Why are female nerds always SJWs?
Why are female nerds always SJWs?
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Their moms probably taught them or they wanna be special. It just takes appealing to reason for them to quit.
because female are all SJWs
How to get attention:
1) demand it
2) be near someone inclined to give it if demanded
>"Why aren't the ladies cool with me hating them?"
Who knows
>hating sjws means you hate all women
Epic meme, dude
They surround themselves with weak willed beta males. Without someone to criticize them, opinions get more and more crazy. Being the only woman in the group, it starts as "women are just as good" then "touching my shoulder is sexual assault" and then it finally gets to "ugly men even looking at me is literally rape". If she were around normal people, she would only get to the second point at most before someone called her out on it.
It's very complex, but two things lie at the heart of the female proclivity for social justice. The first is an intense ingroup female preference. The second is the important of securing a reliable stipend for any offspring they have.
If you are a female and not a SJW than you are pretty much a female uncle tom.
They identified with lisa simpson growing up
>t.extremist retard
being anti-feminist kinda implies you want certain restrictions imposed on women but not men, yeah
Being feminist kinda implies you want certain restrictions imposed on men but not on women, yeah
No it really doesn't. That's like saying being for racial equality means you want whites to suffer as much racism. It's typical right wing retard nonsense.
It literally doesnt, dumbass. And even if it did, wanting to place some restrictions on women isnt the same thing as hating women.
Nerds have a hard time socializing and therefore hate the opposite gender. Also prone to over analyzing which means falling for lots of bullshit ideaology. Pretty much the same reason we mostly dislike women
now we're getting somewhere
>I don't hate you I just don't want you to have the same rights as me
again believing shit like this and then wondering why women are "SJW" is fucking retarded. they're not the ones being illogical, it's you who are out of touch.
Men and women are not the same. I do not hate women but some unequal restrictions need to be placed on BOTH genders to keep society functioning normally. Explain to me how that makes me an evil misogynist, soyboy
Feminists serve female interest, it's right there in the name. Case by case, they may be able to frame this as being a matter of equality, but looking at how they pick their battles and prioritize them, the underlying motivations are clear as day.
And that means you hate them? Do people hate children because we don't let them drive cars?
>out of touch
I'm glad your ideology is trendy and mainstream, user.
You already did that yourself. What even is the point of arguing past this? You're not gonna be happy with any of the answers given. The point is you are a retard and people don't like retards who think they know what's best for everyone.
same answer
>Mfw feminism used to be for white females only
Bunch of racists if you ask me
Your answer isn't good enough.
Mfw sjw's only want muslims and blackies. How the fuck is bean boy like me suposed to get a white gf now?
>Mfw feminism used to be for white females only
You mean (((white))) females.
This is why female nerds are feminist. They're intelligent and logical and don't want their dreams restricted. It makes them angry if a low intelligence man has more opportunities than them if society turned anti feminist.
How is it not?
>why are women SJW
>why are women working for their own best interests?
what answer would be sufficient?
Oh shit you right!
Fuckin Amerimutts
For men being an outsider means building something to call your own, for women it means reestablishing a herd mind.
Feminists are one of two things
>attention whores
>ugly girls who couldn't get chad
Honestly they're just as bad as the neckbeards who are ass mad because stacy didn't wanna fug them
> It makes them angry if a low intelligence man has more opportunities than them
Only if they've been fed egalitarian propaganda their whole life. Different genders serve different purposes. There are no such thing as rights, only social roles.
>Jay poster is a complete faggot
what a suprise
I have Asperger's user. I don't care about social roles.
>dumbfuck Jow Forumstards assmad because their circlejerk didn't go as planned
>what answer would be sufficient?
Women are SJWs because of Jewish infiltration of media and higher education.
Who are you quoting
Stop shilling for extreme feminism. If anything women have more benefits than men including but not limited to... Reduced prison sentences, Calling "rape" once and instantly ending the social life of a man even if said claim was untrue infinite support groups, and most importantly of all an army of male orbiters who do everything they say. If you ask me females in America have it made, which makes you wonder why they would support stuff like Burkas and other Muslim traditions when those traditions restrict women, instead they scream misogyny if a man gets paid 0.001 cents more on the dollar than them and completely ignore issues like the middle east or other third world countries were women are actually treated like animals.
t. black male (can't touch me now)
brainless fucking faggot
>I'm blind, user. I don't care about traffic.
