What's the best way to meet women?

What's the best way to meet women?

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First step is taking showers

Second one is going outside

Third one is not be a giant piece of unattractive shit. Personality wise.

by talking to them obviously

>just go outside
utterly meaningless platitude.

>going outside

and go where?walk aimlessly like a retard? Keep your shit "advice" to yourself please

yes by walking aimlessly retard. There are girls outside doing shit

look at this fancy city slicker

I actually met a good looking woman from "just going outside" the other day

I was going to mount fuji and some business woman in the next seat on the train started talking to me, we exchanged contact information and I am meeting her next Saturday

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and the last thing they want is some random dude walking up to them disturbing whatever activity they were engaged in.Its bad enough some people here are lonely but you insist they make asses of themselves on top of it.

>just go outside
when will this meme die
no-one actually just talks to strangers on the street or on the park

Don't, women are a meme

Anime conventions are very inclusive for everyone. Most of the people there are either autistic or are very willing to deal with the autistic. Some cosplay girls can be crazy, but in most of my interactions with them, they will be friendly and hold a conversation with you. It is honestly easy to score a 6/10 gf there, and if you are lucky, have a good personality, or have good looks, you can expect to bag a good 8/10 there.

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In a van with chloroform and a rope in hands

not my fault you live in some shithole city, maybe try fucking your sister or your dog? thats what you white people love doing

thats just an excuse. yore never going to meet anyone if you dont approach them. Girls only use the busy excuse if they dont find you attractive.

>dude just go outside
Okay and then what? I live in Montana with no one around me for miles.

>contact information

>if they dont find you attractive

Guess what board your're on.

low standards buddy? that's the vibe I'm getting from you

being a robot doesn't mean you're necessary ugly you retard.

na if you're a robot you're an ugly cunt 100%

ofc Japan is different. You fluent?

yes it does otherwise you are just a failed normalfag , there is a very clear distinction.

I could have said exchanged lines but no one would know what the fuck I was talking about

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>exchanged lines
can you be a more pretentious faggot?

why would you want to meet women when you can meet cute teen boys?

Lurking this thread hard. I need a gf

maybe get off Jow Forums and stop being a self-loathing faggot

I don't know where to begin I'm such a failure Chad

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Line is a chat program that people use to communicate with each other, it is mostly used in Japan and Korea

walk up to whaman
talk to whaman
be normal

through your friends.
>ib4 durr i don't have friends
You asked for the best way to meet women, and I gave it to you.

In wich reality did that happen, senpai?

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why don't whaman talk to me? Why does the social awkward autist have to approach the whaman. It just seems so easy to make a fool out of yourself

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How do I make friends then? j;ajdsfkl;sdjfklsjfkl;

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I fucking do that, you boomer or roastie fuck. Not my fault that i'm intrinsically unattractive

>How do I make friends then?
By not being autistic about yourself and everything you do.

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Just don't trust anyone that tells you to cold approach. Unless you are turbo-Chad it won't work. Pic related asked hundreds of women out in a short time and every last one rejected him. Now he's dead.

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Line is like QQ but for Japan. it's also used in Singapore.

altho QQ has largely been supplanted by WeChat these days.

you niggas must be ugly as shit then

when i was at an anime con all the people with cute gfs weren't that attractive or anything. so i guess you need a personality, you cant just lift weights and shower and get a personality ;-;


it would've been a normie meme anyway. Memes are mainstream as fuck now

Only ways I've had success was through okcupid, plenty of fish, and through mutual friends.
So either you make an online dating profile, or you try make some friends.

wait your turn, she has about 15 people matching a day

I do all 3. 0 results in the past decades.

Walking up to a woman is not normal according to my observations. Namely, never in my entire life have I ever seen a man not already connected to a woman go and walk up to one in public. I have seen that happen at work, I have seen that happen at school, but never outside, or in the supermarket, or anything like that.

None of my friends irl know any woman.

This is literally the worst place you could ask for that advice.

It's the only place where at least some people know what it's like to be a robot. Everywhere else it's "just bee yourself" and shit.

Post pics of the cosplayers you've nailed down fag

Job usually.
School if you're appropriately young.

>Went to Japan for a month
>Went to Mt. Fuji
>Had no female interaction the entire trip

Feels bad being unironically ugly

brain? you nigger? is that you?

what happen 2 da belarus grill?

Fuck, a really cute girl said she was looking for "...sub... fun"
Does this really mean she's into submission?
She actually matched with me, I can't fuck this up.

College. If you don't live on campus join a non-autistic club, something related to your major or a service organization, or if you're religious a worship group.

If you're too old for college or you don't want to go, then you either need to get a social circle through work or some other outlet or learn game theory because the only place you'll be able to meet women is at bars and clubs or at parties that you are invited to by people you know

Tinder does not work unless you are Chad, because everything is based off looks

>join a club
Alright, well there's-
>something related to your major
>service organization
O-ok then guess it's time to suicide

I demand you write a 200 word explanation regarding what you just said. I really want to improve, but fucking retards just telling me "stop being autistic" (and many more) isn't really cutting it because I don't even know what the fuck that means for them.

Going Outside =/= getting on a train bound for the mountains. I live in a country without trains or mountains.

Oh fuck off. I went to business school and every major had its own little club where they had guest speakers come in and give them advice about the career field and such

there's nothing autistic about that and if it was off-campus there was alcohol available as well, as for not having service organizations I can't help you if your school is shit

Autism is characterised in this sense by being self conscious without being self aware.
You are unnecessarily restricted in social uhh. Fluency. But at the same time, you do not grasp what you're doing.

If replays existed for real life, you could watch your replays and see every instance where you were difficult to people around you, because their rational response would be to rebuke you or become bored, but they feel they don't have the right, and you ofcourse being obvious to it.

It's not entirely your fault, because this uniquely male form of socialisation is falling into deep decline. No one's calling you out for being a retard, so you've had no opportunity to learn.

You want to be the reverse. You want to be self aware but not self conscious. By all means be an asshole, but when you do, apologise for being inconvenient, or say to people you expect them to treat you similarly. And generally share what you feel strongly about, because that's what most socialisation boils down to.

And what you're describing is not only not a club, it doesn't exist in ANY of the non-business majors here. Firstly it's a conference and secondly it's the very definition of autistic. You're full of shit. It's also on-campus and there is no alcohol. At the ones hosted by the well-funded institutes, there's coffee and cookies at best.

>autists who got lucky give advise to autists who didn't since they don't go out

Wow, what a shit show this thread is

its not my fault you picked fucking computer programming or whatever, you got what you deserved I hope your job gets outsourced to fucking Pajeets and you starve to death on the street

You nailed it, it's computer science.
However I'm already making 6 figures, I'm going back for grad studies soon and I had hoped I could use a similar strategy. Meh.
Though implying that you should choose your major based on how many women there are is kinda fucked up.
Anyway, the only local club I could attend is literally animu and mango club. There's a vidya club but it's about "pro gaming" meme. Otherwise there's a board games club, which, while it sounds good, is hosted by the CS department. There are special interest groups in various medical fields, and then it's seasonal sports, religion, politics, racial, and LGBTQIAWTFBBQLMAO+ integration crap. Doesn't appear like there are any non-autistic ones I can integrate for this purpose.