Tfw have to settle for my own race

>tfw have to settle for my own race

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im hispanic and know that feel all too well. sure i can get a girl who doesnt even talk english or went to to highschool only at best, but we would never click

Idk I've never really felt attractions outside of my own race. Too bad the numbers show that black women are trash for the most part. Them having a net worth of about $5 isn't even shocking. But for the life of me I can't imagine dating outside of the race unless she's mixed.

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Nonwhites look like aliens to me. I don't even like hapas.

>Nobody wants to settle with me

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>tfw black girls come in two types: good and only interested in white guys or awful and only interested in hood niggas

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Your fault for being an educated lame.

Fucking this. Black femanons I know your here. Why must you forsake me?
I just want a qt smart black girl who likes anime and vidya, is that too hard to ask

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fuck off, you can get welfare and free money for literally simply existing

you ever encounter those black girls who do anything to distance themselves from the fact their black? I remember in high school this one light skinned girl with dreads who was really into rock tried her hardest not to be black almost like she'd have a heart attack if you told her


Not a race faggot

You mestizo virgins need to stop fucking that word for Spaniard Chads

I must have missed the memo.

There's this one weeby black girl I used to be friends with who tried SO HARD to pretend she was asian or white. it was pathetic.

Self hating black females are some of the saddest most pathetic people.

they're usually the first ones to speak out on black issues too lol. I like to classify them as "black when it's convenient for them"

There's got to be some middle ground between self-important "white men only" black girls and obnoxious "WE WUZ KANGS BLACK GIRL MAGIC" black girls but, god help me, I don't think I'll live long enough to see it.

They're basically what would happen if a middle class white girl were suddenly given the magical power to get even more unreasonably offended and self-victimising

This is a half Spaniard and half white mix. You're just jealous

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>he actually thinks hood niggers aren't lame as shit
Found the normalfaggot

Half Korean**** not white

>it's another tyrone thinks standing on the corner all day so he can represent is the epitome of life episode

i hate coons so much bruh

I don't like men so idk what you're trying to prove

Intellectual/successful black men are only educated lames until they decide to marry white women, at which point a horde of black girls rise up from god knows where and start claiming that they're being disloyal to their "black sisters"

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They still getting the pussy yall bookworms be crying for.

Oh, no shit? Last i checked they get sloppy seconds from white boys that got their shit together, homie.

I would help answer your question but I'm not a weeb and my parents were the "video games will rot your brain" type so I never really got into gaming.

>best features are the spanish ones
>he has squinty eyes though
if he was just Spanish he'd be a Chad, but those eyes ruin him.

>be me
>we are all educated
>meet many black girls in my college years
>most that have a brain would rather be the pump and dump of every white guy and the occasional (((lawyer))) than looking at anyone in their own race.

>the ones that don't have a brain, will fuck any tatted, unemployed, mixtape peddling, hip-hop dancing, drug selling, gun shooting, pant sagging, basketball playing thug absolutely free of charge.

Kinda pathetic. But I do take solace in the fact that most of the black women are dumb and often times spend all of their money and wealth in frivolous shit. Then they get old and nasty and teach their fatherless offspring to repeat the pattern all over again.

sucks but that's life

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That's a meme you retard you can get welfare whatever your race you do realise there are more whites on welfare

Idk black guys just kill my ladyboner. I feel nothing towards you and I think it's because I was almost raped by a black guy. Even the thought of kissing one fills me with disgust.

My opinion of blacks was only cemented by being redpilled on race.

Most black guys are not attracted to black women.
Black women are less attractive than women of other races so can't even be mad at you for that.
Most black women are abused/raped/murdered by black men

>tfw you find that one white girl you can vibe with and joke around about anything with even race

based becky

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Not all intelligent black men are "lame," just the dweeby socially autistic Kent-like ones who want to hide away from the world and who have a "I have given up on myself" look in their eyes. They're often CS majors.

I'm white I find this to be true desu. In fact my prom date was one of those good black girls that liked white guys.

>he actually went to prom
>he actually had a date to prom

Cool cool now get out roastie and get raped we don't need roasties on this board your types disgust us more than anyone females shouldn't be here go suck up to white robots who you think are pale and cute elsewhere

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Seriously though your pretty pathetic for trying to suck up to people on a board like this

oh no you need to fuck black women, you poor thing

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>post one of the more bleached blacks
>also implying that even a significant percentge are anything like that.
nah nigga, as has already been posted, black bitches are bottom of the barrel, and if they aren't they try to trade up.

It would be less annoying if good black girls only went for Chad tier white guys, but they will literally shack up with any moderately attractive white guy who gives them the time of day. It's infuriating watching the most mediocre white guys in the world having every black girl in the vicinity riding their dicks as they walk past.

