What is stopping you from getting a gf/bf?

for me is my dick size (5,1 erected) and that i'm leaving my current country in the next year and won't come back so i don't want any kind of anchors but it still hurts me when i see a pretty girl and i know that i can make the first move and all that shit. Never had a gf because of first issue, but i have/had female friends but never more than friendship (because i'm not attracted to them). Post your feels man

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Other urls found in this thread:


I suffered from depression with realizing it for too long and now my life is a complete mess. It might really be unfixable.

Every girl you've tried to date automatically knew your dick size and turned you down because of it?
It's all in your head .

Dick size = confidence.

oh no, not at all, it's just self shame and that maybe, one day, that issue will be a blackmailing weapon against me

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5.1 isn't small enough to have that little confidence, unless it's 5.1 cm.

actually just in the matter of romantic relationships. I don't lack confidence in any other aspect of my life (in fact, i'm an actor)

Nothing. I have a gf who was a virgin before I dicked her down. I'm an ugly unemployed manlet with an alcohol problem who wears hand me downs from old people and has no interest in socializing with anyone.

You assholes have to stop making excuses and go get some pussy.

No one is ever going to blackmail you or care about you having a slightly below average dick. I bet you've never worked out seriously in your life.

I interact exclusively with people over 50 in my day-to-day life. All of them are married. Tinder's a total bust, as expected.

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I don't know how to talk to people, i don't know how to live.
>tfw ywn be a real human bean

I'm kind of a public figure on my country (not US, just a 3rd world country), and yes, i've worked out seriously in my life, in fact, i do it every day

>Public figure
>Work out every day
You're probably in a country that has below world average dick sizes anyway, not sure what you have to complain about .

Not even memeing. Unless you're some male model that has been blessed with good looks by god himself, if you have no job; instantaniously undatable.

i'm 5'6" and addicted to anime

Body issues
Also no job yet at an age where you're expected to have one (this could change soon though)

Lets see
>Small Penis

I don't have any positive qualities at all


original comment fhdfjhgkkj ugiohkhjk

Dude, I'm 7 inches and it doesn't mean shit. I'm just horrible at talking to women.

Literally just show off your dick and women will throw themselves at you

Oh yeah they do. Both women and men. And then they keep you pinned until the police arrive.

My dick is 5 inches and I don't care. Unless the girl is a size queen you're alright.

have you use it on girls? what were they opinions? any serious relationships?

No like online dummy. Go on fetlife or something

Nope but i've shown it online and it's fine, apparently. They all wanted to suck it. No relationships either. Yet.
Just knowing people are fine with it is a big boost.

My dick is 5 inches and I've been with one girl in a serious relationship. She felt tight, enjoyed it and would praise how good my dick feels

Too much anxiety to talk to people in real life unprompted, very few women in the workplace anyway (more like literally none desu), nobody on Jow Forums wants to give me their discord without the intent to delete the account 5 seconds after adding me, not yet sold on tinder's ability to have more than roasties.

Guys won't talk to me. Maybe I'm just ugly

Just create a thread about yourself on Jow Forums and profit.

I CAN'T fucking talk, I always mumble, Im seriously fucked up, even some girls wanted to talk with me but I simply can't

I'm a lazy NEET and most of my time is spent in my room.

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It's not about virginity and how the fuck did you even find let alone talk to her you disgusting normalfag? If you're going to post on this board, where you don't belong one bit, at least post something useful.

>socially retarded
>look like im 12
>eccentric as fuck

Have any of you tried Grindr?

>being a faggot

I'm not interesting or charismatic. I have no firends or social circle.

>no girls on grindr
>no femboys on my local grindr

Take a class.
Walk up to a fine but shy looking girl.
Ask her name.
Talk to her about the class.
Compliment her and flirt.
Ask on date and for phone #.

I'm not some pale, pretty white/asian girl user. This idea will fail immediately

Not in one convo though, space it out over like a week or two. That's all you need to do.

Sucking dick, at least you will not spend your Saturday nights alone

I don't want one in the end we'd both get hurt

It will not. Just do it. You have it so easy it's like life was handed to you on a platter and you won't even grab a glass of water.

post pic here and we will see if you can make it or not, don't be shy :)

quick question thou, are you fat? if you are, then don't even bother, robots don't want to orbit around fatsies

DONT DO THIS. All in one conversation if you actually want to date her.

