
Get in here American fags. Reminder that Jow Forums is a Hoosier corn farming forum

Attached: indiana.png (1325x585, 321K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Very unhappy desu I wish assisted suicide was legal.
I'd take a lethal dose of morphine any day.

>tfw r9k is international enough that USA is not the majority
>tfw Americans no longer see themselves as the default nationality
>tfw they still suck compared to britfeel.

Friendly reminder that California is superior

Attached: west coast.png (1141x694, 76K)

I understand user. Every day I either think to myself
>can I off myself yet
>fucking faggots are in my way
I hate my life
Dad we can talk at the family reunion later.

Attached: 80f5f7e120bd4fbee0abf9b0e5709619bdf37f4bf82a24ebceba51c21ac3ff1a.png (2604x816, 131K)

No one is superior to the Hoosier Empire, but enjoy this

Hoosiershitposter is that you
You're a faggot, and your Dixiemutt memes are kinda gay
Also Ohio is better than Indiana


>he cant handle the Hoosier master race
Are you a Texasfag or someone else, Ive shitposted in alot of region/state threads?
>Better than Indiana

Arizona and Nevada would fit better there

Eh how about no

Nah just wanted to fuck with you
You're the Hoosiershitposter from Jow Forums aren't you
The guy who makes all those midwest threads

hello this is kansas

Attached: 1474505601441.jpg (658x528, 54K)

Hello there! holding up against the tornadoes there?

No. Ive made some of the Midwest threads here, and I'm ocassionaly the first person in the "which state is best" threads over on Jow Forums that says Indiana

One destroyed much of my town in the 90s. Hopefully we have sacrified enough snakes to appease the wind god though.

Did the winter wheat come in ok?

is there one of those memes for wisconsin? i hope so

Why snakes of all things?

There is. Here ya go cheesehead

Attached: 1523750209663.jpg (800x480, 87K)

Hello my fellow Hoosier *tips IU candy striped hat in your direction*

Was memeing about the dustbowl days where people would sacrifice snakes so rain would come.
Never leave town desu so who knows

Hello brother, hopefully IU gets better in basketball.
Funnily enough I'm a UK fan (Dad's influence), but I love it when IU is good, pisses off the rest of the country

Attached: 1517183411010.jpg (1200x771, 487K)

Best state coming through.

Attached: Missouri 2.jpg (1067x809, 737K)

95.5 avg IQ, 4th dumbest state, horrible cost of living, property cost 250-300% higher than avg. Ya, no. Worst place in the country to live

>I'm a UK fan

thank you, anonymous friend

No problem lad
I know, I know, its not normal, guess that's why I'm on Jow Forums. But, it happened. Bants between me and friends about IU UK is always entertaining.

God I wish I lived in MO

Anybody else from Massachusetts?

Attached: 1024px-Flag_of_Massachusetts.svg.png (1024x614, 53K)

fellow hoosier signing in

>Jow Forums overrun by ameritrash
>still feels need to create ameripig specific thread
Ameriscum everyone

Hello brother
>americans made a thread
The fuck are you, brit, frenchy, 3rd worlder, what?

Here's a different Missourah constitution thing if anyone wants it.

Attached: Missouri.png (1250x834, 1.31M)

You seem like a nice guy so I'll let it go but in real life I'd knock some of your teeth out so you can resemble those hillbillies on the wrong side of the Ohio river.

Indiananon reporting. Where are all the good girls, everyone in my tiny town is a methhead, or amish. I can't marry and impregnate an amish girl though.

>website made by American.
>most people on it are American
Really made me think.

Attached: 1500593095871.gif (600x600, 899K)

Just curious (assuming youre a fan), how well do you think Mizzou is gonna do in football this year?

who /texan/ here?
DFW myself

Go to a European website if you don't want to run into Americans. Bonus points if its in another language other than English since Americans wont be able to post since most only know one language.

Its cool user, like I said, I get alotta crap for it but its all in good fun. And I know its the wrong side of the Ohio, people wear coats if it gets below 60, its strange
On a side note, I think that if we hadn't beaten IU in 2012 in the tournament, IU would've won it all that year. That team could've handled Baylor, Louisville, and Kansas easily

>Amerihogs squealing and stamping their trotters
disgusting creatures tbqh

Where all my mutha fuggin okies?
Sing it with me:

user its ok. Even if you don't like us, we'll take the lowest of the low (as I'm sure you know) so if you ever decide to become one of us you can

Attached: 1508290208244.png (500x382, 65K)

>ameriswine invites me into his ameristy
good god I feel sick

I unironically wanna nail all 3

San Antonio here

Trips so close
I think we all do user

>getting this brainwashed by memes into hating your fellow robot brother because of the random events that lead said robots to be living in a certain geographic area
now that's sick
we all have to stick together because each other is all we have, now hug me euroanon.

