Hello racists. How is your day?

Hello racists. How is your day?


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explain things like sickle cell anemia then

you wont


race realist retards btfo

JF kill yourself frog cunt

When blacks have an advantage, such as doing better in specific sports, it's because the black race have different genetics.

When whites have an advantage. such as being smarter, it's because of privilege.

They have to make their mind

>He didn't even read the article.
Why would I. You couldn't even read simple text before you jumped to this. Why would I waste my time trying to rationalize something for you. I won't even explain to you how little you know.

Just a heads up, it's more common in black people, not exclusive. Continue spouting your parroted arguments and unresearched points though. It's funny to see.

You're conflating arguments from two different types of people in an attempt to create false hypocrisy. It's honestly a shitty tactic. Whatever makes you feel better.

You're making assumptions. Not all of us here are racists.

Not at all. The same black people who will say that they have bigger penis because of their race for example, are the same ones who would call you a racist for pointing out that they are less inteligent because of genetics.

Same things goes for all other leftists. They will always use science to their advantage as long as it feets their agenda. Otherwise they blame everything on society.


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why would i read an article that is fake and bait

Not OP, but tbf, most of you guys are.

I wasn't saying that. I said hello racists, meaning the racist people that browse here, not everyone. Obviously not everyone here is since I doubt I'm the only special snowflake.
That's a weird thing to assume.
>Same things goes for all other leftists. They will always use science to their advantage as long as it feets their agenda. Otherwise they blame everything on society.
Yeah only the leftists. I now have an idea of who I'm wasting my time with so I'm not sure if I want to continue.

The exact thing could be said about white people claiming to be genetically superior in every way and try hard to prove black people don't have big dicks.
But then again I'm not lame enough to group and misrepresent a group to further my point. All it does is show I have nothing to say.

If race doesn't real then how can forensic anthropologists identify it with +80% accuracy from skeletons?

>If race doesn't real then how can forensic anthropologists identify it with +80% accuracy from skeletons?
Read the article.
It figures that you didn't.

>That race is a human construction doesn't mean that we don't fall into different groups or there's no variation

What was the point of this article? That colloquial terms are somewhat unscientific? Amazing insight there.

Although the content isn't really wrong, it's just that the title is pure clickbait.

I don't deny that people from the right use the same tactic of using science to their advantage too. It happens.

But the fact still remains that it's the same type of people who use science or switch the cause to society in order to fit their agenda.

It's dumb and leftists use this tactic way more often, because they are much more concerned about being politically correct than people from the right.

If race is just a human construct than why are we forcing diversity? If those idiots practiced what they preached, then...
>affirmative action and race-specific scholarships would be completely illegal
>actors and actresses would be based on looks and talent, which means diversity riders like the black dude on the new Star Wars would probably be doing commercials if he was lucky
>making things "historically accurate" or consistent with the established universe would never be frowned upon by anyone, and including blacks anywhere from 13th century Britain to Scooby-Doo would be seen as laughable
>there would never be any blowback from white officers arresting black people

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Can't deny that. I'd say it's not that different from anywhere else though. It's just that here people can say what they like without any repercussions.

>Race isn't real but racism is

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>witches aren't real so witch burning didn't happen

>Witch burning
Technically no since they weren't witches.


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So it's more of a he-said-they-said thing.
My own anecdotes prove this wrong, so it's not smart to assume you're objectively correct based on your experience, since you don't know what you don't know. Don't be ignorant, user.

>affirmative action and race-specific scholarships would be completely illegal
These are in place because iof America's history.
>actors and actresses would be based on looks and talent, which means diversity riders like the black dude on the new Star Wars would probably be doing commercials if he was lucky
Actors aren't hired for their talent? How is Danny Devito an actor if it'sfor diversity? Are you dumb?
>making things "historically accurate" or consistent with the established universe would never be frowned upon by anyone, and including blacks anywhere from 13th century Britain to Scooby-Doo would be seen as laughable
What the hell does this even mean? What's your point?
>there would never be any blowback from white officers arresting black people
You're using examples (Which has nothing to do with the point of the article.) that result from racism to disprove that race doesn't exists.

Here I am shocked, thinking this was an article that would disprove my point, but it's just the soy meme boys parroting something they found funny. What a surprise.

