femanon looking for discord pal, kimchi#0001
Femanon looking for discord pal, kimchi#0001
are you the first discord user?
Fellow Korean?
>doesn't know nitro is a thing
people actually added me
Im curious what your game is but this cant possibly go interestingly enough to be worth it
quit doing that fag shit where you go on r9k to string along some lonely pitiful fucktard gullible enough to fall for your bullshit
what's the point man
your either some bored faggot looking to pass your time in what is possibly the least productive way possible
or your some genuinely pitiful motherfucker who just wants someone to fawn over them so you feel better about yourself
you faggots disgust me
fucking make something of yourself you worthless fucking loser
fucking this. needy attention whore faggots who post anime girls are the fucking worst thing ever. they should all have their throats cut.
1) you're gonna get spammed with adds from horny spergy guys
2) you're gonna get banned
3) you're probably gonna get a few dick pics
why you ever thought this was a good idea baffles me.
>>be me, OP
>>literally a girl
>>just want someone to talk to
>>betacuck wont add me and say this shit to my face.
add me and say that shit. please. voice call me.
mfw cucks wont add me and say it
dont add op shes a pretty big loser eating oatmeal at midnight
shut the up
Eh i tried adding op but i guess im no good
Based, down with fags
guess you're just not chad user!
why do they always want chad
when will women learn how to conversate
hey i friend requested you kimfag
keep adding her she's an 8/10 guys she sent me pics
super cute
Im so unchad i didnt even get a chance to show how unchad i am. Its like you can smell the betaness through the computer screen ;_;
damn, I guess I won't be talking with anyone tonight
Message me if I'm ignoring you. I'm lonely.~
Is she a ch*stlet?
If she is I'm going to sagebomb this thread and tell her to kill herself.
Ch*stlet piggu a go home!
I messaged you but you didn't reply, it's ok
Message again?
Stupid negro thinking he's got the iron clad moral justice bluh bluh bluh suckin dicks all day.
oatmeal is delish
Yo jackass talk about spykids with me.
yay! thank you to everyone who added me!
This thread proves that there is no more hope left for this board.
It should honestly just be deleted
dont add this sick fuck, add me instead
what ulterior motives does op have???
haven't detected any yet, but haven't tried to elicit any proof of "femanon" yet either
it claims to just "be depressed and want to talk to people"
Further work is still required before I'll know for sure
such a strange creature. how do we know its real???
did, waiting,
also stop bumping the thread you fags, use sage
post discord if youre a fembot and would like to watch animgay :3
Update: after an awkward voice call, I have determined within 90% certainty that op is, in fact, female. Be warned: she wasn't in the best of moods during the call, and her this reply will likely only worsen that, so I'd hold off from making any sudden moves if I were you...
Ask her if she's an asian girl
make pals in my dcord