Frogs and Feels Tavern

Frogs and Feels Tavern

How are you all doing tonight fellow robots? These passed few weeks have been really weird for me so I thought it was fitting that I drink my sorrows away but I wanted you all to join me if you wanted to. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing with my life and I feel like I'm going nowhere. Anyways, tonight we have a special on imported beers so drink up!

Currently on the jukebox:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Its my senior prom and Im not going. Completely my own decision but I still feel like shit about it. Cant smoke my feelings away because I need to get a new job very soon, parents are getting very mad about my lack of job and me just sitting in my room even though I have plenty saved up from my previous wagecuckery. Just wanna die right now

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Hey bartender, could I get a jack and coke? Might not pass my first year of uni, and I'm so close, like .3 gpa away from passing it looks like. I don't know for sure yet but it's a good 50/50 chance and I'm really scared.

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No problem my dude and this one's on the house. You can do it but it's up to you to finish strong

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Hey user
Didn't go to senior prom. After a couple months no one will ever give a shit about prom.

Thanks bartender, after this I'm gonna finish my final paper for the year. I pray it'll boost me to a pass. Wish me luck

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You got this dude. Just keep at it and you'll pass no problem

Can I just get a club soda and lime? I have a huge fucking hangover. Last night was my room mates birthday party, my first and probably only college party since I'm a senior graduating in June. He's in Forestry, which is the roughest, rowdiest major around, so all his Forestry buddies came out and partied hard. Talked to a qt who left around 11, then another girl straight up told me that it seemed like she was super into me, she used the phrase, "wet for you." made me feel real good, too bad I'm such a social retard. Anyways, I got super trashed and passed out around 5 AM, so it's recovery day.

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Damn I'm sorry for you but don't sweat it. We're all autistic retards here so don't take it personally

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Hey bartender, can i get a whiskey on the rocks?
These past few weeks have been the most uncertain and formative of my life. I've finally realized what i want to do in my life, which is make music, and have been learning guitar and coming along well on it, and am going to start a band with my brothers. I was seeing this girl but i realized i just can't stand her and we don't work out so i stopped talking to her, and there are times when i want to go back to her because the thought of being alone kills me, but i know that she's not right for me and that keeps me from doing it.

I'm happy for you and your band user. It took me three years to realize that History of all things was my passion. Now I'm pursuing it with a concentration in Nationalism and plan to go to graduate school and hopefully earn my doctorate's. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm happy

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thanks man, that's great!
good luck with all your future endeavors with that.

Whiskey sour for me, barkeep. Finally transitioned from NEETdom to the wagie life last week. Unsure if I want to keep going because I miss having time to myself to do whatever I please. What do?

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Were you happy in the neet life and living on your own? Be a wagecuck is still commendable when you learn a sense of independence but I don't know your situation. Hope all is well my dude

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anyone remember that bartender that had some of terminal illness? was that legit? that guy must be dead by now if it was true

Barkeep here. He unfortunately passed away but we live on in his image

My cousin is getting married next month, and I learned today that he's having his bachelor party.
The problem is my dad, me and my brother wasn't invited. This weren't because they forgot about us, but I heard from my grandpa they didn't invite us on purpose. Now this wouldn't be too much of a problem, but my cousins fiancee invited my mother, my aunt and my cousin who's 3 years younger than me.
I feel really disappointed, and angry, but mostly disappointed with some family members right now, and I guess I'm just trying to quench the pain with alcohol.

Barkeep can I get a rum and coke? I don't know what the fuck I'm doing with my life either, so you aren't alone. I'm in college doing engineering. Ive got above a 3.0 (out of 4) gpa but I feel like I screwed up.
I think I should've gone to trade school, Id be done right now, working and earning money. I'm not even sure I'm interested in civil engineering now, but I'm in year 3 and have blown a ton of time and money on this. On top of this, I cant get an internship, I always seem to fuck up any interviews I manage to get.
And its too late to pull out of school and do a trade, I have to finish and earn a lot (which means some form of engineering) to pay off my loans (gonna be around a 100,000 grand at least).
I honestly don't know what to do, and I keep going from being on the razor's edge of sanity to being down. The other night I was walking around my apartment laughing and talking to myself about how shit everything is.

