Whats your addiction?, u can tell me

whats your addiction?, u can tell me.

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Videogames, porn, Jow Forums and Youtube.

these and marijuana

Black guy here. Why are you people so obsessed with nigger dick so much? It's pathetic

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I got an addiction to anime traps. I masturbate to them, but never to any actual porn.
I'm weird. I always do the same thing with girls too. Buttcrack is fine, but never the actual genitals.

adderall and alcohol, they kind of sound the same

internet in general, videogames, masturbating, and hot black girls with big natural hair

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porn, masturnation and daydreamaing

Counter-Strike . I've put close to 20,000 hours into the series since i started playing in 2000 . It's digital heroin

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amphetamines, weed, masturbation and cuckholdry in some point too

alcohol and food

also porn I guess

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whats the common trait

what rank are you? im gold nova 4


i gambled that the word was original and lost. I c-can make it back j-just spot me an extra post.


hrt, dressing like a trap and turning others into traps

end Iife

alcohol, pornography, crossdressing, bulimia.

nah too busy training traps

Why am I honest with you? I would. never tell people in my real life what I tell you.

I'm addicted to world building. I love qyoat and reading isekai and whatnot and the way fantasy worlds are structured. I don't like real life history though.

Can you turn me into one? I'm chubby and kind of hairy in the legs and but tho, I'm latino at 5-8

Take HRT, start shaving, try and lose the weight and dress like a trap. Simples hun

Nah too hard I lost interest as soon as I typed mty message, you'll have to hold my hands the entire way

The internet
Literally the only one i have.

why i don't know you