Is being indifferent to women the real redpill? Ever since I stopped being a nice guy and started being more cold and aloof and making fun of my female coworkers I've been getting more respect and attention. I literally mock and insult them to their face and they like me. Meanwhile the nice guys get disrespected and ignored.
And I'm not even a handsome Chad. I'm a weird looking lanky dweeb.
Is being indifferent to women the real redpill...
bumparoni orlgainaoili
Yeah probably cause they see you are confident enough to say what you think instead of tiptoeing around.
>Is being indifferent to women the real redpill?
Yup , women don't want respect they want assertiveness.
Then why are they always talking about how they demand respect and equality
its called all you got to do is not be a cuck
Because women will say things but they don't really mean it or they are so dumb they can't decide what they want. They mostly just go with whatever their emotions tell them to do.
they want the betas to submit to them(provide them with money) while having chad give them orders.
Mocking and insulting women is god tier. They just take it, and even respect you more.
But like I said, I'm not Chad. I'm a lanky sperg weirdo. So why are they letting me make fun of them then?