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Honestly user, if he's gonna be an asshole about it and not invite either of you, just go do something with your dad when its going on. You might enjoy that more anyway, your dad likely will

I'll take whiskey, no ice.
I'm pretty much stuck in an endless loop, like my days never change, I stopped taking happy pills for a bit and things have quicly gone downhill, rendering me useless without them.
Mys suicidal thoughts have decreased so that's a good thing, I'm going to try change things up a bit, might finally shave my disgusting balding head next week, I'm also thinking about getting a dog to add some sort of purpose and responsability to my otherwise pathetic, empty and lonely life. I'm just really trying to find a way to keep going at this point, because I know that if I don't at least get job by the end of the year, then it's over, I'm tired of being a NEET, spending my days rotting away, I thought I was sronger, or maybe it was some superiority complex, that I thought I didn't need human connection or contact, but after 3 years of being NEET, I'm more miserable than I ever was, that is why I'm trying to change.

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I only learned about this afternoon, I visited my parents at 4pm and was there until 9pm.
It's almost 3am right now, and me and my dad don't really have a lot in common, we both like a good drink but that's mainly it.
As cliche as it sounds I'd like to go fishing with the old man again though, but that'll have to be another day

>see a different shrink to try and get happy pills
>shrink doesnt think im an autist
>uses a random online quiz
>score way over threshold on quiz
>"i dont agree with that"
>"you weren't troubled by me going outside or watching so you dont have a problem with routines"
>have to do an online SAD test
>rate your anxiety when dancing in a dimly lit nightclub
>still no happy pills

barkeep just pass the bottle

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How come I can give advice to other people but not follow it myself? I understand a lot of stuff and can solve a lot of problems, but not my own. How do I become better? How do I apply my ideas to my own life? I guess my feel for tonight is a combination of disappointment and depression

Pic related was just last night. Context is that he's 18 and she's still seventeen and it's illegal for them do do anything but he still wants to

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There's this 7/10 qt in my math class that Ive been trying to get close to.

So far the responses im getting are pretty positive and she always compliments me.

This might turn out well for me, if not at least I have another decent friend I guess.

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Man, I'm glad to see this. I was worried Jow Forums stopped doing this. A week or so ago my brother invited me out to bars and it was the most fun I've had in years. I just love the feeling of going to a bar, drinking, and the night goes along as you get more drunk and see people

I never feel this. I am always alone. I want that feeling again, of going to a bar and talking to people and revealing things about myself. I'm so sad and lonely. Please bartender just get me a rum and coke. I want to feel social but I never can. I'm so sad.

The semester is coming to a close soon so you should ask her out on a proper date if you're interested

Yeah I skipped prom and graduation and I don't regret it at all

These threads are too few and far between but sometimes we get a really solid thread going. Hope you're doing well friendo

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I stole a very expensive laptop and some money yesterday from an office and I'm death scared that some unnoticed camera caught me.
Im also entering the pickpocket world and feel nervous all the day, I want to leave all this.
Needed to get it out lf my chest..

My mom keeps joining pyramid schemes and wasting retarded amounts of money on them. She has a good salary but was over $10000 in cc debt. She also buys the stupidest shit from other middle aged women in other pyramid schemes. Food, makeup, scented shit, you name it.

You would think these people are smart enough to know otherwise but nooo, just gotta be fucking retarded

I got a shitty wagecuck job washing dishes after being unemployed for 5 months. Now I can pay my mom back a bunch of money I owe her, buy some stuff I want to (better) grow shrooms, have a source for weed, and have money to progress professionally in life by making some websites for experience and my portfolio. It really sucks but I just need to stick with it so I can get what I want. I just finished my first week. I'm not where I want to be in life, especially at 34, but things are looking up.

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That you Nameless?

Haven't done shit in two weeks. Was doing really well with everything that I had going on, but a university buddy came back for a few months and my social life has trumped everything I would rather be doing. It's good though.
Already had a beer when I opened the thread.

FUCK I AM SO DEPRESSED. i am soo lonely. will anything fill this pain...anything at all? I HATE MY IFE. i just want fun drunker nights with girls and friends in apartments those moments of revelation..i will never life this is my story

Hey, stick around friendo.
Weather's really taking a toll on my city, going to be housebound all of tomorrow. I could use the time to get to my reading and writing and jobsearch things.
How does a Sunday morning/afternoon coffee thread sound?

