>he hasn't become a qt trap yet
He hasn't become a qt trap yet
why would I become a qt trap with no one to give me the initial support and attention?
no still too fat and hairy friend
Stop shilling your fantasies in my neighborhood. I'll give you a warning to. Those traps who enter my board are doomed to fall like Icarus.
Jow Forums will
Read Heed my warning
Show me one trap that looks like that.
I'll wait.
I can shill all the fantasies I want user
You bitches have been warned ;)
i'm crazy and i have infinite free time
please don't make me stalk you like the piece of shit lunatic i am
Get the fuck out of here Reiko
Not reiko but try harder
Warned of what
Course you are as you say >: ), but it's just my warning.
Not falling for your degeneracies Reiko
Go back to your tranny harem
I'm too overweight and put minimal effort into goals
>>he hasn't become a qt trap yet
>he hasn't ruined his life for the future yet to come
>he hasn't made himself completely useless to society
Man, sign me up Ryan
Why the hell would I want to be a faggot who would probably kill themselves after transition?
Have you considered going elsewhere since this sites audience ain't for (you)
What tranny Harem? I'm not reiko lol being a trap gives you a better chance of getting laid than being a whiny faggot does, may as well take the risk
Better step off my site faggot. Wouldn't want misfortune to see you rummaging through her pantie drawer. Fuck off before you get fucked in the non sexual way.
Fuck off, Reiko. Don't you have enough trannies in your faggot collection by now?
>yeah! Take the risk! Ruin ur life!!
>not op
why does all these idiot assume trap posters are all associated with that reiko guy?
>caring about getting laid
Fuck off degenerate
Because all trap posters are either reiko, or one of his pawns sent to shill on my board, like OP
wtf is with all this new anti trap stuff?
>still shilling traps
NONE of posters like OP are welcome.
I wish I could be a trap and trap lesbians into having a trap husband who dominates them.
And no, I wouldn't need HRT. I'm lucky enough that I could pull it off with getting a waxjob, a corset, a girtle, and wearing a stuffed bra.
In fact, I used to willingly do that many years ago. But alas, I can no longer look good in a dress unless I were to make myself skinnier.
Ah well, it's probably for the best. I suppose it's easier to get a GF if I just stayed the way I am.
>Being so fucking thirsty that you need to dress up as girl for sexual gratification.
You will never (NEVER) be as cute as the 2d anime traps people actually idolize.
But at least you can feel as cute
Fucking stretching for it now pathetic
REIKO was a jdif shill sent here to spam trap porn a few weeks ago in order to brainwash people into joining his discord. Once they are on it, they had them dress as traps and take a photo with their face I'm it, which they used to doxx them with, threatening to show their families and friends if they left for stopped taking hrt. One dude, named shauiby shit himself with a shotgun in the head on live stream a few weeks ago, and it was because he couldn't afford hrt and REIKO was going to rat him out to his Muslim parents. Never forgive reiko
I've had no conversation or have any connection to Reiko or his shills. just like traps.
Awe you scared of a wittle dick girl? You know if people actually ignored them they may go away it's just shit posting after all.
I'm becoming a powerlifter.
See You'd do well to fear that warning.
i have a trap gf already (shits cash) and i dont think they want to be with another trap
He Killed himself*****
Not shit himself
That's close but sounds insane.
Reiko is one (of many) people that tricks robots into taking pictures of themselves dressing up as traps, then blackmails them into taking HRT and becoming a member of their tranny circle. They also regularly spam trap propaganda threads which is why trap threads are getting so much hate now.
That's all there is to it. There's no proof that the guy who killed himself was related and adding Jow Forums shit just makes us all look like insane Jow Forums fags.
Who said I'm from pol... Jdif
shauiby was blackmailed into stealing an experimental 12 gauge HRT autoinjector and test it on himself. some say he was a qt trap for a split second before his brain was destroyed
Not me dude. Read my post a little better next time.
I have been here literally every day for the past weeks (heh "weeks" o_o) and have never heard of this wtf. I of course was here for the shauiby incident but never once did somebody mention he did it because of this shit... Fucking spoopy...
Well thanks for bringing me up to speed user.
This sucks because I'm heavily in to traps
You responded to MY post, and said that's what polaks believe
>traps are also fucking stupid everyone
Just stop giving in to the porn jew. Leave degeneracy behind and luve ur life. Trust me. It helps user
I've never spoken to reiko in my life
Don't worry, it will blow over in about a month when everyone invariably forgets.