Fucking normalfag even your shit advice is useless. I changed my mind fuck off and don't come back. Never post something """useful""" ever again.

I'm in the middle of this process. Sat next to some random girl in one of my classes, and for some reason she was talkative/nice to me despite my attempts at avoiding eye contact and conversation, which has never really happened to me before. I don't really know how to take it any further though. I feel like she'd be creeped out by the fact that I have no friends.

Uh, quick question - when are we getting married?

Well, when I did it I asked her out after knowing her for only two days because I was excited. It just seems like it'd be more natural to space it out.

Should have asked her out before she realized you were weird.

If you're not black, you would still get many replies. Even if you are black, I've seen anons that like black girls

It was still nice having a pretty girl talk/smile to me for once at least.

I have no friends.
I live at home with an extremely overbearing mother, long past the age where that is ok.
I'm not masculine at all.
I'm wierd, my interests are so esoteric that I can barely connect with anyone beyond a superficial level.

Lack of exposure to women and not so great at talking to them

I don't even know what to say about myself. Ive been fed the "females have no personality/hobbies" thing for so long I dont even consider my interests as true interest. Plus Its hard to do that when the rules say it'll need to go to /soc/. But no, I'm near the lower end for my height and weight

If she is actually shy, she will say no if you don't get to know eachother at least a little bit.

I'm a failed normie in all aspects but academics and professional life. I do pretty well there, but I have no friends. I don't get along at all with normal people, and the ones that have approached me, I just don't really care to have them in my life besides as acquaintances. The only girls I find attractive are girls that come here, but as soon as I mention I have a job and car, and all that, they all call me a normalfag or something.

I'm black so you probably won't want me
I am. And they want thicc black women with curves to the gods and I'm thin as fuck

You can post a photo by linking to e.g. imgur or whatever.
You don't really need to say much about yourself, just that you're looking for a boyfriend (or a boy friend, or just a friend, depending on your goal) and to describe yourself a bit (weight, height, eye color, whatever; what you're looking for in a *friend, that kind of stuff).
After that you leave your discord or email and wait for contact while answering questions in the thread. When you get in touch on discord or emails, you let them strike up the conversation (either they give you a simple greeting and you respond back, or they give a more involved greeting and you have something to start talking with). The rest will follow. If you don't click, don't beat yourself over it, not everyone's compatible. Avoid single-word answers if you can, though.
Example: if he asks if you like photography, don't just say "yes". Say "yes, I like film photography. I enjoy taking landscape photos." or whatever. You can also add a "what about you?" when you're not too sure what other info to add when replying.

so you are tiny and skinny? oh girl, you are a gold mine, basically a petit. Post a link to imgur or something, it really won't go against the rules if it's to help you get a confidence boost (i think), what do other anons think about this?

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Actually I don't care about your race - although I don't want mixed children. The only issue is that you probably live in the states and i'm a britbong.

>I'm a failed normie in all aspects but academics and professional life.
Have you had a girlfriend before? Large friend circle? If not, you're not a failed normalfag. I'm also successful in academics and work (and many robots are). Robot is with regard to social aspects. That you can get a job in spite of them is not a contradiction. Though if you can have a girlfriend (i.e. you went on more than a few dates and are now "together"), it's another story.

>I have no friends. I don't get along at all with normal people, and the ones that have approached me, I just don't really care to have them in my life besides as acquaintances.
Sounds extremely robotic to me.

>The only girls I find attractive are girls that come here
Same desu, or the theory of girls who come here anyway since they are often larps or lies.

>but as soon as I mention I have a job and car, and all that, they all call me a normalfag or something.
Never seen that happen, only ever seen being ignored.

a combination of never putting myself out there
as well as purposefully never putting myself out there, because I know that I don't make a good partner for most girls.

I find dating to be extremely exhausting, and I dont like doing it, but most women don't seem to date with the expectation of trying to make things as long-term as possible (not it my age at least, i am 22). Instead, they would rather rapid-fire date people and see which sort of people stick.

