If you're Indian it's over. Everyone treats you like you're a dirty sewage dweller. We are subhumans.
Indians have it the worst
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If you know you're subhuman why are you upset about being treated as such?
I mean look at the comments on this video
They think we're all like this. If you look deep enough you'll find extreme prejudice.
Redpill me on the caste system.
Nah, not all of you. One of my guitar heroes is Indian.
I meant we are treated as subhumans, or perceived that way by other races.
Who plini? I think hes indian
No. Kim Thayil from Soundgarden. Badass guitar player if you ask me.
You have it better than blacks, outside the US at least
The Indians that come to America are really nice. Although I'm sure only the cream of the crop even get the chance to start a new life here and India itself is a different story.
I don't think so. Historically, blacks have had it worse. Recently they're being treated a lot more equally, if not too much. With the relevance of hip hop, black twitter culture, and the blacked meme, they have it better than Indians. I've never heard of a girl with a preference for Indians.
Indians are really missing some stats, even niggers maxed out their strength and speed at the expense of their intelligence, but pajeets have average intelligence but are shit in everything else.
Honestly though are plumbers in demand in India? I'm kind of interested.
I guess that is true. If only people distinguished factors that native Indians have that American ones don't, instead of merging them.
Yeah man thats a good point
I thought they shit in the streets
Yeah but it's not just perception.
Its good,shame it doesn't exist anymore,except that lower caste subhumans get free gibs and affirmative action advantage,causing them to secure major influential positions in the government.
These subhumans also stage violent protests to increase the amount of reservation quota their caste gets, disrupting everything else.
Recently a subhuman got a job as a math teacher even though he scored negative 35, while the high caste , capable people were not given the position because muh quota. This is not uncommon, it results in unskilled workforce, and corrupt government. Worst part is that they cover for each other, so if your low caste classmate cheats, you can't do shit because congrats, your teacher is also a low caste quota hire. Doesn't sound so bad until you realose its not just teachers, but doctors, politicians, engineers and pretty much every goverment official.
Scary, which is why most high castes move abroad. India will soon collapse under its own incompetence, something we have created ourselves.
Notjce that streetshitters , rapists and scammers are all low caste, no exceptions. Also the fact that before the reservation(afformative action), literally none of the government officials were low caste, because they aren't smart enough. These low castes are rich , own acres upon acres of land, steal electricity(many of them are farmers,or own farms),water, and still want reservation.
Not really. Labour jobs are one of the worst paid jobs and every other guy who can't get a job picks up a wrench and becomes a plumber or welder. Theres no concept of minimum wage here, they'll pay you like 4 dollars to fix their shitter or their broken water pump. Happens when you have millions of unemployed people, each willing to do the job cheaper than the other. You'd be surprised to know that physical work is the lowest paid profession here, you could have a guy lugging cement bags and bricks all day for 5 dollars. I am not joking at all.
Not where I live. Pajeets are the jew here. They own all business and their children are the majority in the schooling. Yet, this is a white country
also they're richer/smarter than you hicks FUCCCCK
no you didnt pajeet, its called arabic numbers for a reason