You may not care about social roles, but social roles care about YOU.
no such thing
>brainless fucking faggot
Where's the lie?
Male nerds are too.
I fucking HATE this nu-geek shit. It was not like this in the 2000s when I was in high school. Every nerd who considers himself a "male feminist" or gets upset at "toxic" language should immediately fuck off and die.
You deserve a (you)
Good post
Social roles are illogical in cases where your talent isn't stereotypical for your gender or when your husband gets sick
>autistic sperglord sad the world left him behind and turned bitter and resentful
self reflection is need methins
They only shill for Muslims and blackie. They still want white Chad.
Doesn't matter if they're illogical, they work. It's cute that you think you can second-guess millions of years of evolution, like you know better.
Women are leftists by default. Give them a little bit of knowledge about feminism and the like and they will become SJWs.
Only those who are very smart or have grown with strong family values can avoid that trap.
>that projection
why are you here?
im anti mra aswell does that mean i hate all men too? or is there a double standard
It doesn't work for everyone. Also I think it's cute you think you understand my neurology. Averages are just averages. Laws you want are artificial and against natural selection. If my brain tells me to act male or act female it's natural.
to remind you faggots you need to go back to Jow Forums
and to piss you off as much as possible
No, it means you're a stupid centrist fuck. Your opinions are bookended by the red man and the blue man on TV.
>It doesn't work for everyone
So what? You get to break the game everyone else is playing because you can't figure it out? Fuck off.
Yes. If I'm going to be criticized for everything I may as well break the rules.
>feigning outrage
>pretending it's him/her trying to go against the grain and not you
right wing SJW's are dumbfucks
>if you're not a radical ideologue then you're stupid
whatever you say (((user)))
Then don't be surprised when the rules come back and break you.
What grain? There are no social roles anymore, that's the problem.
>There are no social roles anymore, that's the problem.
It's a problem to a minority of people. The majority is fine with it and people are adjusting to a more progressive world.
Therefore what you said
>You get to break the game everyone else is playing because you can't figure it out
is wrong.
People will target me no matter what I do. Why should I logically want to sabatoge my opportunities?
I'm married with a pregnant wife you massive enormous homosexual. This generation is nothing but women and men who think they're women. When I was a kid playing online or LAN we would trash talk each other and had a good ol' time male bonding and friendly competition. You couldn't get banned for saying "ur a faget" in Starcraft or WoW or Counterstrike, nobody cared at all. Unlike in games like Overwatch or League of Soylent that attract females and numales. Your generation are all sissies. I wonder if jocks are even allowed to trash talk in sports/gym or if they get their soy protein shakes taken and a mandatory sissy hypno viewing as punishment before heading to Common Core class to learn how bad it is to be a cis white male.
Who cares? You're defective. Your posts are like a dog barking; no substance.
That's even sadder. You're a grown man hanging out with a bunch of underages screaming soy and wanting to troll video games. Get a grip ya daft bastard.
Never use Jay for such a faggy post ever again you dimwit. His soul is pure.
Jow Forums can stay, they're a lot more fun than fags.
it's fun to argue with the retards but I can do that on Jow Forums without them being here
remove the filth they always say the same shit anyway and are shitting up Jow Forums
If people see me as defective why should I give a damn about what they want me to do?
this dumb cuck literally made a thread on Jow Forums and then 10 minutes later on Jow Forums
I didn't make a thread on Jow Forums, haven't been there for a while. Someone must've reposted my thread over there.
fixed link
why would someone repost that fucking thread?
Oh what, that ain't mine.
