post feels that women cannot possible comprehend
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Post feels that women cannot possible comprehend
Taking a fat arm length shit.
>the chad frieza vs. the virginta
why wouldn't a girl experience this?
>Chad Freeza
>gets chopped to pieces by a literal soyboy
Perfect Cell is the ultimate DBZ chad
Pain, hard work, pride and loss
Girls will never experience the feeling of founding an eastern empire for Christendom and the state's coffers.
It's not fucking fair that vegeta didn't get the freiza kill in the movie.
Freiza fucking destroyed his pride in that arc, which by the way, is another thing that women don't comprehend.
Women will never comprehend the feeling of successfully leading of rebellion of lesser nobility against the foreign born nobles and the neighboring monarch.
Women will never comprehend winning a battle overwhelmingly against you through use of cutting edge military doctrine.
Women will never understand the feeling of conquering a pesky southern Mozambican kingdom with an underfunded expedition, therefore solidifying your colonial borders, fulfilling the principle of "effective occupation", and dissuading the United Kingdom and Germany from attempting further incursions on your land.
what do you mean OP even us females put our entire being into a sneeze just for it not get the job done
the chad frieza vs the virgin janny
This is why roasties wish they had a dick
Being genitally mutilated when you're an infant and being told it's perfectly normal.
Fuck... my penis hurts
Wanting to off yourself for being a disappointment who couldn't live up to what you thought you could be your entire life.
wtf dude ? That is so fucking bad
>loving someone more than anything
>having the person you would give the world to leave
>loving someone more than anything while hating them more than anything
Women don't have actual feelings or souls. They're just insects.
He didn't actually get mutilated he's just being a little bitch because he got circumcised. These peoples entire world revolves around penises.
Redpill me on Alfonso
No woman ever will be able to understand Majin Vegeta, that's for sure
I didn't get it either desu, Vegeta acted full retard in that scene
A women will never know what it feels to be ostracized by everybody, everywhere and every day.
>visit crystal cafe
>almost every post is a woman bitching about why their bf sucks and how they are "lonely" while justifying their cheating
a woman can't understand true loneliness and solitude. i dont know if i should be jealous or sorry for them.
No woman would understand sacrificing herself
Afonso de Albuquerque was vice-roy of the state of India. His orders was to focus on trade, building up economic power instead of political power and dominion over land.
He decided that wasn't going to cut it so he conquered Goa, Ormuz, Malacca and Socotra.
He was known as the Portuguese Mars and the Caesar of the East.
Nicknamed the
No need to disguise yourself as a male anymore
Male Pattern Baldness
oregano oregano formidable
> Americans intentionally injure their kids
Almost glad I live in a shithole country.
I'd guess that they typically don't understand the feeling of having a crush like a man does. Men compete for women, and when a guy has a crush he's competing with the other men who are interested in her. I doubt they know the feeling of having a crush on someone for a long time, and finally dating the person. They don't feel that pride knowing that they won the competition.