i'll start
>that kid who snorted crushed rocks and pretended to be high
i'll start
>that kid who snorted crushed rocks and pretended to be high
>that kid who snorted copper oxide and had to be taken to the hospital
>that kid who snorted pre workout to impress the other kids in the locker room
>That kid who got suspended, because he was getting harrased by the negros.
>that kid who snorted pixie sticks
you......you wanna talk about it?
>that kid who are mustard
>that kid who hides under desks during arguments
>that kid that killed his pet lizard by swinging it around by its tail really fast like a lasso, then the tail broke off and the lizard hit the wall and died
Wasn't me, I was sick the day it happened.
>The kid has tourettes, so he'd always do weird things (randomly saying things, the usual)
>Lunch time
>That kid sits alone at any empty table. Doesn't stay in the lunch room if the tables are all filled.
>Not today though.
>the negros come to mess with tourettes kid.
>mock him, tease him, mess with his lunch.
>nobody does anything to stop them cause muh racism.
>tourettes kid breaks down crying and is escorted out of the lunch room by security.
>Gets suspended promptly
>Soon after his parents take him out of the school.
I fucking hate niggers.
That was me, I have no regrets.
>that kid who drank acid to win a 5 dollar bet
that kid who logged in a condom
>that kid who ate a bunch of gross shit for the other khv's even by middle school standards
>that kid who was being autistic and slit his hand on a pair of scissors
>that kid who everyone called a neo-nazi because he made an edgy jew joke a year prior
>that one fat as fuck kid who openly watched porn in class but the teachers either never caught him or for whatever reason they never did shit
>that fat kid who cried and bitched about being made fun of but would then go and buy twinkies from the kid making fun of him for a dollar a piece
>that kid who mad fun of the fat kid and then sold him twinkies
>that one short as shit roastie that would threaten to murder people openly but would still have people whiteknighting her somehow
I was the kid who sold the fat kid twinkies and got death threats from the midget roastie, lads
>that kid that took his dick out at year 7 camp and was forever called tic tac, all the way to year 12
>that retard who obliviously made an ass of himself on social media
>that sperg who was actually good at karaoke
>that kid who had multiple mental disabilities stacked
>those nerds who didn't know how to fight but came at each other anyway
>tic tac
Fucking kek.
Rest in pasta.
>that kid that microwaved crayons for 30 minutes during lunch
Whoever that was, screw you for getting the microwave privileges of our class taken away
>that kid who flipped his desk when he got angry
that kid was me.
>that kid who stuck his dick into an orange
>that kid who didnt own all 5 pieces of exodia but summoned the ones he had in attack mode anyways
>microwave priveledges
What kind of school has a microwave?
Please don't hurt that goose :(
My school had many of them
What Country? I always wanted to have some ramen for din dins
>that kid who tell a girl he see her in his horny dream
>that kid who announced he hates everyone and will shoot up the school on his first day
I'm from Canada
>he leaves class to go to the bathroom and comes back after 25 minutes, every fucking lesson
>he walks around with his shirt completely wet, just his shirt. like fucking soaking
>he shouts at people on occasion, for being too loud or whatever
>that kid who almost killed himself sticking two copper wires into a outlet at the age of 13
I'm from England, closest things we have to microwaves in our schools are kettles from the science lab
>That kid who did the weather on the CCTV every morning
>That kid who snorted Smarties
>That kid who played RuneScape on the computers in the back during indoor recess
>That kid who the teachers picked on because they knew he didn't have anyone to stick up for him
>those nerds who didn't know how to fight but came at each other anyway
>that nerd who told everyone he was a ninja and began jumping and running around in the middle of class
>that kid who almost burnt down the school but moved away right before he would've gotten caught
Use to snort gun powder!
>that kid who did nothing but tell puns
>that kid who found an egg on the bottom of the bus floor and ate the entire fucking thing.
>also, he was albino.
>that kid who asked a girl out for someone with the same name as me and scored me a gf
just kidding, i got rejected. i got rejected even when i didn't even ask. it's almost like the universe was playing a joke.
>That kid who would put sweet n lo in little baggies, snort them in front of friends, and sell them as dime bags of cocaine
That was me lads. Sweet n lo is good to snort because it runs down the back of your throat the whole day and makes your mouth taste good. It's also finer than sugar
>that kid who thought he was a werewolf and tried to transform in class
>that kid that snorted soap bar shavings and damaged his sense of smell
>i did this to myself
>that kid who was a complete asshole to you for no reason
>that teacher who was an asshole to you for no reason
>that kid who would play credit card with his school id and slide it down the back of people's pants
>that kid who just existed and no one knew what the fuck they did but everyone hated that kid.
i think that was me, why did you hate me?
d-did it leave a blood splatter?
it was me as well i was hoping someone could shed light on it.
How tf do you know this
don't worry, bruv. they don't deserve us.
