Why the FUCK are people so obsessed with dogs these days?

Why the FUCK are people so obsessed with dogs these days?
>omg i see a dog omg!
>we literally don't deserve dogs
>hold on i see a dog, omg good boy!!!
I like dogs but roasties are obsessed, its like their Starbucks coffee they cant shut up about.

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le so quirky twitter meme
pizza is worse

Is not the dogs, is as you say women using dogs to attentionwhore. It just seems overwhelming because with social media you see it everywhere.

Good thing I've seen more people adopting dogs and so.

Dogs are the ultimates bros. A true good boy stays with you till the end.

White couples use dogs as surrogate children because they fell for the antinatalism meme pushed in the media
>my furbabies omg!!!
>[dresses dog up in a onesie and posts it on reddit]
>[gets bred out of existence]

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they're fucking them

dogs are loud and high-maintenance. Normies like them because they act like they're happy to see you.

because without a dog i'd prob kill myself. my reason for staying alive

I see that shit on tinder all the time. White people are obsessed with dogs. I honestly think they fuck them more than humans desu.

The dog meme is fucking annoying, but dogs really are pretty sweet. But, like people, some of them are shitheads

When you are living alone though, a dog really makes life better.

>come home to furry homie who is stoked to see you, no matter your autism
>gets you out of the house
>caring for another living thing makes you happier
>ultimate wingman

Now, they're not for everybody, but after a shitty day at work, chilling on the couch with dog and beer is pretty comfy.

have some childhood dog feels

>be me, grade 7/8
>no friends, spent school reading under my desk
>walk/bike 2.9km to/from school
>come home in winter every day cold and depressed
>grab book
>get in beanbag chair by fire
>dog climbs into my lap and falls asleep
>read for 5 hrs like this

dog is 13 now, only has 1-2 years left.
gonna miss her

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Dogs are for extroverts, cats are for introverts

Why the fuck are you idiots making this a race thing? Fuck off.

Its mostly white women though. Blacks like dogs but they keep mostly quiet about it. They also treat them like shit.

It's kind of true desu
Other races treat them normally (as protectors and companions) because their family dynamics haven't been completely fucked up incestous bullshit from the outside in

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Fuck you op
My dog was a million times better than you and anyone else.
A dog loves unconditionally.
No matter what my dog always loved me.
It didn't judge me.
It didn't hate me.
It gave me space when I was upset.
It comforted me.
It gave me kisses whenever.
What have you ever done for a girl?
My dog was a better man than you'll ever be!

Dont get me started on the fucking "Doggo" meme dude. That shit is annoying yet for some reason hasnt fucking died out yet despite being a thing for fucking years now.

It's women reconciling their unfulfilled maternal instincts with their inability to form meaningful romantic and interpersonal connections in a world that has indulged their ego systems to the point of overencumbrance. This has been coupled with soyboys who distort the natural masculine love between a man and his dog into a feminised obsession mirrioring that of their female counterparts in the hopes of making themselves seem more appealing to them.

Also social media has created a cult of personality around videos of pets doing stupid shit.

Its because they think dogs are children op

Fuck off cunt. I had three beagles growing up. I love dogs but people these days act like retards whenever they see a dog to get attention and it's annoying.

People are so shit now that the unconditional love from a dog seems amazing. Dogs dont care if youre ugly and autistic they will still flip out if you give them some pets. Feels good to make something happy, dont dismiss them as a roastie meme theyre pretty nice.

>What have you ever done for a girl?
Well i creampied your moms pussy and asshole if that counts.

Because almost everyone likes dogs, therefore a normie magnet.
But dogs will never betray you and they really are man's best friend.