What is the deal with the roastie meme?

Why do you people not like outie vaginas? What makes the innie vagina superior in your mind?

Attached: Outie cunt.jpg (590x400, 78K)

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It just looks better. It's like asking why people like certain facial features. We just do.

I don't give it too much mind but it looks better.
Still, I like my women hairy, nothing better than a hairy pussy to eat out.

They look like that because Chad and Tyrone stretched a roastie out

>What makes the innie vagina superior in your mind?
Nothing. I like a nice symmetrical labia just fine, maybe even better.

because it's not attractive. Cute innes are sexy and attractive, not big nasty meat flaps.

Attached: 1503434208962.gif (176x320, 1.92M)

It is widelye believed on r9k that the more sex a woman has, the more blown-out her pussy flaps become. Thus, all women with blown-out pussy flaps are sluts of the most degenerate order whoredom.

Attached: 1500174568954.jpg (1668x1578, 501K)

Where did you see that? What are your sources?

It's common sense. Skin stretches. If you take Chad and Tyrone's 9x6 inch dicks every night since your 14th birthday the skin of your vagina is going to stretch.

I saw my first vagina in porn when I was 13 years old, ever since then I was obsessed with women in porn who had those big roastie vaginas, I now choose which stuff to jack off to on the size of the womans labia. I need help bros, I'm mentally fucked up because of porn

roastie incoming

Attached: roastie pepe.png (1200x600, 344K)

because innies don't look like disgusting flaps of meat

Outies just seem fucking disgusting. Innies seem more hygienic and aesthetically pleasing.

Attached: 1497347253925.gif (176x169, 705K)

It's literally a forced meme developed in retaliation for "manlet". It's intended to teach females what it's like to be hated for physical features beyond their control.

Why can't women just accept that we don't like their nasty fucking vaginas? Roastie get out.

this is Jow Forums do you think we're just gonna be nice to everybody?

I took my first girlfriend's virginity, we were both 16. Lots of bright red blood.
Pussy looked like OP's pic from the beginning. You're a dumbass virgin

Nobody is falling for this you dumb roastie

>forced meme

fuck you this is a natural beautiful vagina, you're all deeply misinformed about how vaginas work you sad khvs

T. Roastie
Fuck off originally

Gtfo Rostie

>am actually a hyper slut
>on top of it fuck myself almost every night with a 6.5 inch dildo until I cum 3+ times
>have a perfect innie vagoo

Attached: hyouka-02.mkv_snapshot_16.50_[2012.07.25_13.43.08].jpg (1280x720, 74K)

either a roastie or a white knight

It was adopted in part because it's an effective way to insult a woman's body without referring to her face or breasts. One reason why women get extremely annoyed by it is because they know that men judge them to some degree based on how many other men they've slept with, so any suggestion that there's a way to find out, real or otherwise, triggers them.

An innie looks like a dolphin smiling..

Let's just say I like my seafood dolphin free.

Your skin doesn't stretch like that

Post mp4. Need proofs.

Attached: 1522954681650 (1).png (684x983, 884K)

Most of the cucks in this thread should know how skin stretches out over time, pic rel
now I don't see any woman doing this with her vagina, or a penis having this effect

Attached: 122f9dh.jpg (240x320, 30K)

quit white knighting, it's not going to get you laid

Attached: Denver-Earlobe-Repair-A-side.jpg (712x350, 215K)

One can't be a hyper slut with an ugly bavoo


>bottom of feet see miles worth of friction every day
>skin doesn't slide off and get saggy like loose socks
>OP sucks penis every day
>lips can still remain closed so he can swallow water
It's almost like skin is an organ that can repair and heal itself or some shit idk famalam.

different kinds of skin

That doesn't mean they can't be genetic either though. Judging how stretched out a woman's hole is would be a much better method since big holes can't have a chance of being genetic.

it's disgusting, looking at it makes me want to puke, it looks like a tumor

This. Same deal with chestlet. Unfortunately the wxxmxxn were too thick to make the connection and just got butthurt about it while remaining as obnoxious as ever.

small breasts have always been undesirable

then post vagoo with timestamp