Lel that's because the most mediocre white guys are still better than you

I've seen black women put up with white males that have zero qualms calling their own kids a mud babies. I don't know why either would put up with it. what did a white guy expect breeding with a black woman?

That's bad how? Stop ruining other races.

I'm not that's just literally how I feel.

I have other black friends who feel the same way. In fact I didn't feel this as strongly as I do now until hearing my friend explain why she doesn't (more or less the same reasons: bad experiences with black men, noticing that white men are on average better in every way, etc.)

why are you here? no one wants you here. begone

>actually gives a fuck about race mixing
user seriously if you believe the shiy that comes out your mouth your retarded

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do you like spanish guys?

You guys are retarded. If you are black like myself you should only look at black women as the lowest form of sexual release. Learn to distinguish what is really important.

Do you want your children to be stupid? Most blacks come from ancestors that had very little redeeming qualities (self-included, though something happened with me and my siblings).

If you are above room temperature iq you should be trading up.

>no black girls
>no "white" Hispanic low iq thots.
>no "white" girls if they are retarded

You should be aiming much higher than that. My last girlfriend was a biomedical engineer, ugly but bless her heart for letting me lose my v card.By most standards, very nerdy and awkward, white, loli levels of body development, but absolutely redeeming genes all things considered (family was in the medical profession).

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Blacks don't care about racemixing because they can't downgrade, asians don't care because there are many of them. Whites have neither.

i'm confused, i thought all women, especially white women, were falling at their knees in front of you for the BBC?

Roastie fuck off your just another annoying female trying to get attention with your fake anxiety from a 'cute pale shy lanky guy' but that's never gonna happen so go suck up elsewhere bitch and leave this place

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Oh boy lads we got another autist on our hands

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That's a meme propagated by miscegenation propaganda in the media. I live in a liberal part of the U.S. Whenever I'm out, White women remain interested in White men and White men only.

>black girls only like Tyrone and other races
>black men are seen as unattractive by everyone
>escorts actively refuse black men
>not even fembots like you
Sex is literally, UNDENIABLY impossible if you're a black autist. White people have NO excuses.
That's a porn meme.


>getting attention from whites
In a thread by blacks specifically replying to a question directed about black women and why we don't want black men


And the poster above feels exactly the same way. Forget about black people. It's a lost cause.

Yea, but whites are 65% of population and blacks are 13%

Aren't those just lies white guys tell each other to get a rise out of their fellow white man? I'm confident in saying that bmwf is mostly pushed by white men to piss off other white men. White women aren't into race mixing as much as you guys and the media likes to declare.

>tfw never really attracted to white or Asian girls
>Asked out many black girls irl and too many online
>None ever reciprocated my feelings
>Always had white girls being interested
>Friendzone them
>Get to college and say fuck it
>Start dating a cute half-jap half columbian girl
>All the black girls back home start talking shit
>Literally the same ones that said I was corny and lame

We are getting shitted on by white robots and black thotbots.

Anyone has a discord for blackbots?

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Knew a biracial that never told anyone she was half black, everyone thought she was Italian and her bf would always make racist jokes about black people

This is a white man pretending to be a black woman

How is that a bad thing? Black couples are pretty cute.

You're just like a Stacy shouting virgin because you don't know what to say.

>Ahh yes lets try do the level 100 ultimate suck up
Forget about race, females just ruin this board seriously it's easy to see through this shit

And your like chad shouting his egotistical bullshit about being yourself

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Ok. Same happens to us though... At school black guys never dated the black girls except light skinned ones and said I was too dark, not "soft" like white girls, and that "snowbunnies" were the best. They made me feel like shit out myself constantly

Then I grew up and white chads wanted to date me because all the things black guys said made me ugly is their fetish. So why would I ever go back?

Just continue dating the better non-black women, I dont see why this is such a problem? Be happy you can get with superior girls. More girls want the "BBC meme" than valid men who want black girls anyway.

You wish

Just created it. Come vent. I will listen.

discord 5hW67FA

bless you man.
your daughters are pretty.

Black robots you have one choice.

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regression to the mean gonna fuck you up man

what if my IQ is 115, should i reproduce with a jap or something to rectify it?

