Give me an ENTJ gf edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw broke robotism by getting an infp gf
>Constantly afraid cynical robot nature is going to cause her to shatter her emotionally, walking on eggshells

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expose her to the truth. corrupt her.

Why haven't you guys whipped some misbehaving anons into shape and reformed them into good little E/ISTJs?

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As an ISTJ I find the chicken joke funny.

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who /INFP but still likes to argue and push other people's buttons for fun/ here?

>get an ISFP gf
>she cheats on me two months later
>she begs for my forgiveness
>decide to give her another chance
>she cheats on me again
I hate ISFPs so much.

Anything starting with 'E' is subhuman.

Especially Estonians.

>he doesn't know how functions work and automatically assumes "E" means they're outgoing and social

>I hate ISFPs so much.
That applies to all women.

Yes and why in the ever living fuck would you want that? Extroverts are shit.

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Subhuman detected, originally.

>get gf
>worry that she'll finally snap when I smack a pigeon or something psychopathic like that

>broadcasting the fact that you're both clueless brainlets on an Alaskan Husky Hoarding Forum

>woooooweeeee hey look at me everyone I'm autistic everybody woooohoooo it sure is great being autistic haha wubba lubba dub dub *tips fedora*

the people's republic of INTx

Why don't you go find your mtg circle jerk and take turns cutting each other off for a few hours?

>He doesn't play Magic The Gathering
>Calls others subhuman
I bet you're a Yugioh boy.

What's the difference? I don't understand.

>have a friend
>he failed to me as a friend and as person
>i ghost him
>go back to having 0 friends
feels good being ISTP

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>not notifying him formallly through a wall of text before ghosting him
INTPs do give a shit, dammit.

>tfw i have people tier that i always keep checked.
currently i have 3 people who i could call friends. Not a single one i see on regular

everyone makes mistakes. Maybe it was you that failed him

Can confirm, literally worst girl.
About the same thing happened with me.
Didnt get confirmation but I knew so I left.
Also bish had BPD, miss me with that.

not that user but
>be friends with person
>he finds gf
>completely forgots me

Define 'failed'
I usually just forget to talk to people.

I'm lookin' for one of those CUNT girls.

Join this comfy mbti discord if you want


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>help friend when he needs me ("emotional support" and help when he needs to accomplish something)
>starts hanging out with CHAD and tells me to fuck off and he tells that he doesnt need me
>later on he asks for my help
>mfw user_has_disconnected.silence

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>women (female)
haha sheit

women have plenty of empathy

it's sympathy which they lack

Women are sociopaths: the gender

my sister is INFP and she is nothing like this. she cares about nobody but herself. she's quiet at school, but she is a total bitch to anyone close to her. she also talks smack about her """friends""" all the time.
I swear F types are either emotional babies or manipulative cunts.

then you were ghosted, not you ghosting him, which is what the other user said.

Vump oregano

tfw helping ESFP brother get his GED

I did the picture, he responded.

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kek same here
>have a few friends
>don't talk to them for a while
>they never approach me
>it gets to the point where the idea of talking to them is ridiculous because it's been so long

what the fuck is that
t. third worlder

>what the fuck is that
How I was taught to do math in America.

INTP here
Talk me outa this

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A living body is far more valuable than a dead one.

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The future is unpredictable, the brain is plastic and malleable, stress tolerance can increase, people are not all the same, there are many new animes and video games coming out and many you likely haven't watched/played yet.

A live body and a a dead body contain the same number of particles. Structurally there is no discernible difference. Life and death are unquantifiable abstracts.

What are the various MBTI tests that you can do? Did the 16p one and I'd like to take the other ones.

>you will never be a ESFJ or ISTJ
why even go on?

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These are probably the most commonly posted ones and the ones I would say are the best you'd find online for free. Most of them will try to find your functions which is an important part of MBTI that 16 personalities doesn't do.

ISTJ is the most common type for dudes, mistypes happen often so you might just be ISTJ. They're characterized as office drones but they're probably the most versatile sensor type.

Wait, I'm an ISTJ, what's so special about it?

fellow ISTP's, will you join the military if we go to war with russia? i want to kill people but obviously the war would be unjust kikery. not sure if its worth it to throw away my morals just so i can get to kill people

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I thought I would do something interesting, and see what my MBTI would be, if I still had the naivety and energy I had, when I was a kid. I'm currently ISTP, but the results of this test gave me ENFP, which is what my mother is.

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So you want a high Si? What for?
The only really good thing I can think of is that we're good at learning from past mistakes.

That really hits the feel machinery

Any other INTPs really not fit the steroetype?

I'm like an occasionally smart dumb person/ loser. always fucking hated the structured academic environment and only cared about things I was interested in. I know a little bit about everything but not a lot about any one thing. my interests constantly change because I so quickly lose interest. I'm constantly looking to soak up and process new information but I cannot sustain it on any one thing.

there is no greter pain than no tfw entj gf

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That is basically the stereotype. Bonus points if schizoid.

They're arranged differently; things break down

I will settle this once and for all

Wants to learn just the things so that they can assert their world view

Wants to learn everything for the sake of learning things

Screw that, where the FUCK do I find an ISTP gf?

Which personality type would have the highest depression rates? INFP?

I'm not sure if I'm schizoid or that I just haven't met anyone I truly enjoy being around. I think the times that I do enjoy socialising have been while smoking weed with people because I think people in that setting are more open to just talking about random weird shit, which is what I enjoy

What kind of girl goes best with an ISTP?


A car or mech.

>take a bunch of different MBTI quizzes
>still an INFP

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INFP boy here. Could someone please make an INFP bf chart. I think it'd be kinda funny to laugh at myself and see what you guys come up with.