It's real hard to separate yourself from your life. No matter how hard we try, we'll always see other people's lives in third person and our own in first.
It's always easier to talk the talk so to speak. Just knowing what to do isn't always enough, you know?

Knowing you don't follow your own advice is good though.
Find where you go wrong taking your own advice and work on those aspects of yourself.
Try taking a step outside of your life and looking in at it, see if that helps.

Can confirm.
I went bowling with a Jehova's Witness friend of mine and some other girl that she knew whom I hadn't met before. the three of us caught a movie and some icecream after, just having a good time with good people was far better than hanging around with a bunch of horny drunkards I didn't talk to anyway.

Nobody cares about Prom after it happens. Just enjoy your night man, those people don't mean anything to you anyway.

Fucking RIP, man. Thanks to whomever for keeping these going.

Barkeep, get me a bottle of everclear. My life is falling apart and alcohol is the only thing holding it together.

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>Fucking 6AM
>Work starts at 7AM
>Until 7PM
>Get home at 8:30PM
>Repeat for 6 days

It's not supposed to be permanent but I still want to fucking die.

Here's to that guy.
May we have many a thread in his honour.

Odd choice but no problem user. What makes you want to forget everything?

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I'm a incel faggot even though I'm not even that bad looking. It seems that I'm just socially retarded enough to scare off any chance for a mate.

I want to go get some wine tonight and I read that Pinot Noir is the most healthy. Is it good tasting anons? I'm a noob at wine

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It's supposed to be easy drinking but it's very bitter for my taste, less bitter than most wines though. It has hints of dark cherries.

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I drove a friend of mine to the LCBO today to grab a bottle of pinot noir. It's pretty much all he's had and apparently it was good enough to hook him on the idea of wine.

Wine isn't very expensive anyway, you can always try more things.

Beer. Whatevers on the tap
I just wonder if my feelings and goals are a fantasy. I love him so much and it hurts. I want to talk to him but I just cant, literally

Whiskey and coke

Bombed an exam this week, for Aerospace Structures 2. Had to pass it, and I'm sure I didn't get higher than a 30.

I got a 95 on an aerodynamics 2 exam and a callback from an internship though. I just get so caught up on the losses life hands me. I can't keep taking hits like these

Remember that part of the college experience is learning to deal with failures and too much work.

One bad course ain't that bad user.
A callback from an internship is already better than most people going to post secondary these days. I don't know anyone who's really going through with it and having a good time.

Let me get a shiraz.

Thanks for being around, tendy. I don't really have much on my mind, but I'm happy that you're always around to offer support to bots when they need it. Hope your night's going comfy.

Last time I've had a genuine conversation on Jow Forums was like 3 years ago.
I'm not giving up as I've got no other place to post in

Do you serve people under 21?

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Hey bartender, can I get a bottle of Fireball and a lemonade?
I've been thinking about how close we may be to WWIII, and how my dream life doesn't line up to be capable with this time period and I just need something to help.

No. Mein user

Service in this bar is shit. I'll go over to /b/ and see if I can find a better bar.

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Just downed 6 vodka shots in 40 mins. Feels good but it will kick in hard. Grad school is too demanding. Just spent all day on 4chins and watching YouTube wrestling even though final projects are due soon. Oh well, at least I have a bachelors

Sounds like a superb night user.

The last time I had a genuine smile was on February 10 I believe

if we're in Germany then yes, yes you do

More repeating digits for the day. Cool

A little sad. Not gonna lie o.p. been a rough few days

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One club soda please. I need to Stop Drinking desperately.

I can feel my body getting used to drinking. It's making me unhappy, I'm not sleeping, I'm eating like shit, and my guts are constantly churning. I wake up hungover every day. I feel like I can't escape it because so much of drinking is social. Help.

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Hey bartender, let me get a Guiness black draught.
I got a new job as a school janitor Mr. Bartender, and next year I'm going to university to study accounting. Trouble is, I don't really want to be an accountant. I want to be a musician, but that shit doesn't exactly pay the bills reliably. What I'm really hoping for out of university is to make some friends who will start a garage rock band or something, any band I guess. Metal, punk, emo, math rock, post-punk, hardcore, post-hardcore, prog rock, blues rock, ska, jazz, whatever man I'll play anything as long as I don't have to do some boring as shit accounting. Garage rock is just one of my favorite genres, but I have a lot of favorite genres so...
Thanks for listening to me drone on here bartender.