No, I've never had a girlfriend nor a large friend circle. I don't care much for the labels I guess, I just know that for some, the label is really all they have the only way of "fitting" in; I didn't want to take that away from them. I suppose I should rephrase what I said. It's happened to me, but only three times. One girl explained to me that because she was a NEET, she felt that "normalfags with jobs looked down on her." The most common course is being ghosted though, so you are right.

>Thin Black Women
>Unable to find a guy

Impossible, you're like the unicorn of black girls. Thicc is gross

The fact I don't put myself out there, and I no longer am forced into social situations where I'd meet new people.

I've never seen the point in trying now as I lack the social skills to carry on/initiate a conversation without awkwardness. Never had the experience before, so that is ultimately what happens. Spent a long time hoping I'd meet someone, but I've given up that hope at this point. Afraid of rejection to the point I've somewhat isolated myself from former friend groups (or at least kept them at distance). Pretty much only go out for work at this point.

>for me is my dick size
hmmm, get an expert on your oral skills than

I'm a closeted virgin, overweight and I live in the UK. I'm too much baggage who's not even worth it.

What's stopping me?
>crippling self doubt
I convince myself I am better off working all day but I am running out of steam.

>low self esteem
I just don't want to talk to people anymore, the only time I'm happy is when I watch sports and work. Once that's done I just don't want to be bothered

Thats too bad. You guys have great accents

Don't give me with false hope

Would you marry a man that loves you in every sense of the word, but would not have kids with you because of your race?

Race doesn't matter. Any guy you got to know here would stop caring at some point.

5,1 inches is not small, it's average
I've had multiple opportunities to have a gf but all of the girls that approach me are fucking retarded, have the same personalities and opinions, all they can talk about is music, sports and recent events, my libido is pretty low and I just can't experience attraction to people as simple as that
after some time you just realize 99.99% of girls are like that and give up, but I don't regret anything

Were they qt at least?

nigger fags

few of them, most were just the average, identical girls you meet everyday

You should have hope, you've got tons of options

Probably, I'm on the fence about having children anyways

Maybe. But I'm doubtful



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Some women really dont mind if they like you enough, you just have to be able to use it right and give them orgasms. Thats like it. Lesbians get eachother off by scissoring. dont think about size, think about effectiveness. you got this


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Well from your other posts and how long you claim to have been coming here, I assume casual racism doesn't really bother you either, right?

I can't time stamp then right now
I can take jokes but things will hurt my feelings

>I can't time stamp then right now

I'm talking like my online friends and I calling each other niggers constantly, making fun of actual niggers crying over random thug #329567 getting killed by police for acting like a nigger, stuff like that. I'm not talking about flat out unironically calling you a worthless nigger or outdated farm equipment or something like that.

Where are you from, user? I really don't care about you being black, my only issue would be if you're too far away.

see nigger, you've already got lots of men that want to talk to you, that's the power of needy robots for you.

I don't even reach the 5 inches.

Thats good
I live in the Us
Yeah, I guess
I'll try

Mostly because of my body.
I just can't seem to comprehend seeing a girl willing to date me with my current body. I'm definitely not obese but I wouldn't say I'm skinny either. I'm 5'8 at 160 lbs. Also, I am my worst critic and I shut myself down first before anyone else does. However, if I knew a girl didn't mind my body, I would be definitely confident in talking to her.

But where in the US? The US spans a continent. I live in the US too, but I live closer to both Mexico City and Vancouver than I do to NYC.

from my experience most girls don't care about your body unless you're noticeably obese
160lbs at 5'8 is completely fine

>5'5 manlet
>5.5 dicklet
>Socially retarded
>No friends
Feel really fucking bad man

>I have a 6.6 inch dick. Does that make me cool?

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Yeah bruh I think it's my body, 6'2 and 205 pounds. Also could be the fact that I am incredibly anxious and not willing to talk to people

>very few common interests with women
>no free time
>messy room
desu im a mess

But this mountain of problems seems easy enough to climb if I put my mind to it.
>attempt to fix skin with better diet and moisturizer+sunscreen
>fix hair with some supps, still doing research. And a hairstyle which suits my hair type.
>I've been losing a lot of weight lately. But my sleep has been shit so I haven't been exercising.
>I'm fine with the autism, I just need to be myself.
>If I spend less time mindlessly browsing the internet I will have more time. I need to stop doing things which don't give me long term benefit.