Can't speak for other black grills but this is what I've noticed
>100% of black nerds are too autistic to look at you for more than three seconds
>99% of other non-whites don't want to associate with you and the more "white-acting" they are the more likely it is they see you as a downgrade
>95% of white guys don't like black girls or only like the really mixed ones
>4% of white guys are attracted to not-so-mixed black girls but have meme reasons for this (want someone "exciting"/into raceplay/want a nubian goddess/etc)
>1% of white guys (usually nu-male redditor types) actually judge you as an individual and don't mind talking to you as a regular person

This is true
You forgot about Tyrone who either wants to add you to a growing collection of "baby mamas" as though you would find that an achievement or a BT-100 while he drags his knuckles muttering "where da white wimmin at"

You'd be surprised how many cool, successful white guys will be into you if you're very submissive, an Oreo, put effort into your appearance, and feed their egos though.

so you've broken down what kind of white guys are into/possibly into black women, but what about the other way? what kind of black women are into white men, genuinely curious

No one cares, everyone uses it to mean spic no matter how asshurt that makes you or Jow Forumsniggers

That's what racemixing does. Keep posting those BLACKED threads on Jow Forums, we know what the truth is.
If we kept to our own you wouldn't be having this problem.

the fucking delusion of blackbots

Your the only delusional person here you actually believe that bullshit you can smell more than a Mexican

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i see you in every black bot thread. Just get a white dude and fuck off

>tfw got a blacks-only full scholarship to the University of Pittsburgh
>just finished paying off my $20k in loans (for books and dorms) literally yesterday, after less than a year at my first job ($59k)
It's good to be a nigger.

>less than a year at my first job
Whoops, typo. Meant to say "less than a year and a half".

>smart black

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>tfw lost my chance to several young glasses wearing white girls in hs

All I had to do was talk back...

it's not fair bros

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>only women who talk to me are literal chinese fobs
>don't even try to talk to them, they come to me and shoot the shit even if I don't know them
I don't know what it means, but white and black girls seem to hate me so I'll take it

Fake fukin news. There are plenty who are perfectly fine people just shy and not used to romantic relationships. You just want Chad admit it.

>spending all that time trying to make your self somewhat presentable just so you can be thrown away one he wants to start a family
No self respecting man would put up with a self hating suck up roastie

I want to talk about this though.

I don't have anywhere else to talk about my feelings on race. Blacks would flay me alive for voicing my sentiments (and In fact edgy black youtubers have made their threats).

I would actually love to find some REFUTATION of the points I'm making because it's very depressing to know you are an inferior being. But I haven't found any yet.

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>shy and not used to romantic relationships
Those guys are usually terrified of black women and simply looking at one will give them PTSD flashbacks of being picked on by Shaniqua in high school.

Wow thats fucked up well done

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There are qt black girls lurking this thread RIGHT NOW

Yet each and everyone of them would never fuck with their own

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>Those guys are usually terrified of black women

not surprised, black women seem pretty unapproachable a lot of the time

>Spaniard Chads
You're a swarthy brown-skinned manlet. "Hispanic" or "spic" for short is a perfectly acceptable phrase you literal mutt

As a black nerd, this is pretty much the long and short of it. School days spent being verbally lambasted by Le-dash-a have basically ruined black women for me as a concept, and they've done nothing to dispel my perception of them as loud, ignorant ogres with too much to say about nothing at all.

kek niggers on suicide watch
u mad black boi?

>> 4% of white guys are attracted to not-so-mixed black girls but have meme reasons for this (want someone "exciting"/into raceplay/want a nubian goddess/etc)

can a fembot explain why this is a negative?? what the fuck is wrong if a guy is into you because you are his fetish? why isn't it a positive that he's attracted to you?

do you want to date a guy who thinks you're ugly?? do you want whoever you date to not be sexually satisfied? wht the fuck!

stop being a bitch cunt prude and get a man whose balls you can empty

if i could fit into a girls niche fetish i would be ecstatic

it makes you feel like a whore when someone wants you for nothing but your body. women are even more sensitive to that so it makes sense how they would notice it more, but men have it too. i know of black dudes same age as me being annoyed at white girls coming at them because they fell for the bbc meme. it's generally annoying how people treat you when they're in that state.

I don't get this either. Especially since it's unlikely a guy will like me because nappy hair, dark skin, etc. are pretty unattractive

Him having a fetish just makes me not as worried he's going to leave the second he sees me without straightened hair.

The only potential problem is that a guy doesn't actually like you he just likes this stereotype, and if you do anything outside the stereotype he'll ditch you for the girl who fits the stereotype and nothing about you as a person was actually attractive to him.

Again idc about that. But girls with higher self esteem than I have want to be loved and respected and bullshit.

>fetish is be my nigger slave
>wtf why don't girls like this

did you know that you can have a relationship with someone besides being just sexually attracted to them

i guess i should categorically only try to start relationships with girls who i think are ugly so that i don't accidentally objectify them

Think again, aint no black girl want yo stankass no more. We finna get us a white husband.

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Yeah but the fetish thing extends into personal life as well. Like he may expect you to be a literal Shaniqua (which I'm not) and be disappointed when you don't want to watch Tyler Perry movies and listen to Chief Keef with him.

Keep on trying again and again, user

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