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Hey, vent as much as you like man.
You want it that bad you'll find a way to make it work.
Maybe you'll have to grind through the accounting bullshit for a while, do music on the side. Whatever it is, you work for it and you'll get it.

Would you mind if I played something?
It won't take too long...

I've been doing online dating for three years, and I have yet to get a message back from a single person. I've exhausted the lists of people in my area on all of the major dating sites. It's hopeless. I've more or less resigned myself to dying alone at this point.

I know this feeling all too well, user. Did you get to the point you were messaging people hundreds of kilometers away, too?

The farthest away I messaged people was about 300 miles.

Going on a 3rd date tomorrow lads, and I know she wants me to kiss her. I've literally never kissed anyone ever, and I'm really nervous I'm gonna fuck it up

I'll take an Old Fashioned, to soothe the nerves

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Barkeep here. My situation is different but I dated an Italian girl last summer who was an au pair in my country. We still talk to this day despite her returning home last August I still love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her. Feelsbadman

Hey bar man. I know that feeling. I dont have a passion for history, but I'm currently finishing my masters in museum studies. Similar shit show for jobs. I'll have a glass of your strongest non-fortified wine

Barkeep, can I get some hot tea? I know Jow Forums isn't exactly the best place, but I'm in hs, pretty much a robot if I don't change fast, and I have a oneitis. Basically any basic relationship advice would help immensely. Thanks in advance.

I think nameless does cafe threads instead of bar threads

Coolest person that I've ever met, enjoys my degenerate fetishes, is in my same situation where almost no one can relate, lives on the other side of the country. We stay up and talk for hours until either of us passes out. I don't think they see me as a love interest in the first place so w/e.

Spiced rum and oj pls

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I'm not sure what makes me get up in the morning anymore. I have every reason to be happy but I'm not. I even have a decent job and an education. I think the realization that I will die in my 80's, cold and alone, has finally broken me.

Give me whatever you think is best.

This is true. The workload is something that high school never prepared me for

It's not concrete. I interviewwed with them friday, we'll see what happens. I've lowered my expectations in advance. It's best not to get my hopes up in regards to these things.

Barkeep here. I don't know what I plan to do with the rest of my life but I wish you luck I figuring it out. There are so many paths to pursue that anything is plausible

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Sorry I don't share that same feel but I hope you connect with that user. He seems like a swell guy that understands where you're coming from

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I'll have some vodka or anything else strong enough to knock me out.
>be me
>do one little thing wrong
>parents throw a huge fit over it
>be my stacy sister
>have no direction in life and do whatever she wants
>parents dont care, never get mad at her and treat her miles better than me
Anyone else relate to these feels? i would move out and finish school since I have a year left, but I have almost no money left in my bank account after my parents used like the last $5000 I had. I dont even care about shit anymore either I just want to get in a car and drive far away from here and end it all. I dont know how to be happy maybe death is the answer.

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I'll take a shot of Jameson .Wandering life not knowing what to do. I've wasted so many fucking years in college and I'm still not done. I feel like I will be a minimum wageslave forever. I'm getting too old to be working with all these retarded ass high school kids. Whenever I see someone I went to high school with, I just feel like a loser. They're all getting married, having kids and working great jobs while I'm stressing out and constantly worrying about life. I want to end it but I can't do that to my family. I'm trying to push through the pain, but holy fuck its hard.

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What I tell myself about things like that is that life isn't a competitive game. It doesn't matter what strangers think until you decide that it does. How successful the people who happen to be/ to have been around you has nothing to do with you.

I don't care who around me does what, or if they're better/worse than I am at it. I just do me, and as long as I'm comfortable in the tiny bubble of me, life is alright.

Mate, it could be way worse. You could have your date during prom dance with one of her girl friends for the last dance while you watch on like a fucking moron. And make a mixtape for said date.

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Thanks anons, I got some Pinot Noir at the grocery store and it's pretty good. It kind of tastes like nothing almost but it feels nice on your tongue, smells nice, and tastes like some sort of smooth... something or other. Overall good but I wish it had more flavor