Why are all IRL trannies always ugly as shit?
Why are all IRL trannies always ugly as shit?
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average american couple, year 2070
I don't know, why the fuck is water wet?
Like, I dunno, like, why are mentally ill fetishist ugly?
But water itself is not wet though
Water makes things wet but is not wet
I'll be your big tiddy goth gf for tonight xD
Which is worse? Left or right?
this is why western civilization will fall
Because they are degenerates. A mother raised a child in her womb for 9 months. The child was born a male or a female. These people ignore their genomes and mutilate their bodies for a sense of identity. A good looking tranny is just the work of a good plastic surgeon.
okay gamer
Isn't the water wetting itself then?
I love seeing right-wingers get pissed at images like this. To me it looks great. Its hilarious and its beautiful. You fuckers have to stop taking life so seriously and just embrace how bizarre it is. Maybe you'd actually get some pussy then.
Right is worse
At least left knows their place in life
The only place trannies end up is hanging on a noose
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I'm not upset by this at all and I'm not even right wing
The mussie knows her place and the more men transition more funny it will be when they kill themselves
Left. Good societies maximize personal liberty.
who the fuck said I was right wing? lmao fucking idiot leftwingers think shits fucking 2 way.
I'm a girl let me into the bathrooms bigot.
Alright, that was dumb. Swap "Right wingers" for "Moralists"
Because if they passed you'd they they were cis women?
Make up and dresses =/= woman, they just don't have feminine features. White men pass the worst
That looks like a drag queen in your pic
That's a drag queen, not a tranny.
Also, the answer is that you don't notice the ones that pass because they actually look female.
Disgusting degenerates. This is western "progress" and "civilization".
Where are these passing trannies you guys talk about.
>life is wacky and random, rub your genitals together like animals
>where are all these nazis coming from???
fucking retard lmao
>life is wacky and random
It is. The world runs on chaos. Nobody is right and people who rub their genitals together like animals can have convictions just as strong as yours and live lives far more satisfying than yours.
Janet Mock doesn't look too bad
Meant this for original
>Buhuu why does apples not look like oranges
I do wonder why men look like men....
>28 posts
>15 IDs
>11 pictures
i could literally do a better job of this than you, and if you pay me, i will
serious inquiries only
You can say all the stupid shit you want, you're currently allowed to. That may change in the future.
You're an insignificant minority and your echo chamber has made you think you're part of a global movement. Its some good shit.
>t. german jew in 1929
What did he mean by this?
>internet shitposters are on par with pissed off Germans who were economically devastated after the entire world assfucked them after most brutal war in history
Makes you think
>western civilization will fail
implying it hasn't already failed
Are you actually defending trannies?
I refuse to believe that a human can transition between genders in this day and age
There's a reason why 47% of trannies kill themselves
>I refuse to believe that a human can transition between genders in this day and age
They can't, but I think they should be able to do whatever the fuck they want. They're crazy, and they do crazy shit. Its a good time. Calm down.
There have been plenty of economically devastated countries that have recovered silently and without issue. The problem with the germans was that they were CULTURALLY devastated, which is happening again (because of people like you) here in 2018.
>They're crazy and they do crazy shit
I agree with you but I have empathy for my fellow man and I don't want to see them go down a road that won't have a happy ending
I disagree, I don't think they should be able to do that.
>That may change in the future.
You're saying that you want to shutdown freedom of speech?
because the passable ones you see on the internet are a rarity
same thing goes for asian women
Promoting degeneracy should be illegal.
Is degeneracy just everything that you don't like? How do you come to terms with the fact that the Greek's loved cocks?
Degenerate pagan greeks should not be an example.
Not officially, but in practice yes. I'd have no problems with known subversives getting roughed up.
So Jow Forums should be shutdown? I remember when I first started going on /v/ back in 2011, this pic was the state that board was in.
Are you a Christian? You do realize your religion is the weakest and most effeminate in the world, right?
Well, except for Asian ladyboys
No I'm Muslim, following the only religion that has not and will never compromise.
