What's the worst thing you've ever seen or done irl?
What's the worst thing you've ever seen or done irl?
worst thing I ever did was leave my house yesterday.
never again.
Guy fall off a mall balcony and his head split open. The sound was the worst thing. Horrible sound.
Sexually confused after being molested I asked my sister to finger me. We talked about it. Still feel really guilty though
I molested my older sister while she was asleep and she never knows about it
showed my feelings to my crush back when I was 12. Next day, she told everyone and they all laughed at how she'll never love me back because she had a boyfriend
never again
worst i ve done is farting directly at my classmate's face.
one time i didn't hold the door open for the person behind me
I remember as a kid I would scratch the shit out of my friend and run away whenever we disagreed on something. Still not sure why he continued to be my friend.
It's a tie between seeing my dad get arrested when I was 5 and the day my dad left (he was crying)
>doused a chicken with gasoline and lit it on fire
>watched it run across the grass
>a bunch of normies were gasping
>it left a trail of fire that looked like ghost rider
Saw my uncle die of a heart attack on Christmas Eve when I was around 10
Took a shit on a beach when I was a little kid. It was decently far so I don't think it was noticed, not like it was an incredibly busy beach.
i was in korea years ago and got really drunk as usual on christmas. i'm never like this when i drink but that night i went down this small alley and kicked in the tail lights of about 5 cars. feel bad about to this day
probably better than the movie
you're fucking disgusting for inflicting pain on an innocent animal like that. you deserve to get lit on fire, faggot.
you should have seen the fucker, flapping the squawking all the way across the grass. got about 100 feet before it collapsed, luckily we had enough people to stamp out the fire trail. finished it off by curbstomping it's head in, it spazamed for a bit. roasties kept yelling "oh my god, that's so sad!"
my pug got hit by a car on new years day and my dad was walking back home with the dying corpse. It was taking its last few breaths and had a lot of crusty blood on its face. I suggested we just smash its head to let it stop suffering, but my family just cried and watched it die over like an hour.
don't get me wrong, faggot, i would laugh so hard i'd shit blood, but after the comical effect of it worn off, i'd beat the living shit out of you.
Watched the emoji movie trailer
you should have recorded it. imagine people posting the gif of your chicken on fire.
My little brother was an idiot kid and I caught him trying to drink some bleach. I stood there and let it happen. Being an only child is better anyways.
>"i'd beat the living shit out of you"
sure you would, that's why you're on r9k, because you're such an alpha.
this post fucking reeks of soy
it got recorded but i never actually got it. i had a phone at the time but i literally never texted anyone with it. mostly just used it for music.
That is interesting I don't think I ever done evil to anyone, even when I think about doing evil things all the time. I wonder how that works. Maybe I am bad about sensing what is really evil. I do lie all the time and do stupid shit occasionaly but I never really blame me for that, there are always other things and people to blame.
I also can't single out bad things people did. I remember people used to bully a girl in my classroom, not all that harsh stuff, just your usual making fun of the weird kid. I was both friend of the bully and girl getting bullied and didn't think much of it at the time. I watch plenty of gore online but it also doesn't affect me, it doesn't feel very real. I have seen real life accidents too but they never made that big of an impression.
If try to go really deep into it, maybe I accidently ruined some people lives. I may have broken both legs of a fat friend of mine by egging him to jump from a wall I used to jump all the time -- I remember he wanted to be a firefighter but he never talked about it after that. I also playfully pushed a girl down the stairs once, also in the school, I think she may have broken some bones, I escaped before anyone could see me and never tried to see what happened to her, but I did it playfully and didn't think she would really fall. Maybe things like that could count as bad things. I was born too, this was the worst thing for me but I learned how to deal with it by now.
A fat burger with sepsis and a decaying vagoo. That was one awfully smelly ambulance call. another equally as bad thing was a senile old man shitting and pissing all over the ER
I told all of my friends to fuck off and caused a huge scene. I was going through some pretty tough times and they didn't help me through it. I sometimes feel really guilty, but then I remember that they were fake friends and only wanted to be around me so they could jerk their own egos
Watched my mom smother my dog until there was no life left in him. It scarred me to this day. Fucked me up a bit.
My pup was drowning in his own liquids and there was nothing we could do. Mom and I were crying and what not. I'm not that same 18 year old boy anymore.
was he kill
kid in primary who was new to my school had some pretty bad kidney problems or some shit.
we all played at the park near the school after school and during that I thought it'd be hilarious to sucker punch him in the kidneys as hard as i could. he cried a lot, eventually walked home the 2mins. never saw him again.
probably a few years ago when we had earthquakes and the fish and chip shop a block away collapsed completely while 5 people were in it and there was a fuck ton of blood, watched the cleaning a little too, them finding bodies and shit. idk.
this post is retarded. I wish I had not written it.
Once I went on the deep web and after a few hours of digging I discovered a site dedicated to daisy's destruction (google it). It had a bunch of random gifs and a video. I didn't watch the video but the gifs depicted a little girl being pissed on while being tied upside down by her wrists with ropes
I once got very drunk at a sleepover with my friends and I guilt tripped my best friend into lying in bed with me until I fall asleep. I then proceeded to try and kiss and feel her before saying "don't worry, nobody will hear". If my friend hadn't heard that from the other room I would probably be lying in a jail cell now.
I will never understand normies. You can fucking eat some animal but fuck me if I hurt it. What the fuck is the logic behind that ? You fucking EAT them for fucks sake. Those animals are free to do the same to us, if they can.
