and put her in modern clothes, modern culture and taught her English... how would you proceed with her from there? She has never heard of instagram, snapchat, facebook and literally knows nothing about modern society.
If you transported an attractive woman from 753 BC Rome to 2018 U.S
Move to the middle of nowhere and live the rest of my life with her.
1) if YOU, an ugly robot, transported her, then she would very quickly gravitate away from you to a circle of people around her level of attractiveness
2) she would quickly learn about instagram, snapchat, and facebook because women are socially perceptive and they know what is popular and unpopular. she would use them and get many followers
Firstly she would freak from your disgusting amerishit mud genetics.
Romans were actually white
None of those things are essential for life.
You'd likely have to give her sufficient education to gain employment and then leave her to her own devices.
She'd probably have the most fun looking at our historical records of the roman empire and validating them.
she would die from disease mostly likely
what if she sees the local chad
How do you prevent her from meeting Chad right away?
My fear is she would quickly move towards degeneracy/social media/Chad. I'd quickly get her involved in Christianity and explain we are together and not to date other men.
If she gravitates to Chad chasing then that's just what women enjoy.
You can't keep people from what they enjoy and doesn't physically harm them.
There has to be an argument that being a slut is harmful before you can decry it and moan.
I feel like her brain would be even more instinctive to date Chad. There would be a serious danger of losing her to Chad fairly quickly.
Well, if you lose her to Chad you never really had her at all.
they also had sex with kids
I think you could teach her and mold her
I bet she would suffuse most of her language with a lot of poetic meaning instead of being pragmatic and it would jar a lot of people. Would fall in love with/10.
i would just be happy she survived all those pregnancies as women from ancient Rome where typically married off and pregnant by the age of 12 when they went pregnant they were single looking to find a husband to marry into a respectable family so if she saw me with my small flat and shitty life she would leave
Wine and dine her. Take her to the mall to get new clothes. Tell her about snap chat, instagram, facebook. Explain we are bf/gf. Tell her to not talk to any other guys. Get her in Church.
>Teach her English
That's your first mistake right there my dude. You learn Latin and your only competition is volcels in the Vatican.
This 100%. Quite clever user. No Chad would take her cause they wouldn't understand her and vice versa
You really want to start with this?
I would make her shitpost at maximum speed on Jow Forums and /b/ 16 hours per day
>implying women need to be able to communicate verbally with Chad to want to fuck him
Who cares. Still a female, still a subhuman backstabbing creature.
Last gf was from the jungle of Lao! She had TWO oversized iPhones! It was hilarious!
Teach her everything and see how quick she becomes a thot
>implying Romans aren't white
I'm from Georgia and i'm probably whiter than some of the Jow Forumstards on here
Teach her about BBC
bbc news eh?
>implying the Romans weren't any less degenerate than modern America.
This is what memes do to you. They make you believe something that could never be possible.
fresh meme out the oven
>not teach her about smartphones/the internet
>amaze her with all other modern amenities
>never let her leave the house
so u want to kidnap a girl essentially, because girls are so degenerate for having social media. Hmmk