>I'd have no problems with known subversives getting roughed up.
This kind of sounds like the same thing as those "PUNCH THE NAZIS" antifa idiots. Their logic is also "OMG IF PEOPLE WE DON'T AGREE WITH ARE ALLOWED TO SPEAK, THEN SOCIETY WILL BE WORSE!", only their definition of "worse" is "more bigoted" instead of "more degenerate".
That title goes to the Jews actually, and they're doing a much better job than you.
>both sides identify an effective tactic
Who would've thought?
kek most of them are atheists. They've turned Palestine into the gay capital of the world. Their new golden calf is literally the state of israel, not even joking. They accept literal hindu idol worshippers as jews but when you reject the state of israel(or believe in Jesus) they'll denounce you as worse than hitler.
If violence is such an effective tactic, why do we have elections and stuff? Why not just have both sides try to beat each other up?
Because one side already did that and won. They use elections to let the population blow off steam so they retain their power.
sublimated will to power dawg. Its the same exact shit as a fight except in a more civilized form.
To fool the public into thinking that they have any choice. Employees don't even have a say in a freaking mcdonald's yet you believe people who are less qualified than burger cooks are allowed to run a freaking country? Come the fuck on people.
>That's a drag queen, not a tranny.
Same shit AFAIC.
I don't think I've ever even seen anyone who's transgender IRL, but the Internet always goes on about them, with Tumblr screaming "REEEEEE TRANSPHOBIA" and Jow Forums screaming "REEEEEEEE TRANNIES" all the time.
>omg guise BOTH sides suck xDDDDD
i just put these two together
i like how the fag that made this didn't even try to pretend that the state of the on-topic board wasn't dogshit
the best thing about the whole push to try and turn /v/ back into SA was that finally they actually DID talk about duh vidya, and, well... gamergate
The even without meeting one, just the idea is repulsive, so you should be on the "REEEEE TRANNIES" side. Hope this helps!
Cause it's a bunch of men pretending to be women and vice versa. They're just going to end up looking pretty hideous 9 times out of 10
But that 10th one....
oh, as a footnote: after the people running the on-topic push got done gutting every board (with the expectation that they'd be able to refill them with something that'd still be hip in NYC, natch), the only functioning culture left was Jow Forums
in other words, they purged the site of le monkey face and in exchange got to spend the rest of their community management careers around the kind of people who make threads like this one
The exception to the rule
I would tbqh, there are far worse looking ones.
I don't know if I've ever had a more relevant image to ever post on the internet
>a jew making the decision
more relevant than you probably thought
as a matter of fact, i'm gonna keep gloating
not only did this turn Jow Forums into Jow Forums with anime, it also jettisoned a huge portion of the userbase into twitter, simultaneously turning twitter (their home) into a ruined ghetto and bringing down Jow Forums's modal IQ by a fucking standard deviation
you don't like /b/? you don't like silly memes, copypasta, fads, and light eroticism? enjoy your plague of frogs, faggot
To be honest, I miss 2011 and 2012 /v/ these days. I would actually rather have the "/b/ 2.0" state that the board was in back then, than the political shitshow that /v/ is these days.
ahaha holy shit you're right
oh my god
>I'm not allowed to be annoyed by the entire Internet obsessing over shit that I don't care about
I guess, but I don't see what me getting angry on Jow Forums about people that I don't even know will accomplish.
this is prime r/Jow Forums material
get your upvotes and make a pic of it
too bad
at least the faggot who banned you for making a 4am thread now has to deal with an avalanche of retarded stormfags and smart-but-evil wannabe politicians
Because they're not asian, start HRT later in life, and most do it out of autogynephilia rather than gender dysphoria.
bump orngakls
My friend sent me a video of a team who was so fucking hot I felt very concerned. Anyone wanna see?
God damn autocorrect
if they weren't ugly then they would probably be able to have a normal sex life, and not end up dressing up in girls clothes and shoving things up their butts to get off