Positive experiences

has a female from this board ever said anything nice to you? a girl from here once told me I was a 6-7 after exchanging a photo

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Saw a thread once where OP asked for a femanon to record some stuff on vocaroo for him and one girl actually did

I've been told I sound cute.
That's girl code, it means fuckable.

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let's hear bub

A girl used to tell me I had nice hair. She would sometimes play with it and pat my head.
I always thought she was just a really good actress since I never styled my hair once in my life.
It's just a curly mess.


>expect cute face
>below average british voice
Let me guess, this girl was foreign, probably an american whore who isn't exposed to much?

>below average
I don't know anything about them, but anyone who uses this board is considerably exposed.

i'm the one who asked to hear and i like your voice ignore that heckler

one of my female coworkers said if she ever had a son, she would want them to be just like me. Found it kind of odd, but it was definitely a genuine complement to my character.

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lol wtf you just sound like a man how is that cute

It made no sense to me either until I realised it was code.
You guys post your positive experiences I don't want to hog the thread.

This is true. I have a shitty monotone voice, but the two girls who have liked me in my life have described it as cute and soothing.

there are no females on this board
fake news

A really cute looking 18 year old gave me head and her puss puss, I gave her the D with her roomate asleep also so we both had fun

a girl from here gave me herpes.

I keep seeing this thread when I'm scrolling through the catalog and I keep thinking the guy in this image has an Orange amplifier on his back. It really looks like one.

Girl once told me I was a 8/10.
I know she was lying but it was nice to hear and pretend it was true.

My math teacher said I had a nice smile in high school. That was probably the first and only time I've been complimented by a woman

Some women have let me fuck them. That's pretty positive for a robot like me

There is one girl that does that a lot. She does a lot of lewd stuff too, but I haven't seen her post in awhile.