I think part of the problem is that Institutional Racism still puts minorities at a disadvantage which is why there is funding and what you could perceive as a privilege as a way overcome this. At least that's something I was told in my diversity class...

but they were burned for being witches

so you are now saying there were witches?

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If race isn't real then racism isn't real. You don't get to pick and choose when labels mean something or not.

On another note, still wish that it wasn't only whites that are called out for being racist. I get that it's a little different, but still.

you're a retard. I just gave you an example for why that's bullshit. if witches aren't real why were the women burned for being witches?

national geographic is now owned by rupert murdoch and is no longer a valid source for information. please post your propaganda elsewhere.

So race is real, then.

as soon as you admit witches are real

I have plenty of evidence to prove that i'm correct. A basic example is the climate change and the unrelated women in tech issue.

When people from the right deny the impact of climate change. Leftists call them anti science.

When the guy from google suggested that women are not as succesful in tech because of biological differences, what happened? He got attacked, called names, silenced and fired.

When science is against people from the left, they resort to attacking the person, calling them ignorant, racists, homophobic, etc. They do it because they can't refute the argument, so their only choice is to attack the person instead of the argument.

So racism isn't real.

>caring about politics in 2018

Get out normal fags. Fuck off

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>These are in place because iof America's history.
My ancestors never owned slaves. Yeah, you probably have some bullshit doublethink answer to that, but are you really some sort of "sins of the father" garbage like backwards societies do? Can I kill a child because his father was a bad person? Even if you were hard-set on the slavery issue, then every one should be checked if they had/owned slaves in their ancestry or not.
>Actors aren't hired for their talent?
You must a true brainlet to think that John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and the porky Asian girl all became Star Wars stars because of their talent, looks, and connection to the established universe than the fact they weren't white males.
>What the hell does this even mean? What's your point?
I'm talking like having a black lead in Troy Fall of a City when that's not even close to historically accurate, or having a black Human Torch in Fantastic Four. Either you are deliberately avoiding answering or you completely lack self-awareness.
>You're using examples that result from racism
Police officers arresting criminals isn't racism. The whole "dindu nuffin" meme wouldn't exist without people like you making a big deal out of it.

Affirmative action has very little to do with history. The point is to ensure diversity, not redress past injustices. The policy deliberately hinders overachieving groups and assists underachieving groups so as to maintain more equal representation of groups within institutions. For example, Asians were treated pretty poorly in the past but they're now punished by AA policies because they tend to be high achievers. The logic that SCOTUS uses is that the government has a compelling interest in creating diverse institutions.

>My ancestors never owned slaves.
I didn't claim this, you fucking victim. Grow up. Not everyone is out to get you. I swear every time I mention slavery there's always some whiny fag popping up telling me their ancestors didn't own slaves as if I give a shit. You people will do anything to appear as the victim in any situation no matter what.
Acting like affirmative action as a result of blacks being held back by Jim Crow laws is comparable to murder. Fucking hell.

>You must a true brainlet to think that John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and the porky Asian girl all became Star Wars stars because of their talent, looks, and connection to the established universe than the fact they weren't white males.
Connection goes a long way in the industry, brainlet. 100% sure you have no idea what you're talking about.
>I'm talking like having a black lead in Troy Fall of a City when that's not even close to historically accurate, or having a black Human Torch in Fantastic Four. Either you are deliberately avoiding answering or you completely lack self-awareness.
Nah, you phrased it vaguely weird. After reading this and understanding, I went back to see what you were babbling on about and I see now that you're a brainlet. The point that led you to this tangent makes absolutely no sense.

I don't get why there are so many people trying to use the existence of racism to prove race exists. Women were killed because they were considered witches. Witches don't exist, but in the mind of the people burning them, they do. So the argument that racism isn't real if race isn't real is actually retarded.

Reminds me of the test they did with school kids. They pit kids with different eye colors against each other.
In the minds of these kids there were actual differences. Say this were integrated into society and called eyeism. People with different color eyes are objectively the same, but they convince themselves they're different. Text limit reached. Fuck it I give up.

>Police officers arresting criminals isn't racism.
Never said this you fucking cunt.
This is why I hate arguing with you people. When you have no response to good points you use strawmen and change goalposts.
Nothing surprising.


