Which Jow Forums waifu do you prefer, user?

Which Jow Forums waifu do you prefer, user?

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I pick Reiko, he was there for us when no one else was and now he is being attacked by the Jow Forumstards

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I need some Kelly in my life, also crossing my fingers for Katya.

I'm a lucky son of a gun.

The Natalie girl is cute as fuck. She seems like she'd be mentally unstable though, so I might pass.

i prefer a /jp/ waifu desu

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replace one of them with kensya pigeon girl.

But which one should be replaced? I think they're all more relevant than pigeon girl.

i dont know i am happy that i got ciara.

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The brown eyed pale brunette.
>which one?
Any of them but Cryspi, she ain't white.

Crispy's the cutest out of all of them

Fuck off Reiko you cancerous shitbag. Jow Forums is here to cleanse Jow Forums of your crap.

None of them are traps, retard.

Agatha she is so cutesy and adorable!!! I want to hug her and play with her curly hair.

Have you seen the videos she's done with her girlfriend? Her Instagram pics are all "perfected" lies.

>ask for any brown eyed brunette
>get fucking Rose

No. People with racial fetishes have fetishes. I am not into her Jihad looking thyroid disorder ass.

Crispicus ez. The videos just made me like her more.

Sunny please come back, an inactive waifu is not satisfyingly worshipable

She got arrested user.

Check the archives.

Sexting will do that to you unless you're rich like Ciara.

sorry, robots don't have waifs (unless they are pillows of course)

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Dont fall for this shit, it was made by some whores on tumblr to laugh at how desperate youse guys are for human contact. Robots, dont continue to be the laughingstock of the internet.

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half of them look like shit with no makeup, and the other half have it caked on their faces

I dont really keep up with these girls, but Miru looks nice and genuine, like someone I'd actually like to talk to.

it's really sad """fembots""" hit the wall at 20

Idiot robots have always had waifus. Expectin us to be taken more seriously if we only fawn over fake two-d waifus is fucking ridiculous of you.

Envious false flagger.

I think she was just saying that her greatest accomplishment was being included on the chart, not that she made it herself.

why don't you get some adults, no wonder you are an incel

Because men only are to go with women as experienced or less than them user.

kelly or katya pls

Did natalie delete her instagram?

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i'm still looking for ciara's nudes

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>No marky
>no erica
>has agatha
>has natalie

Absolute shit pic OP.

just google her name then nude you retard

Does anyone else think this image is fucked up? It goes 1-10 and also has dubs and trips. But what happens if you roll a 20,30,40,50 etc...

too many waifus have come and gone yet rose still on the chart.

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lets rollem boyyyys, (cmon rose pls)

Can you link the thread? Idky archived moe and desu give me error whenever i try to use the search bar

they all look exactly the same. rolling for kelly or anzu if they're even actually girls with actual vaginos. actually no they definitely don't have pussies now that i look at them. rolling for miru i guess, but maybe she's a dude too. fuck every girl i see is a trap what have i become?

make your own chart then. marky and erica are irrelevant now.

Pretty sure Agatha's a Jew.

Rolling for dubs frens

please not hairy jew girl

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so is rose, agatha, and natalie

hell I dont even know who katya is

that's a fucking mine field of dicks. pretty sure there's only a couple of girls(female) there

the answer is kennedi, i'm not even here to roll

posting a rare ken

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Cmon kennedi's just an average autistic shy art hoe

Anyone got a quick rundown on Rose? I don't see her much, how did she end up here?

>none of them like black guys
Ciara does, even have pics of her exposing herself to a black guy on omegle

yeah she's kind of a retard but she's still my fav. pretty sure she's a commie, too. oh well, what can ya do?

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what is this anime? original post

fuck yes i also got the best girl

I must rollio

muffy is originally the bestgirl

none of them are girls they all hve dick

I got to roll

Obsessed loner posts photo of girl he saw on social media. Same story for all photos you see.

not many people can say they have had a harem but he can, he lived the dream

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