It's hard to figure how accurate that is; I could have been an E/ISFP. I grew up playing video games on consoles and computers, in the 90s and 00s, and I used to draw a lot, as well as read a lot, until I graduated high school, 11 years ago. I was more outgoing and empathic, which started to go away, since I had a friend who treated me like shit, in the 5th grade, and girls would decline my offer to take them out.

I remained skinny, until I said fuck it, and started eating more, during my senior year. So what was a naive, optimistic little boy turned into a pessimistic/realistic, reluctant man.

I found this when I googled it because I am also an INFP boi.

It kinda fits but I've never heard of Brand New and I would find it hard to tell someone I love them so much.

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>I would find it hard to tell someone I love them so much.
To expand, I can really like someone but actually vocalizing it is hard for me, the thoughts are there but the words don't come out.

Now I really want an ESTJ gf .

You're letting the INTJs win.

Hey I got a question and I think it's important
Do you think that people tend to sorta conform to their personality type the more they continue with this meme? I mean I feel like the more you look into your type the more your brain chooses to act like it, you know? I'm ENTJ and I feel like the more I read into this meme the more ENTJ I become. What do you guys think? does this meme conform people into their type and destroy their unique personality?

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can someone link me to a MBTI test that isn't 16personalities?

Any INTJs Trascend the MBTI yet?
I feel like due to my superior INTJ analytical mind set that I have fully adopted the strengths of each type. Is this a Unique INTJ feel?

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How do the lesser types view INTPs?

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god I hate this so much

As people I think I might wanna try to fug? You think an ENTJ & INTP could make it work?

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Only if the ENTJ is intellectually submissive to the INTP. If the ENTJ tries to bully the INTP, expect power games the likes of which you have never seen


INFP because they're emotional sissies, and INTP because we're predisposed to substance use / abuse.

>If the ENTJ tries to bully the INTP, expect power games the likes of which you have never seen
I accept this challenge.

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Even more of a computer than I am. Calculates faster, but acts less like a human.
Would love to talk to about science and technology.

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>be ENTP
>extremely self-aware about problems, but no will or ability to solve it
>concoct brilliant plans with multiple contingencies, but want to kill myself the second I have to start actually doing stuff
>get frustrated when you give a wrong answer to a question even if the question was designed to be hard for me
>realize i have a massive ego and don't think of it as a bad thing despite knowing that most people don't like egotistic people
>feel awkward whenever someone says something nice to me and either make a "witty comeback" or try to steer the question to something more serious and less emotional
>get confused by the thinking so highly of myself and enjoying attention, yet feel completely perplexed when receiving praise in a 1 on 1 conversation
>realize that i would be much better off with a wife who was able to motivate me and give me confirmation but treat every woman like a threat who will just drag me down and heavily avoid the type of conversations that she would be the most useful in
>when i have to do work i hate it immensely and wish i could be something something else
>once i finish that job/assignment i still don't do that think i was wanting to do for months and instead just waste time doing nothing on the computer
>extremely smart and fast learner yet short attention span cripples my ability to truly master anything

Anyone else know these feels?

>MBTI Internet Horoscopes
Y'all realize this shit ain't even real right? It's not even a predictive psychological test, even if it does have some validity. Basic science fail.

Science and technology are better suited for ISTPs in my opinion; they have a much higher capacity for logical integrity when dealing with complex ideas. Discussing the future of technology and science and their implications will however be a deep discussion for the INTP.

The schizo brain of the INTP lends itself better to abstract thinking in regards to complex systems that cannot be parsed easily by brute force logic. Things like philosophy, social dynamics, mathematics, and theology are INTP fields. They can find hidden truths and keen insights, but might have difficulty explaining to you how they got there.

>Desperately want to be an INFP

Prepare for the Drunken Fist style.

INTPs do not make plans, but their powerful intuition means that everything they do appears to have been done with a powerful intention. The INTP thrives by playing the trickster, dissolving opponent's battleground in order to create his own.

Just rationally disprove logic; it's the only way to fully embrace life.

Still sounds fun. Its my whole shtick trying to figure out how to relate new ideas to current systems.

Chill out faggot I got this all planned out.
It always works in relationships unless they're some nature lovin hippie.

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Do you as an ENTJ enjoy roleplaying?

Roleplaying? Um I dunno but I can probably learn how to do that.
I will get my INTP gf by any means necessary.

I had an INTP gf; she was alright, highly illogical.

Literally the best gf. Also Muffy is like this I believe

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Have any of you actually known a female ENTJ/ESTJ? Almost never before have I wanted to destroy someone so badly, they are the worst cunts you will meet and having some woman try to larp as assertive and just nag you all day will make you want to peel your face off.

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>Be me
>Chatting up at in my science class
>She's laughing at my jokes
>Thinking of asking her out next class
>She starts complimenting me saying than I'm really smart and shit like that
>Spaghetti come out of the pocket
>Start mumbling
>Say that I've been pretending to be stupid and I'm more intelligent than everyone else
>She calls me a narcissist

Muffy is cute and all, but she doesn't even come close to Crispy's level of QT

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I find it so hard to find the balance between confidence and narcissism. I've taken to saying most things in a joking manner just so I don't have to back up what I say incase it's something wrong or impolite.

She tries so hard to hide her ugly mexican features, sad.

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No disrespect but Crispy is old now. Plus I found her too skinny and her bug eyes weirded me out. But if you like her more that's you dude.

Hey thats a great idea!
>ay autismo chill out its just a joke!
>turn around to friend
>*whispers* no it isn't

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>do test a few years ago
>think I've changed a lot and matured and now I'm a completely best person
>still INTP

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Muffy has much better taste and personality