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I did. Where did in mention forensic anthropology?

>What is enviornmentally based evolution

am I seriously the only one here who actually read the article

Most likely. What did you get from it?

Yeah. I'm not going to pretend I care on Jow Forums.

that "races" are really just minor genetic mutations that could bring some kind of evolutionary advantage depending on the geographical location or context
and don't really correlate with someone's intelligence or character
I feel like this is something pretty much everybody knew already? but it was still interesting to learn more about the actual science behind it

Currently reading it.
>I feel like this is something pretty much everybody knew already?
You'd be surprised.

All evolution is environmentally based. How each organism evolves is ultimately a function of its environment.

I had to clarify because the guy clearly has no idea.

>all these other traits can change but everyhing I deem to be socially relevant will obviously stay the same over tens of thousands of years

This is so silly.

>[races are a composite of many] minor genetic mutations that could bring some kind of evolutionary advantage depending on the geographical location or context
>[genetics] don't really correlate with someone's intelligence or character
The real lunacy is the baseless assumption that animal populations separated for many thousands of generations in wildly different environments (savannah, rainforest, floodplain, steppe, coastal, harsh winters, arid deserts) which evolved separate physical traits (skull shape, brain size, musculature, lactose-tolerance, bone density, height, body and facial hair, inborn sense of direction) and adapted to different lifestyles (nomadic, agrarian, hunter-gatherer) would all somehow have evolved equal intelligence.

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no shit you only see the intelligence difference if you compare males vs females instead of males vs. males. Women have less brain volume then men because of sexual dimorphism and more grey matter correlates to Higher IQ.

Great. So stop letting brown people have an advantage to their SAT scores

The witches argument is one of the funnier retard memes

If you want to laugh you can read this and see a guy who's obviously a liberal being super tentative and apologetic as he tries to point out basic realities about genetics.


the article proves that luck was one of the most important factors of human evolution.

we all originated in Africa then migrated. whoever migrated to the right places and survived the right way, prospered, it was a complete dice roll.

What's your point? That we should give money and land to brown people because their caveman ancestors 200,000 years ago had shit luck?

Why Nigs so dum?

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>asks me what point is
>generates one for me

who is your we? who is "we" to you? do you even have any money or resources to give, kek.
considering what i said, "white" skinned people aren't the only ones who lucked out, last I checked brown people are sitting on all the oil.

How about this? Is this funny to see too? I think it's pretty funny

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>How about this? Is this funny to see too? I think it's pretty funny

the absolute state of black people.
>X exists on a gradient so X isn't real. checkmate racists. btw give me that for free you racist. stop institutionally oppressing me because of my race, I need more programs due to transgenerational inherited trauma from slavery.

>no one says anything
>creates a strawman about needing more programs

do you even know any black people?

>do you even know any black people?

Lmao @ Portugal

yeahhh, i doubt that.

dont listen to them OP, you're a good guy. I found your example on the witches very interesting

lmao. nigger literally speechless he's so BTFO

Race is well and regularly defined and used scientifically for very many things. The only arguments realistically against it are either complaints about the colloquial usage of "race", which really don't matter or take away from the idea anyway, or politically motivated left-wingers trying to move the discussion away from hard sciences over to the humanities and psychology department. It is boring and not worth indulging.

>"the typical African American today probably has a slightly higher IQ than the grandparents of today's average white American."[64]

>lmao. nigger literally speechless he's so BTFO

people who practice witchcraft do and did exist, though.

The average woman of today is taller than the average man of generations ago. We should obviously conclude that sex differences in height do not exist.

>The average woman of today is taller than the average man of generations ago

that's not true you nonce


that was surprisingly entertaining i dont know why

It's true in places like the Netherlands, but that's not even the point. It was just an analogy.

>the typical African American today probably has a slightly higher IQ than the grandparents of today's average white American
Source is "Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America" really m8?

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>that "races" are really just minor genetic mutations that could bring some kind of evolutionary advantage depending on the geographical location or context

That... sounds like the opposite of what the headline was going for. No one is denying that the human races are mostly the same, we don't look like complete aliens to each other and we're clearly all the same species with the same body parts and organs, but there are differences between races even if small.

So, in other words, races do exist.