Any fembots from NY here?
Any fembots from NY here?
>no replies
Hmm I thought so
my fembot gf is from ny but I will not share her with you
Uh I'd hope not that'd be really weird
NY is a dead zone for fembots, we will be gfless forever
I find that hard to believe considering we are the fourth most populous state and the population is rather concentrated in one area. Compared even to California we should have an easier time.
for chads sure , women have even more the reason to expect the men to be more outgoing
im from bedstuy
Are you an Afro-amerrycan?
>try to get a white gf in NYC
>they only want to do the most boring of hobbies
>dye their hair anime shit colors
>shit liberal mentality
>obsessed with dogs to the point I know they fuck them
>would rather date a fucking minority
>conceited as fuck and won't even say hi when you greet them
This place was a mistake and needs to be nuked.
where is my nyc fembot gf REEEEEE (queens)
im sicilian, which may or may not be white depending on who you ask
Depends, many of my friends are sicilians. Most are pretty dark but some are pretty fair too. Would you be up to contact a guy from here?
NYC is the roastie capital. The women here are the living embodiment of the roastie meme.
As if we dont know that already...
>white in bedstuy
No way, are areas there finnally being gentrified or something? How does it feel living in negro central?
Bump, although it seems like we're fucked. So far one girl only.
new york women are ultra stacies , do you really expect them to browse this shithole?
Well you're right, but I'm hoping there is at least one that is not and browsing right now. I think your argument might win out though.
NYC is normie capital all around, even the "robots" posting here from NYC are normalfags.
Damn we really fucking suck but at the same time I dont know if I can leave
I'm planning to move this place is cramped, overpriced, and being average or below average is a death sentence here since women have plenty of chads to pick from
You arent in Manhattan enough i guess
if you are robot in this city you are destined to fail, if you aren't a failed normalfag i recommend getting out ASAP
I'm visiting this summer for a couple weeks.
Are you saying you would meet up with a guy with from here then?
let's hold her down when she visits and take turns sniffing whatever she just got done sitting on
Lmao, user you've gone off the deep end but okay
Did you just say GF?? Why the fuck are you here normie? LEAVE
They come here to spite us
Jews aren't white they don't consider themselves white
Jews are only in the upper east side
I'm kind of interested in seeing a robot irl. And they could probably show me some neat places. I've never been before and I've always wanted to visit. I'd love to see some not so touristy stuff.
Then again, it may not be a good idea.
Jews are white and vice versa when its to their advantage.
Ye. Queens here. Every Boy is a fucc boi
Years ago,I would meet up with a bunch of science fiction fans that knew each other from all the east coast conventions we would meet at. Every Thursday we would hang out in Washington Square Park,shoot the breeze for a few hours as people got out of work,and then we would go to dinner in small groups. A bunch of them were women,and some pretty good looking. All were at least interesting to talk to, and hook ups happened.
That was years ago,though. The park was closed for some years,and 9/11 turned the area into an economic wasteland that is only beginning to recover from. The nerd girls exist,somewhere. You just have to research where they are.
Can we chat over email or discord or something user? I'll admit Im looking for a gf
Sorry im taken. You wouldnt want a used goods roastie like me anyway. You can do better
wanna hop on the train and beat her up bro? could be fun
w-what did you mean by this, anonn?
Willing to join to beat up the roastie, bros
You say that but yet here i am gfless and you have a bf...
Im too drunk for that, also not jaded enough. I'll get there though
come meet us at washington square park tomorrow we're going to pelt you with roast beef sandwiches to cleanse you
Maybe the impractical jokers will be filming there too
Bedstuy has been getting gentrified for a while, at least 10 years
do you have any sort of contact information? you seem sort of nice, but i cant really promise anything
Are you the same user from before?
>tfw never make scammer neetbux with another robot in time square by intimidating tourists into accepting our cds
Bump again for the least robot state
Oh fuck we're doomed
Bump once more, but everyone is probably asleep
i'm bored OP come outside and let's hang out
I would but Im out of state
Nice trips dough
Irish/Italian Staten Islander male here. Been stuck here for 22 years now thanks mom and dad.
Do you have a sister? Wouldnt mind a patty/wop mix
nah sorry good luck getting laid
Lmao, same to you friend