Omegle thread with hot banter (get in)
Tag: r9k
Omegle thread with hot banter (get in)
Tag: r9k
Thank you for the reply brad
bumping because i have nothing else better to do
yall is fuckin niggers
mate i got banned for chatting to people and being really fucking nice im sick to death of it when i actually wack my cock out and blast it over some girl whos got her tits out i get no ban but when im talking to someone whos jus chillin and a lil sad they banned me? wtf
where the white hoes @@??
im coming user
they're on /soc/ you stupid brown fuck
wait is it text or video?
Blackboxes = virgin
Webcam = chad
i dont have webcam, wat do?
is social experience ruined?
I dont know, do you enjoy blackboxing
who's the hot black guy
>my experience with this so far
To the virginian user, I had a good time. Thanks for the talk. It's been a while since I've talked to a random stranger like that.
wow I am a hot babe but then a guy in a red hat asked if i was a gamer girl and he could drink my pee, i'm leaving now
some fat thot is here, lets bullycide her
she showed me her tits
who wants to play chubby bunny with me
>video only works with flash
Into the trash it goes
I love it when you end up in a teenage girl sleepover unexpectedly
i wonder how many guys from r9k i talked to at sleepovers on omegle when i was younger
She married me
It's fucking weird but funny. I always say "oh my gosh, sleepover!" in a high pitched voice when I encounter one
Its like a random encounter of love live lolis got triggered
Is anyone still on? I just got home
wow this is great one faggy looking user sucked my dick virtually
>join omegle for an hour when mom not home
>boutta leave
>13 y/o comes on
>joke around for a bit
>stranger: wanna play ;)
>beat the fuck outta my dick for a straight 54 mins
>she cums twice
>mfw actually not depressed for like 3 weeks
On the r9k tag?
>You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
>Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests!
>connects to a female by some miracle of chance
>eww lol
everyythings to blurrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy
This is pretty lame. Just the same three people
No cute girls are on, everyone go home
c'mon I just wanna talk to some people why are there shirtless chads and normals skipping me all the time
who the crying cutie
she doesnt do stuff like that. she's shy.
what do they look like
Absolutely amazing website well now I know I look disgusting as shit.
this cutie got a new haircut
Dynamic ip?
Thanks for showing me this site user! I had a lot of fun talking to randos that were obviously just there to farm kik handles
looks nice fulvio, why dont u take the hood off so we can see the it in fullviewo?
no, nardra got a new haircut. but i couldn't screencap it. i told her she looked like a model but she was angry at me
seen her tits before i wanked off on cam to her
she's cute but she hates me guts now what can a man do desu
i don't know. she won't talk to me either
who the fuck is the chad in the tank
this is proof /r9k is beyond redeemable
normans/chads only looking for women
dont forget the women here who whore themselves out
lmao stfu whyate boi
Damn there are some new people tonight.
Tfw when I talked to a rareqtblackrobot
Sure you did bub
originalllllly kill yourself
Faggots get on video I'm looking to talk to some of my boys.
Omelet threads have been part of r9k until other users were tired of seeing the screenshots to be quite honest.
Even Omegle is on to me
stop disconnecting and try not to let others disconnect too much, that will happen.
I've already matched with way more women than i ever thought were on r9k
lol shoutout to the faggots without their webcam on. Thought y'all couldn't be any more pathetic but I was wrong
>Try talking to Robots in the text section
>They're either boring fags, "trolling" fags or hyper-sensitive fags
You wouldn't fucking BELIEVE how many people under the Jow Forums tag have called me a loser who needs to get a life when I bring up something to discuss that they don't like, such as porn affecting the human brain or entry level philosophy. It's really fucking weird, because my assumption about people here was that they were intelligent loners or edgelords with thick skins, not... you know, pussy faggots who cringe when you say nigger, fag, or any other slur.
>Inb4 someone calls me edgy for saying nigger and fag
>user wouldn't be my qt trap
>called me gay
>tried to fuck me instead
I see you fag
>people are sceencapping again
This is why this thread will always be dead. I dont know why you feel the need to do that.
shes not rare desu shes on there almost daily at night
This is why I stopped participating a long time ago. I enjoy talking to other people and makes me feel like I'm really socializing, but I don't want my face plastered everywhere.