>Be me
>21, Female
>Fucking 5:50AM
>Work starts at 7AM
>Until 7PM
>Get home at 8:30PM
>Repeat for 6 days
It's not supposed to be permanent but I still want to fucking die.
>Be me
>21, Female
>Fucking 5:50AM
>Work starts at 7AM
>Until 7PM
>Get home at 8:30PM
>Repeat for 6 days
It's not supposed to be permanent but I still want to fucking die.
sell ur body retarddd
>Type in your sex
Guaranteed replies but shitposting such as ^
>Don't type in sex
Zero replies and the thread dies in 5 minutes
In the train now, should I buy a coffee or nah?
Time to bump.
Last time I've had a genuine conversation on Jow Forums was like 3 years ago.
I'm not giving up as I've got no other place, I guess
>be me
>wake up at noon
>nothing to do so just lie in bed with my phone
>3.5 hours later
>proudly not masturbating anymore
>hunger and need to shit are too strong now
>gonna get up
It could always be worse user
I don't really see how but I guess you're right.
You must have mad money or be working vastly beneath your capabilities.
You had to point it out of course. Otherwise this thread would be dead already, you're most likely not even female
I get 2,387.92$ a month in the shithole I'm from.
I don't care about money, I just want to be home being comfy and playing vidya
What in savings?
That's fucking bananas.
You can afford to go to school for a cushy job in like two years of this grind.
Because that's what you need to do, is take your savings and look for a way to get an easier job.
There's no way I'm going to be able to study anything desu, hopefully my dad's business will start working properly in the near future and I'll be able to quit.
What did this have to do with anything?
wew what kind of shitass job do you have
>I get 2,387.92$ a month in the shithole I'm from.
What kind of shithole tho? I assume East Euro or Balkan. Isn't that a lot for them parts.
Please refer to: I'm supposedly training to become a manager of sorts if I'm showing potential in like half a year, I don't care though I just want to be home
the absolute state of females
I get payed more to work less hours and I actually like my job most of the time
Whatever then.
If you're resigned to busting your ass then bust your ass.
Don't complain about it whilst doing nothing.
That's just how the situation turned out to be, I didn't really have a say in all this.
but you do. why the fuck are you trying to work instead of being a housewife
Yeah you did.
Yeah you did.
Yeah you did.
You can leave any time you like.
Don't do what you're doing. Don't volunteer to be your own victim.
I'm too retarded to have any kind of a relationship with the opposite sex, I wouldn't do it if I was able to either.
>Dad knows a CEO of some company
>Don't have any money as the family business is still in it's very early stages
>CEO wants someone who speaks the native language
>CEO asks dad if he wants me to become a manager in his company
>Despite me being worthless with zero skills, CEO is willing to let me learn about the job
That's pretty much how it went.
okay so your problem is you're retarded
stop being retarded
Do you know on what board you're on?
hello my i upvote your incredible post?
Jow Forumsetard9k?
Oh well, at least you bumped.
imma bout to bump your face with a backhand, biiiiiiiiiiiish
Sounds pretty good to me.
Sounds like you know how good you have it and you're choosing to be unhappy with your extreme luck.
Because you a) accepted the offer and b) haven't quit.
My dad knew I wanted to die the moment I've heard this offer, but there was no ch98ce, extreme luck or not, I don't want to work and if I do then at least I want to see my room more than 3 hours a day.
Then quit, or offer to work until a replacement is found.
You are actively working against your own happiness.
You are a fool for doing this, or a liar for claiming you don't enjoy it.
>Implying I'm assertive enough to just tell my dad to fuck off
You don't have to be so blunt.
You can simply explain the situation and say you want out.
People can be very accommodating when you use the right words.
I already did, he understands the situation and knows it's insanity to work 12 hours a day but he just tries to calm me saying this is not permanent and once the business starts ticking it'll be over.
well then you'd better knuckle under and stop bitching you little bitch
Yeah try to be calm when you negotiate. Do it on a good day, not a bad day.
Remember what you wanted to talk about and what you want.
You're clearly pretty smart but I think you're laying traps for yourself by trying to negotiate in moments of stress and weakness.
This is the only place I feel comfortable venting and generally being.
Also, I bet you have no idea what it's like to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week in your little 1st world paradise where that's illegal, fuck off.
kek last summer I worked 10-12 hour days 6 days a week outside in the sun doing hard manual labor and I was a fatty who wasn't even in shape
so what i'm saying is stop bitching about it and man the fuck up woman
Just posting my suffering famz, the fact that you did what you did doesn't mean that's alright.
I did it on purpose because I wanted to stop being a fat NEET
stop being a fat NEET
>i understand that my threads are not interesting enough on their own merits to garner any replies
Cool, now fuck off. I hope your suffering is prolonged indefinitely.
desu she should be forced to work 24 hour shifts for zero pay
classic roastie cunt has to mention she's female even though it's completely irrelevant to her pathetic bitching. disgusting bitch kill yourself
Okay I think I'm done with this thread, thanks lads.
I told you what to do and you choose to (You) trolls.
I think you want to be unhappy.
I'm going to delete my posts.
Already said I can't just quit, user.
All I have left is to suffer and post about it on Jow Forums
Just do livecams for money
It's not illegal, they just have to pay overtime
I'm not a camwhore.
And meanwhile I get 9.95$ a hour
get into findom and have guys give you money
What's findom?
Meanwhile I'm working 12 hour days at 2 different jobs because no one is hiring for full time here. I'm working like 50 hours a week with no benefits. Shit sucks, but you do what you have too.
>2.3k in east euro
Made me kek pretty hard,you have to be a fucking engineer/developer/doc to get that kind of $$ in this forgotten part of europe.You fucking american mouthbreathers have no idea how easy things are for you.