Unless something hilarious happens, like that Reiko tranny Discord getting party v&.
Sure u haven't. And I'm just a paranoid conspiracy theorist that is trying to spread paranoia
Off to the showers kike
That exploitative fuck Reiko has completely tainted all trap threads for now and into the near future.
Yep, back to Jow Forums you go :^)
Just leave fapping to traps behind user. Don't get sucked into it and ruin your life
>small brain: hating reiko for spamming trap threads and brainwashing countless anons into taking HRT
>galaxy brain: hating reiko for ruining trap threads and lowering the number of spam after he got caught
Kill yourself nigger.
Jow Forums IS pol. All boards are meant to be a POL board. Kys. U are one of the kikes that made it this way
Because I'm 34 years old and would look like shit.
Since when did the entire of Jow Forums become Pol? Read the rules lad and try again
>Just stop giving in to the porn jew
I have user. Long before the movements to do so. I don't ever watch porn anymore and 3d in general doesn't get me hard. Haven't fapped in who knows how long. still, after all that being said, the rare occurrence that I am attracted to a 3d it is a trap.
>All of Jow Forums is meant to be a newfag board that only came into existence about a decade after the site's creation
You're right, but not in the way you think you are.
Cooked up this OC earlier today.
But max is hot user
yes, it's a guy
it's true that many traps look like shit, but there's plenty of fish in the sea and you just gotta keep searching
>yes, it's a guy
No shit sherlock.
Very much so, that's why I put that as the top pic. I'd do it.
To be clear. I want to smash the bussy. Not be the bussy.
OP is originally a faggot nigger
>I'll wait.
cute girl (male) 1
losing weight is healthy trap or not! and there are numerous hair removal options of varying permanence
it's hard to pick just one
it's a shame there aren't more traps in chastity
transbians are all too common, sadly.
>That bodyfat, those broad as fuck shoulders
Though it kind of looks like the real thing if I squint really hard.
Sorry user, I can't see the appeal in this one.
>I'll wait.
cute girl (male) 2
I'm not a nigger though, faggot is debatable however
were you able to tell easily?
because if I met him on the street I would never think this could be a guy, I've seen women much more masculine than him
I've seen multiple women with this bodyfat and broad shoulders, personally the shoulders are attractive for me
45 KB
>I'll wait.
cute girl (male) 3
I can acknowledge that some traps can look cuter than some girls, however, to me that one isn't one of them.
Not the user you originally responded to by the way, just sharing my opinion.
my favorite trap of all
Cant wait til this garbage trap meme dies
wow all it took was 4 inches of make-up
>yes, it's a guy
Didn't have to tell me LOL
Doesn't look like a 2D trap at all.
Nice face
>Stop shilling your fantasies in my neighborhood. I'll give you a warning to. Those traps who enter my board are doomed to fall like Icarus.
Heed the warning or be burned by the wrath of the involuntary sun.
>being this salty about being ugly
relax dude, you're among friends, you don't have to sperg out anymore
Dude can you relax? It is pretty sad the only way for you to bust a nut is by spamming this shit like this after numerous protests
Just go to a porn site or board like everybody else. Or one of your many discords
You're the one that's gonna be unwanted by both males and females once you hit 30 lol.
All traps need to either repent or get the F off of Jow Forums. I claim this board in the name of Jesus Christ!
i'm a hetero white male, sorry bro
Now is probably the dumbest time to be taking hormones and shit.
Science and technology are progressing like crazy. Why potentially fuck up your body forever, when you can just wait for the cool shit like putting your brain into a robot trap body that is more qt than humanly possible?
It might be a hard wait for some of us, but it will be worth it.
I can't tell. Is this Superman or Clark Kent? Having both the shirt and the glasses is really throwing me off.
The amount of poster getting buttfrustrated over a fetish is simply proof that trap posting is an effective way to troll this board and to get easy (you) just for the sake of it.
You can make your trap threads and get your (you)s
And I can be around fellow trap haters for the first time in months.
It's a win win situation all around.
If you want to blow your brains out with a shotgun, become a trap. If you want to become a healthy, respectable member of society get therapy.
I am currently dating a trap but I am not a trap.
How do I get a third trap into the mix here??
fuck off reiko
Become a trap then you can be both bf and gf
Threaten to send pictures of your current trap to his parents if he doesn't introduce new ones to you. It's a tried and true method that literally does itself.
This guy has the right idea! Pink pill is best pill!