Why won't men respect us?
Why won't men respect us?
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post the horse faced one
i never want to know why they're doing this
seeing these women's bodies make me wanna go to the gym, even though it's my day off
Honestly think those creepy vergin feminist men are the ones who come up with that kind of shit.
why should we respect you?
holy shit us robots should do something like this it'd be fucking epic.
I hate white women so much. I'm sorry you white robots gotta put up with them.
I agree. You should go for it :^)
i've been working out and have shaved i should just strip nude in protest of being a robot virgin. i've had enough of my plight being ignored for everyone else.
No thks I am a dicklet
fucking coward piece of shit. if you aren't with me then you are just as bad as everyone else.
Those are goblinas and jews, user
you mean las creaturas?
They want attention. Screaming and Crying demanding attention.
100 years ago they'd all get it, they'd be scooped up by cops, tossed in a mental hospital, and get shock therapy treatments til they behave.
They dont get it, so their behavior will get worse, and worse, and worse and worse, and worse, til they finally get the submission they want/need
We'd get arrested for indecent exposure. Women can literally get away with anything.
Women do weird shit user.
Have you guys been following the bullyhunter meltdown?
Nope. Not normalfaggot so I don't follow normalfaggot trends.
Don't know what you're talking about, but I'll be sure to avert my gaze anytime it's mentioned, thanks for the heads up.
Its a great episode of rosties and sjw white knights getting btfod.
>marketing something sacred as the black pill
But I still don't know what you're talking about.
If they're not black or brown, they're white. One pale rule.
haha fresh meme faggot