Mom found out what Jow Forums was

>Mom found out what Jow Forums was

Fuck your racism
Now they think I'm a white supremacist

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Ok, why aren't you a white supremacist?


hopefully they ban normalfags like you from this site since the mods don't want to do it.

thanks to rule number 3, there is no racism on Jow Forums

Time to show em what you learned senpai.
Hope you bought a copy of the bell curve to refer to.

What did she say about it?


Because they're morons and they're also wrong
Race is such a fucking meme

How are they wrong?
How is race not real?

Most problems are socioeconomic problems
Has nothing to do with race

Your parents should be ashamed that you're not a racist. what's your t count?

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I swear anybody who doesn't hate niggers hasn't been around them for long enough

Ok, and are you going to make any effort to convince me that that is the case? or are you just going to say stuff because it makes you feel good?

I don't understand your angle. You're either an idiot or you have that whole white guilt thing at a severe level.

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I have actually
I have also been around low class white people
How could I possibly say one group is a problem?

>t.isolated middle class white kid

>Underage posting

Actually lower middle class white kid with a poor af extended family

I was born in the 90's

>Look Father-user, he's using the white power frog. *cries*

>Hillary warned us about the ult-right taking out son mother-user. Should have voted for her instead.

Great now we have two more of those people in existence.

All I see are higher iqs in more developed nations

They're both crap
but niggers are default crap

>I was born in the 90's
I don't know how you've remained this sheltered from statistics and the real world if you've been around that long. Your parents and public education system must have done a great job putting all of that white guilt in your head.

Give it a few years, you'll grow up.

What race can't develop a nation? Don't worry, I'll wait.

Why would anyone be a white supremacist if whites arent a collective?

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I have no white guilt user
I couldn't care less about color
My family owned slaves
They don't anymore
I don't own them anything

The non-whites ones?

Look I understand your point
But being from poor hickville it's hard to imagine these white people accomplishing anything so there's probably something else involved

>Now they think I'm a white supremacist

well they aren't wrong

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My god you are giant faggot, or a nigger. Either way, immediately KILL YOURSELF!

White girl is prettier, nigress has the better ass.

The white girl looks like she has a face of man, the black girl looks like a baboon. Both are ugly as shit

How did they find out? Green text it. I am genuinely interested.

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That's the "Swedish" girl right?

I'd wife her if I got the chance

White girl is prettier than the baboon ya daft faggot

r9k huwite nationalist? really? this board is heavily infiltrated by black women who want white dick and black men who want white poon. Thirteen years from now it will be full of underage b& mulatto. If it isn't already


Like I said both are fucking ugly retard. Your standards are shit lmao

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I agree OP, this deserves a green text tale

This whole white supremacist boogey man is ridiculous. Its always hyperbolic extreme definition
What kind of retard doesn't think their group is best? Just depressed people.
Doesn't mean i hate other groups, just care about mime more and want to live where mine are the majority.

Japan and African countries
>in the very past
One almost didn't have natural resources and had a rich culture, the other a fuckton and a savage culture
>European expansion
One learned a few things with them, the other only on how to sell slaves to them
>natural disasters and catastrophes
One had suffered 2 nukes and some tsunamis, still doing great, the other still have civil wars because of themselves
Not fair enough? What about China? They eat dogs and are the stars on cctv videos on the internet, yet they have a big nation and are influential. Hell, even India have a thing that are relatively considered a respectable nation (only because of the caste system)
Let's face it, Africans are basically disgusting subhumans that only the weak-minded and cowards can tolerate. Yes, of course there are exceptions even i know a bunch of them, but exceptions doesn't make the rules

I'm actually going to try to extend my life as long just to mess with you

>left my house
>for some reason alarm woke my computer
>my mom came in my room for the first time in years to turn it off
>saw the page
>Looked it up
Didn't help I had an Wikipedia page looking up what the 14 words were
I see that a ton here but didn't know what it was
It's just so stupid

She also called it Rocket900

So you think baboons are pretty? Sounds like thats what youre saying, Leqwantrell. And Im the one with garbage tastes. Shouldnt expect much from a filthy worthless nigger like you

I wanna give your mom a ROCKET900, repeatedly

Kill yourself you illiterate shit.

>projecting this fucking hard

Your reading comprehension is nigger tier baboon. I said the blond was prettier than the baboon, which is objectively true. Youre faggot ass, because youre a shitskin coon, got all sorts of assblasted for some reason. Likely your shit self esteem, cuz youre a nigger. Now just do EVERYONE a favor and KYS nigger

I think the history of Asian and African countries are somewhat similar
Just about 100 years shifted

She's not a very attractive woman

>you as you were typing this out

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Jow Forums is seriously full of children and normies
i think i'm done
just let the topic of this thread sink in , and then realize the whole board is no different

Then go
Pls leave
You're not welcome here

>projecting harder

Leqwantrell, smearing shit on yourself isnt gonna make the nigger go away. Damn you idiot apes

But socioeconomic facts are logically dependent on physical and biological facts.

Niggers cant into accepting theyre the bottom of the barrel in terms of sentient life

The guy just mentioned that both girls were uggo. Show me that iq bell curve again man this has to be bait

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niggers and robots are on the same level in terms of life success

Unlike niggers, the robaot can, if he so desires and works at it, rise above it. The nigger, well, is forever a nigger.

So you think baboons are hot too? Wtf, who is letting all these shitskin coons on here? DOnt you got some stupid white suburban junkies to rip off and rape Demarcus?

Why would they care? are they the type of cucks that would kick out their own flesh and blood over something like this?

>the robot can rise above it
So what's your excuse?


This isnt about me, faggot. Your nigger voodoo has no effect on me