>that kid who snorted chili powder @ a debate tournament
>debate kids in general
>that nerd kid that thought he was your friend simply because you knew him and shared a class
>that kid who talked about obscure strategy games to anyone who'd listen
>that kid who was so overly obsessed with right-wing politics that it was all he could talk about
>those kids that were so obsessed with band that it could be said that the instruments played them, instead of them playing instruments
>that kid who had a brony phase but then grew out of it and actually became super chill
>that kid that always got super high grades because they were so depressed to the point that they literally had nothing better to do than study
>that kid who talked about obscure strategy games to anyone who'd listen
>hey want to play Dawn of War Soulstorm after school? i want to practice imperial guard more
I forget which games this kid even had, all I remember was this dude drawing literal fucking diagrams of some game in class because he was trying to explain something I had never asked about
>Kid who had his nudes passes around the school
> i was this kid motherfucking natch
> except i also drew diagrams for myself
> i remember sketching out pike and shot formations for medieval 2 total war i'd implement soon as i came home (way back when the game was released)
pic related from a past that kid thread
>that kid who microwave a burrito but almost burned down the school
hahahahaha best itt
>that kid who just existed and no one knew what the fuck they did but everyone hated that kid.
i was friends with that kid
>that kid who brought weed to school everyday and smoked it in the bathroom during lunch
>That kid who beat me up in highschool but is in went to jv for putting 2 kilos of weed in his locker in middle school, and then raped a girl when he was 18 so he's in real jail now
>That kid that pulled his penis out while the teacher was reading on those clock rugs everyone had in kinder and started touching people with it
>That fat Hispanic kid who did pushups thinking it would make him run faster
>That girl who claimed she was a demon and put her blood on expo markers and books
>That principal that would destroy our expo markers whenever he came to our class
>That same principal who made everyone do pushups like the ex DS he was
>That kid that made a business selling paper worms
T'was me lads
>That kid who called a girl fat for the rest of elementary because she stepped on a field cricket
>That kid who probably killed a girl's rabbit on her birthday
>That kid who probably got raped or molested by his friend during Kinder graduation
>That kid who got yelled at for eating a sandwich by an ex-marine
>That kid who called a girl fat for killing 3 snails
>That kid who freaked out a boy who them hid in a cupboard and got stuck for 10 minutes
That one girl that claimed to be a werewolf and growled in class
>that kid who thinks hes an alpha male but at the same time thinks hes Aryan because he goes on Jow Forums
>Hates a whole race and blames people not wanting to be racist on not stopping bullies
Your just absolutely retarded kill yourself man what type of bullshit is this no what's is your IQ and don't spout that master race shit seriously man someone needs to abort dumbfucks like you
I guarantee you this poster is a fucking liar. The mentally deficient are not suspended. Fuck outta here with your race bait bullshit.
baby no likey how people avoid shitty groups of people
>that one kid that thought he was alpha because girls talk to him
>has Nazi ideals and thinks hes master race because he goes on Jow Forums
>>that kid who mad fun of the fat kid and then sold him twinkies
that was me
>that kid that made fake joints in middle school with paper and chalk(smoke)
>that kid became a pothead in HS
>was me
There is no fucking way this happened. Anyone who has been through high school knows this.
>that kid who would snort random shit like sugar, salt, and crush up rubber/pencil lead because he was bored.
was me
>go Dark Eldar
>rush with hellions and reavers
>that kid that always got super high grades because they were so depressed to the point that they literally had nothing better to do than study
Oh hey it's me
>that kid that would sit at his desk and ask kids for their glue so he could eat them
You should have fucked her in an original way.
>that kid who was in denial about his autism and tried hanging around the chads even though nobody liked him
>that kid who was a complete asshole to you for no reason in middle school
>it escalated to genuine constant psychological abuse
>everyone else joined in too because they saw you were an easy target
>you were heavily traumatized and to this day never made another real friend
>now you're a drug abusing alcoholic waste of space
haha school was so funny
>that kid who would watch rekt feminist vids during class
>That kid who everyone cheered him at swimming pool because he had the biggest dick
Stop spying on me faggot creep
>those kids who would run up behind you, put their hands on your shoulders and ram their knee into your asshole while yelling "corndog!"
>the principal made an annoucement a few days later that "corndogging" would no longer be tolerated
>That kid that was browsing Jow Forums at recess then porn ad come up and normies tell everyone he watch porn, making him lose every chance to have a gf because they think the kid is a sex maniac that will rape her
that kid was me
Oh shit I'm the chill former brony. Sweet.
>that quiet girl in middle school who was obsessed with horses
I had the exact same girl in my class wtf
>That kid over interested in entomology. Being autistic and learning shit ton of names and stuff in latin.
And people just laughed
>That ripped manlet kid who was actually a pretty cool guy
I actually did this in HS, for an FFA CDE. Ended up being friends with two seniors on my team, I feel like chad know.
Implying ripped manlets aren't mostly cool guys
>That kid who would spend half of class fapping in the toilet.
Was me and I still got good grades.
>that kid got shot by his father in a murder-suicide.
>that kid who died, together with his mom and sister, in a house fire started by his dad's mistress.
>that kid who lost her father in a drunken downhill child-scooter accident.
>that teacher who was smug as fuck and acted like she was better than you
>that teacher who kept changing the grade level she taught so you always had a chance to get her for the year
>that teacher who doesn't shut the fuck up about how great Germany is
>that same fucking bitch teacher who played favourites and hated you even though you were never in her class
Joke's on you, you never taught me once for all 7 years I was there you fuck.
No I'm not mad
most ripped manlets arent cool, a lot of them have pent up rage issues and its embarrassing
>that kid whose favourite food was cereal
>that kid who was also lactose intolerant
>that kid that farted like crazy
>that kid who spent ages shitting
>that kid who mastered turdwanking
>that kid that snuck into a bush during PE to wank
explain this witchcraft to me
Just wank while you shit. The key is to hold it just where it's putting pressure on your prostate.
>That kid that would tell everyone he was going to fart then would spread his ass open to make it louder
I do this but only when I'm the only one around.
>that edgy kid who shot a cap gun at their head while talking to a teacher
>that edgy kid that was pulled out of class because crying teacher thought they were suicidal
Both me
we did bully a very sissy guy though
i don't know why we did it, it was instinctive
we made him cry several times, it was hilarious