What are the chances of me getting a botched nose job?

What are the chances of me getting a botched nose job?
>tfw I want my bulbous tip reduced and nostrils closed

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nose looks fine user

fucking autistic retard

What do you mean?

Orginaly of course

you're a stupid richfaggot "so depressed waaah im sad" kid that needs to overdose on pills

thats what i mean

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nice hook nose btw

>rich faggot

I've been saving up my lunch money for 3 years, I also plan on working a full time job soon to continue to pay for my surgery. Go fuck yourself cunt

True people of skyrim and cyradel have pointy fairly long noses, you're an elf lover. A milk drinker like you dose not have the strength or stamina of the Nords or milk drinking imperial.

>spending 3 years so you can change your body your parents gave you

fuck yourself pussy, nice self esteem

Aren't you the cute girl from the last thread?
Forget about it, your nose is fine.

I bet if you looked this guy pre surgery, you wouldn't have the same Tude you're giving off now

Attached: IMG_0803.jpg (1869x628, 84K)

>before pic
>underage lanky retard
>after pic
>older more mature looking man with a nice haircut, nice skin and a background going on in the image


you're fake as fuck

From jew to armenian, lel

>Go from a total jew to a member of the rich in these three simple steps.

>spending 3 years saving up money for a plastic surgery even though you're a fucking poorfag
Jesus Christ you're retarded.

Something needs to cure my BDD or else i'lll implode

Uh, i think they'll rec you to some body image counselor. if you don't have an ugly roman nose you dont need surgery

it's a good nose

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jew doesn't want his nose anymore? crazy

new queen of r9k everyone
bless her name

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There's nothing wrong with your nose, nose-chan. Stop trying to mutilate yourself when you're a 8/10 stacey.

Delete this you fucking faggot

It's out there, nose-chan
Just embrace your cute nose and stop posting these threads, then we'll all forget about it

Nosechan kawaii~

So cute orege

A lot of surgeons don't know how to fix bulbous tips. Many patients come out of surgery and see no difference on the nose tip. That's a big loss.

>Many patients come out of surgery and see no difference on the nose tip.

That's because they're not qualified.

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Nosechan where are you from?

She looks rather Malay to me

its a girl? ahahahahahahaha