Why are you complaining about a thread in another thread? Take it up with /qa/
I don't troll anymore or even play very often, it's the principle of being unable to trash talk that annoys me. Someone should be able to call me a nigger and I should be able to call him a little shit without us both getting banned. It's all so tiresome. There's no fun if you have some recess teacher putting you in time out for banter to appease the sissies and females. Again, it's why your generation are effeminate crossdressers and trannies and beta males. You're not ALLOWED by society to exhibit masculine behavior and are punished for it. Do you see why this is wrong?
Single motherhood epidemic isn't helping you either.
Gotta give you credit for actually sticking with Jow Forums-style filenames and not trash you dragged off of Tumblr/Reddit/Facebook/whatever dumpster fire you came from.
based (You) harvester
No you fags are shitting up Jow Forums and have been for years, I welcome a Jow Forums reign after the /lgbt/ dynasty.
it's time for you to grow up
or just make a party with your dumbass friends and scream at each other endlessly, people shouldn't have to deal with your nonsense
Not in modern gayming. You get banned or warned for every "naughty word" you use or being sexist/racist/whatever. Like it's a daycare center.
cuz libtards
What year were you born in? This only started happening now.
Having banter with some assholes online is masculine, yes. Would you say it's feminine? The way I see it:
>Masculine behavior = competition, trying to be as skilled as possible and dominate opponents, banter and trash talk, speak what's on your mind, say what you mean and mean what you say
>Feminine behavior: "everybody wins," "be careful you don't hurt her feelings," then go behind their backs and gossip or spread rumors. Fake niceness and manipulation. Getting butthurt and crying about it. etc.
Plebbit is that way
And yes I know it is recent. That's why I'm complaining now.
plebbit is literally a left wing circlejerk outside of the retards at T_D
Get this reddit shit out of here
Your version of equality is not egalitarianism. It does not assume all people are equal. It mandates removing some rights for men and giving privileges to women. You would know this if you studied feminist history, which you probably didn't. Go look up the ERA and the debate that occurred between traditional egalitarianism feminists and the younger, proto-4th generation feminists who are more prominent nowadays.
>Saudi Arabia is literally a Christian circlejerk outside of the retard Muslims
>all of reddit is T_D
noice, if you check the most popular subs, half of them are anti trump
>It mandates removing some rights for men and giving privileges to women
show some examples of this happening right now. what rights have feminists taken from men these past 10 years and what privileges did they grant women?
>t_d is 99.5% of r*ddit
He's talking about what they're trying to do, not what they've done, fucktard. Pick up a college book on feminist theory or hang out in some feminist circles to see what he's talking about.
Anyway the old school feminists got a lot of rights for women written in law that I don't particularly find objectionable. For instance voting rights and abortion. Back in the day they were more reasonable and it was about equality. But not anymore. If you look at it now it's all male hatred and a culture of irrational victimhood and hysteria. Which is why no one likes them now.
because they feel like it's beneficial to them
why does this chick who holds forth about how lolicons should die have a loli avatar and a tumblr full of cartoon schoolgirl upskirts
this is some mixed message shit
yeah no fuck off. you're a bunch of retards.
>all feminists think this
>trust me
>you need to become more radical to fight them
>it's us versus them
Paternity leave, fatherhood rights and decisions on abortion, child support legislation, and the many "equality-by-outcome" quotas that forces men to hire a certain number of women, regardless of skill level, in industries that they traditionally never participated in such as sanitation. All of these have been targeted by feminists with the intent of bringing special privileges to women and depriving men of egalitarianism.
I literally told you to pick up a college course book shit-brain. You're worthless.
You're the brainwashed one, brainlet. What he told you to do is exactly what it says in your image.
Letting women take time off work when they have a baby is hardly taking any rights away from men. Courts being biased in favor of the mother was pretty much always the case even before feminism from what I know.
Abortion also sounds like something women pretty much always had more power over than men considering it's their own body.
I'm not really sure what child support looked like before so I guess I'll give you that one.
>and the many "equality-by-outcome" quotas that forces men to hire a certain number of women, regardless of skill level, in industries that they traditionally never participated in such as sanitation
quotas are not exclusive to women or feminism. specific groups of men also this privilege
it's rather obvious that Jay is on board with like 95% of "SJW" talking points.