife.
If you know where to look you can get some pretty decently priced quality commissions
I generally think of 25 for good, 7/10 work as how high I can comfortably go, and even that takes a lot of thought. The previous one I bought was 25. If I believed the artist could provide something really special, I can go over twice that much, but it'd have to be a special case, for me. Truthfully, I don't have a regular source of income, so I gotta make what I do have last, and some people are willing to flippantly spend 60 dollars on an artist they like every month.
Talking fetishes, my taste isn't only vanilla, but as with how she and Apple Bloom are the only girls for me to look at in that way, it has to be something I think they enjoy and doesn't harm anything. Kinkiness like spanking, stuff like that, is no problem to me, and my favorite is pregnancy and scat, and those are a couple of things that most artists seem to be afraid of, along with aged-down art. So anyone willing to do that kinda stuff has some extra points, if I can trust them to be kind and respect the romantic intentions.
Ahh I see, thats good that you love her even with them. That must be her on your wedding day, she looks so pretty !!
Yeah makes sense, it probably depends on what your asking for too I guess
Glad to see the place is still up!
Thats a really cute kimono!
Kotori-chan !!
Thanks, its one of her favourite ones to wear. All the love live girls look so beautiful in traditional Japanese clothes
Love Live has a lot of cute girls desu
I should pick the anime back up
You definitely should ! Did you drop watching at some point? There may also be a movie coming out for LL sunshine, but im not sure if 100% for sure yet
Wtf bros thread's earlier than usual. Hanabi user reporting in, another shit week in a shit year.
I stopped at like, six episodes in?
Only cause the quality of the torrent was pretty bad desu.
Sunshine has cute girl too!
Welcome back Hanabi-friend.
Anything interesting happen this week?
Not really. I have another test next week and the weather's getting to be rather hot. Parents are pissed off that I'm a social hermit crab, they want to drag me on vacation somewhere but I am fighting back.
Naka-user made it earlier but daijobu, he said he would make them around 5PM PST saturdaysOh, so you only got 6 episodes in and Kotori is still your waifu?
>getting to be rather hot
Tell me about it, I hate the summer.
Where are your parents trying to take you?
Yeah, she's really cute and I really dig the bird motif.
Her eyes are very beautiful and fair, she's definitely my favorite!
I see, I thought the waifu threads were usually late-night threads, I don't spend that much time on Jow Forums, am usually doing other pointless stuff
I hate spring and summer, I get sinus headaches and it affects my abilities to study. My parents will fully pay for me to go anywhere I want in the world for a month within like $10k budget, but I hate going places. I have yet to leave the US, let alone California. I wish people would just leave me alone already.
Thats interesting that shes still your waifu even though you havent finished the anime. You must love her a lot ! I would recommend watching all of it if you have the time, Kotori has a pretty big moment at the end of the first season. And sunshine is great too
Heya fellow califriend.
Which part yonder?
That's pretty generous of your parents though, I'd like an opportunity like that!
I'll have to find a good torrent to use if I'm to finish the anime, I think I will!
Pretty generous indeed, but that's just a waste of money in my opinion. I'm in Los Angeles, I hate the city as well. Too crowded for my taste. There's no jobs for economics majors by the looks of it either, most economists are employed by the government and the rest are shady folks working for investment banks.
L85A1 is a T H I C C and juicy girl. She's faithful, she's self improving. She may not be reliable, she may jam, but people underestimate her, she's more than a dud, and people need to stop belittling her.
Oh right right LA.
Dang, I live a couple hours away from you.
I'm glad you're pure of heart user, don't let go of that.
>actually liking L85A1 more than sako
around finns the ice is thin
Ahh, well you can watch it in HD on kiss anime.
A government job might be good, I know here in Canada you get good benefits and stuff, but maybe its different in the US
Ha, I'm just like Hanabi in a way. May appear kind, but scum at heart. Honest to a fault, but stubborn and refuses to change their vile ways.
My professors always say the same thing; "This world is full of corrupt and greedy people. I pray that none of my students will add to the list." I'm probably one of the few students that feel the same way. By the way, what are you studying again?
Maybe I will, but I like to download so I can take lots of screencaps!
Why are you scum?
I don't think you are.
I'm trying to become a teacher.
l85A1 is fucking disgusting, same with the light support weapon
thank god HK actually fixed it sorta
I'm not too concerned about the benefits, it's just the thought of helping that counts. For me, it's the very fact that people join the government work solely for benefits is part of the reason why this country is going to shit. For example, Paul Ryan, our Speaker of the House, at age 48, is set to receive $85,000 per year for the rest of his life for working 20 years in the government. Really, $85k per year? No wonder this country's deficit interest is supposed to top $1 trillion
For me, I think it is because I actively and consciously engage in morally questionable acts without regard for the consequences. Afraid that I cannot comment any further than that. What subject are you trying to teach user?
hihi thread, there's more people today