>squeal squeal, oink oink, squeal oink
sorry, didn't get a word of that

Ill rape you bloody user. This isn't something to joke about

Attached: 1517608771405.gif (400x300, 289K)


>website ripped off japanese anime distribution web page image board

>MFW living in 574 in the best state posting in an IN thread

Attached: 127459-200.png (200x200, 6K)

kek. Irish eternally btfo. Even including them in this meme is a compliment to their race.

anyone from IU?

317 here. Home is comfy

Attached: midwest-pepe snow.png (669x498, 452K)

Enjoy Pence-land

whats a fucking Indiana is it that giant corn filed and nothing else

any michigan memes guys?

Thanks, I have been for a while
>Hurr durr its just lights in a corn field
>Doesn't like a comfy corn field
>Doesnt know Indianapolis is top 15 city in US by population
>Doesnt know about steel production, RV's, etc.
>Doesn't know about the Gary problem

well that and soy beans

Here you go user. Midwest bros gotta stick together

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Pacific northbest reporting in

Attached: 1522816209383.png (680x753, 177K)

Let's make it happen, fellow Californianons

Attached: california_republic_by_rubberduck3y6.jpg (528x628, 501K)

i live in Wisconsin and i tryed to jack of but when i jizzed my semen turned in to ice

$hitcago is the best, BICTH

Attached: Chicago middle finger.jpg (550x730, 59K)

When are you getting independence?

Attached: cascadia_by_fenn_o_manic-d91xgj2.png (876x911, 319K)

The cold eats its own user
Yes user, and Gary is a paradise

Make it happen, Texanon

Attached: republic_of_texas_by_rubberduck3y6.jpg (429x543, 310K)

Guess that would make you Cascadia then?

Attached: 562c87623a33b25a9de6257e7cac693e3b3dc7817091f7831c54d06cccdc5c30.jpg (1660x1524, 596K)

Why do you have to bash California?

There are plenty of beautiful places, and it was an independent country at one point.

Attached: map_of_the_california_republic___revolution__redux_by_kitfisto1997-dafp3lq.png (1001x798, 157K)

>tfw 2020 is 20 months away

that means I can only make $50k through waging until the next decade!!!!

why do you fuckin yanks use Seals instead of Coat of Arms?

Attached: 1024px-Seal_of_Washington.png (1024x1017, 451K)

Alabama has a coat of arms

Attached: 1200px-Coat_of_arms_of_Alabama.svg.png (1200x1176, 274K)

I didn't make it, I only made the OP one, sorry for bashing. I'm sure there are nice parts of California, not everywhere is LA. Just like not all of the Midwest is Chicago or New England New York.
I cant seem to find a California one though. If theres not one you could make one

That's only one state; explain why you use Seals instead of Coat of Arms.
Also that coat of arms looks fucking retarded, maybe that's why.

Does Wisconsin hate escapees from the People's Democratic Republic of Illinois? I'm thinking of moving across the state line

Attached: 1492231751020.png (496x317, 7K)

Is Oklahoma considered Midwest or Dixie?

There are more coats of arms


Honestly, I don't know. It may have been to spite Britain

Why use a Seal though?

Dixie. During the Civil War many Choctaw Injuns fought for the CSA.

Probably because they're more simple

Here's a cal one. Perhaps not the best. I'll give you a template too

Attached: cal.png (1686x754, 373K)

Dixie Also, its just a little too far south

Heres template. Do with it what you will

Attached: template.png (2100x730, 82K)

did you guys cover up this bird's butthole with the shield?

Attached: 600px-Great_Seal_of_the_United_States_(obverse).png (600x600, 266K)

The covering up of the eagle's butthole with the rectangular shield is symbolic of the first Thanksgiving after we wiped out the Indians, where beer-can chicken was first served.

Where in DFW? I live in Denton but I'm originally from San Antonio

>dat star of david

>TFW never realized that
>TFW cant unsee that now

Attached: 1516995705962.png (710x842, 573K)

whole USA is pence-land now fucktard

How do you like this, anons?

Attached: upper north america.jpg (736x736, 72K)

>less of a negroid state than illinois

just lol

silly goyim

Attached: 1523771808713.png (600x600, 269K)

I could see balkanization looking something like that, assuming leafs wove in well with the lower parts of the Midwest


Fucking horrible. Just a monstrosity of feel-good arbitrary borders

Yeah, the southwest should be like this

Attached: CA TX COUNTRIES.jpg (960x846, 67K)


impossible to tell how a bunch of imaginary states with borders drawn in ms paint would function without some idea of how their government would be organized

that being said great plains republic would literally devolve into the congo