Fuck you I'm moving to guangzhou(a city in china) to eat dogs so you can be extra toasty, ive seen normies specially die when dogs are involved.
I molested some lesbian in a night club once.
I screencapped and posted a post somebody wish they did not post and and deleted it and I will not delete it.
Gee, maybe there is a difference between killing for food and killing for entertainment.
The end result is the fucking same you dumb moralfag. Most animals are not even self aware(including dogs,cats and of course, chickens) you retard.
Or are you saying that it'd be fine if I kill and eat your entire family(humanely) as long as I don't kill for entertainment ?
fuck you, man
i think the worst part of it is the picture i chose, then the writting and the fact i kinda contradicted myself after a single paragraph. it's 100% stuff i didn't need to write, like i am trying to show people something off. like this post too. maybe i should stop trying to say things, or maybe i should drink more. fuck myself. the worst i seen is myself today
a cat hit by car spilling its guts everywhere
threatened a man with a knife
I remember I accused my gym teacher of sneaking into the girls locker room and catching a peek of me in the showers because he gave me a C-
Got manipulated into taking acid like 9 times. By the 9th I had a 12 hour blackout psychosis in my parents basement. They saw worst of me. I was aggressive with them (pushing, slapping) I stripped butt naked and jerked off (and apparently fingered myself) Pissed on the floor. All sociopaths should be gassed.
Depends on your moral outlook, some would pat me on the back while others would be disgusted.
>inb4 pedo
I'm 33.
Seen - I got a call from the police department that my daughter had passed away at her mother's place, I went there and she had drowned in a five gallon bucket, she had tipped into it and couldn't tip it over.
Done - My daughter's mom's dad came to my house after she went to jail for the rest of her life for negligence, he pulled a pistol and was waving it around making crazy threats and I ended up shooting him. He bled all over my porch but was dead by the time the police showed up. I paid my neighbor $20 to powerwash all the blood off my porch because it bothered my girlfriend.
Dark times.
Also honorable mention for done - My Taiwanese girlfriend's dad killed himself and his family did the tradition of erecting a shrine for him. It really broke their family up cause he was abusive. One day her mother asked me to help because I obviously didn't believe in their customs. I gave them both $100 and sent them to a casino and I took that whole shrine out of their house and burned that man's ashes, his urn and his shrine in a 55 gallon drum in my backyard and bits of his urn are still in there. I piss on it once a week or so drinking outside by the fire.
>My daughter's mom's dad
A lack of self awareness does not mean a lack of suffering. Of course killing humans is worse than killing animals for just about any reason, but that does not mean it is not wrong to cause suffering in something for no reason other than a few quick laughs.
There's a difference between being a moralfag and not being a fucking psychopath.
I never married her. She smoked way too much meth and she was a coal burner. I paid child support willingly for 4 years and she smoked every dime of it.
Seen: Infant sacrifice.
Done: Choked someone for threatening my sister (as apposed to de-escalating the situation, which is what I should have done and normally try to do)
surgery for cat getting neutered
there was I mouse in my apartment. I set out snap traps to kill it. I heard a snap one night and a squeek. The mouse was still alive but injured. I put my boots on, took it outside, and curb stomped it to put it out of its misery. I plan on buying one of those things you plug into the wall that sends out a pulse through the building's circuitry to keep the mice away soon.
Took me a while to understand he just meant his ex's father
dont underestimate my retard strength. im protective of animals.
Chickens are pricks, bruh.
i despise eating animals too, im not being inconsistent with my morals here.
My dead aunt, shot in the head
Good old aunt charolette
Nothing, thankfully. I'm a lucky boy, nothing bad has really happened to me other than maybe seeing a dead squirrel here and there.
Worst thing I've done is stolen my mom's clothes and crossdressed in them when I was like 15. Haven't done it in a while though, I've gotten too big for it.
Child sacrifice?
muh edgie seckret klub
>You fucking EAT them for fucks sake
I may be wrong here but I'm not sure that inflicting them the worst pain imaginable is part of the process.
And if they do suffer at least there's an end, you didn't eat cock rider I presume.
Being born into a cult exposes you to all the wonders of life.
Which cult? Can you tell us more of your experiences?
Sorry, I'd rather not say the name for my own safety. As for my experiences, we don't have time for all that... In other words I'm at work and don't want to get in trouble kek
Dear God.
Dude doesn't that eat at your mental health?
Normie trash. That's fucking cruel.
I screencapped and posted ANOTHER post somebody wish they did not post and and deleted it and I will not delete it.
normie goody two shoes detected.
if you can't stand the heat leave.
you gotta be willing to kill to be a robot
you gotta be willing to REEE
you gotta be willing to use drastic measures to save yourself FROM THE NORMIES
I used to have this thing going on where I would steal sulfur and recrystallize it from toluene or xylene to make it sellable. Then I would pour the solvent, saturated with sulfur and contaminants, 2L at a time, down a salmon stream.
That's a pretty heavy post, user.
I'm really sorry about your daughter.
>i would beat the shit out of anyone torturing an innocent
>lol bro this hamburger is so fucking good bro, like if they just kill it without any pain then its totally justifiable
Swear to fucking god, cucked animal eaters like you are the dumbest people around
Don't get me wrong though, I've been betrayed by normalfags more than once.
Based neighbor accepting the deal and helping you out.
calm down buddy you will feel better when youre sober
hahaaha this guy thinks we're not just a bunch of roleplaying normies. everyone laugh at him
Sounds fucking badass holy shit.
>accusing the most satire post in the thread of being unironic