How exactly does a girl rape a man? The only way you could really rape a man is to make him erect...

How exactly does a girl rape a man? The only way you could really rape a man is to make him erect, but unlike a woman a man only gets erect if he likes what you're doing, meaning that if he didn't want the girl to rape him then it would be literally impossible for her to do so. So then can it be safely assumed that female on male rape is simply not possible?

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retarded bait threads get the sage

easy, forcefeed viagra

It's a feminist fabrication perpetuated by nu-males and low IQ MGTOW fags.

Most women lubircate and orgasm during rape. I guess rape isn't really rape generally speaking by that logic?

Some roast got my brother drunk maybe even drunk and raped him. I guess that's one way?

If the girl is ugly or fat men would undoubtly call it rape. If it was a Stacy however, they'd enjoy the fuck out of it, like the animals they are.

It doesn't matter if the women is lubricated or not, you can stick your dick in her whether she is willing or not. However, you cannot force a flaccid penis to enter a vagina, and the penis will not become hard under situations of duress which the male does not enjoy.

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Have you ever tried fucking a dry vagina?

>It doesn't matter if the women is lubricated or not
> penis will not become hard under situations of duress which the male does not enjoy.

This is just an illogical double standard. Unironically kill yourself baiter.

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I've never fucked any sort of vagina whatsoever.

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Anal rape is a thing, blackmail is a thing too.

>if you don't have sex with me [insert ultimatum]

They have pills that make you paralyzed also, and also viagra, so there's that too.

>Anal rape is a thing
Good luck raping a guy's anus with a vagina.

>They have pills that make you paralyzed also, and also viagra, so there's that too.
That's fare enough.

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they can peg you and I don't think that would feel nice

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>hur dur I am stupid and forcing limbs and objects up orifices is impossible

Nice giantess images OP, best fetish it is.

"If you don't let me have sex with you, I'll accuse you of rape publicly. It better be good, or else".

Does pegging really count as rape though? I think that'd just fall under sexual harassment.

That's coercion, but not rape.

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By marrying him and the stealing half his stuff plus his children, legally.

man gets erect if it feels good, not necessarily if he likes it. female rapists only go for beta males who like the domination anyway.

But when a man is struggling against his rapist is any dick groping really going to feel good? If some guy were to touch my junk out of the blue I wouldn't feel pleasure, I would feel disgust and revulsion.

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your body will eventually get aroused regardless of your emotions because its made for sex.

Haven't you ever heard stories about nervous guys being unable to get erect when it comes time to do it in the bedroom? Wouldn't it be like that, but magnified by 100 because you're literally against your will about to be raped?

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would you say the same for women who get raped? how do you explain female arousal during rape?

That's a fair point I suppose.

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Op failed sex ed.

In my defense my parents forgot to teach me about sex, it wasn't a conscious decision on their part, they just literally forgot to do it. As a result I didn't learn about sex until sex ed, and to this day I have no idea what the fuck people are talking about when they say "the birds and the bees", because I never got that talk, in sex ed they just skipped straight to inserting the penis into the vagina.

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Evidently since he's still a virgin lmao.

fisting that ass.

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So what you're saying is if I can make the girl wet, it's not rape? Great loophole.

Molestation, sodomy, etc. Sexual harrassment is a meme.

Anyone who's not a virgin doesn't deserve to call themselves a robot desu, if you had the social skills to have sex then you're too normie for this place.

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>you're perfectly normal if you even once put your dick in a willing vagina

Stop this idiocy.

You did actually fail, because you don't understand that erections aren't voluntary.
It's like when your highschool friend who was a girl would lift her shirt up and jump up and down to give you a boner. As a prank.

Normie gtfo this instant we'll never accept your sex-having kind

I went to a conservative Christian school, my sex ed was different from the standard stuff.

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It's not just the sex, it's everything that the sex implies. You found a woman and had the social skills necessary to have consensual sex with her. Anyone with those kinds of social skills cannot be a true robot. You are merely a pretender, a fake who is at most socially awkward in an endearing way.

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what if you got cockblocked though

My sister raped me when she was 17 and I was 14. You can't control the boner, man. It happens and you can't help it. That's why no one believe me and she never got in trouble for it. Actually, I got in shit because they thought I raped HER

You can get erect without being sexually excited, autismo. I used to get a boner if my groin area touched something accidentally. Doesn't mean the table turned me on. It is a physical response. I'm sure if a butt ugly female tied you up and played with your dick you'd get hard.

Strap-ons, dildos and fists use your fucking imagination for one minute.

>I've never had sex or even seen a vagina IRL but let me tell you all about them
Jow Forums in a nutshell.

virgin nerds get off my board REE!

Why'd she rape you? What was it like? Do you still talk to her? Is she cute?

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>any sort of vagina
This expression was funny

Just because you physically are aroused by something on some level (enough to get a boner/get wet) doesn't mean you consent to it and want it to happen.

I don't know why she raped me. It was horrible. I hated every second. I do not talk to her. In fact I hate her.

>that pic
How far would he fly if she BRRRAAAAAAPPP'd?

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That's exactly what happens in the game. He literally disintegrates on the spot.

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Would that legally count as rape, or is that just sexual harassment from a legal perspective? Purely legally speaking, of course.

I saw a picture of a real vagina once.

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lack of sexual education the thread

PFFT i know all about the sex

whopsy duckie

It depends on if they raped him in his sleep or if he had sex willingly with them.

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Most? Seriously?

I'm guessing it's a defense mechanism against chaffing in case the woman is raped.

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Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when either...

put things forcefully on your anus is Rape you dumbass, have you ever seen someone say:This guy don't stop harassing me, he has put 3 dildos on my ass yesterday!...

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Well no, but I've also never heard a woman say that a guy put 3 dildos in her ass. Usually they just stick the penis in the vagina.

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lol.. or getting fucked feels good, plus the taboo aspect is a turn-on. doesn't mean they want it to happen or it's okay. but 'anti-chafing defense mechanism' sounds like bullshit to explain it away.

More like sexual arousal is a physical relfex like sneezing or yanking your hand away from burning sensations, and has no implications on intent or enjoyment.

Here's an interesting question, if the guy wants the rape to happen and likes it, but he never gives consent for the sex, was he still raped?

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men cannot be raped
only the penetrator is the rapist not the penetratee

Pretty sure that's not the case my friend, certainly not legally speaking.

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More importantly, has there ever been a case of a female raping an ADULT male and getting serious jail time for it?

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The only way a woman can orgasm is if she actually wanted the man to rape her as women cannot orgasm unless they like what you're doing to them because as we all know the vaginia cannot cum under situations of duress which the female doesn't enjoy. So is it safe to assume that as long as men make the woman cum they cannot be charged for rape.

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Feeding viagra
Preying on a child
Anal penetration

Body producing lube because it doesn't want you to rip up our insides doesn't mean we actually like it

Orgasm is also an outcome of nerve stimulation, which is basically just electrical conductance. It's a mechanical physiological response and doesn't involve psychological feeling besides the rush of feel-good chemicals that come AFTERWARDS. Doesn't mean you actually wanted it or enjoyed the experience

>It's a mechanical physiological response and doesn't involve psychological feeling besides the rush of feel-good chemicals that come AFTERWARDS.
Doesn't this technically mean that if you were to rape a man over and over, that classical conditioning would mandate that he eventually would come to enjoy it?

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That's fair, but then by that logic a man can just as easily be raped by a girl.

>Bitch never heard of a strap-on

dude if somebody knows how to touch your body you're going to get erect. It's not hard.

Nervous erections
Prostate stimulation