Today I rode my motorcycle a lot

Today I rode my motorcycle a lot.
What did you guys do?

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What kind of motorcycle do you have?

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Listened to Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, No Prayer for the Dying, and Fear of the Dark in full for the first time.

spent all day agonizing over whether or not i should buy a girl's nudes
decided not to

Must have been a wonderful day.

Revisited and studied some material from Jason Becker and Cacophony. Other than that I haven't left my room all day.

good for you user

I didn't leave my room except for a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea spending the entire day watching anime and Jow Forums.
Essays and Exams due Monday but fuck it. That's what Sunday night is for right?

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played some shitty games on roblox. Smoked some weed as well

Today I rode my imaginary bicycle to my imaginary girlfriend's house.

I went to work then I came home and played video games and watched anime.

I played vidya with gf, had sex and we went shopping.

Its a Yamaha FZ6 from 2004.
I'd post a picture but I don't have any on hand right now.

You can find quality nudes online.


Hanabi and Ruri user, add me on discord and I'll put you on the waifu discord server


Hataraku, soshite kyo wa motto hataraku.

It's 4 in the morn and sun is about to rise, need to make a bento then I'll spend the rest of the day in a tractor.

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I finished akame ga kill and started your lie in april

Are you a farmer?

Was Akame ga Kill good?

it's someone from my uni who i've seen in person so the novelty value had me interested

Oh wow, thats rare.

Yeah i'd give it a 9/10

Cruising around in IL-2, really fun with TrackIR!

Attached: IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles + Ace Expansion Pack Screenshot 2018.04.14 - (1920x1080, 1.37M)

>Are you a farmer?

Nay, I'm a neet but I live around a lot of farms so I go help them out sometimes. Feels a little better than blowing yet another day browsing this site.

gf tricked me into admitting i talked to my ex and then broke up with me
i fucked up pretty bad
at least i got a nice haircut

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Took some robitussin and played black ops 2 for a bit then started playing katawa shoujo again.

You're an ace pilot!

I like that, sounds pretty comfy.
Where you from?

Is KS fun? I've never played it

>Where you from?

Northern yuro

Watched the new episode of Darling in the Franxx and got really pissed for no reason.

Heya Eurobro!

I do that sometimes too, get myself wound up.

>What did you guys do?

>played aoe2 genghis khan campaign
>binged on bakery food
>am going to vomit up the binged food
>will go back to aoe after I jack off

>Is KS fun? I've never played it
Kind of but it's also really depressing. You should try it, it's free.

Went skiing since I practice normie sports then some dickhead skied over my hand and I got four stitches in my fingers

What a fag, are your fingers still attached?

Hello there friend ;). Superior air force coming through.

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Ya it was just a couple really deep cuts but the worst part was having to wait 4hrs in the hospital before getting them sewn back up

Nice dubs
I'm glad that your fingers are still attached.
Stitches are pretty badass

thanks for posting this. now i feel better for doing the same thing.

Cheers now I do too.

slept in, watched a bit of anime, went to part time job,and then got drunk