Just played metal show for a couple hundred people

>just played metal show for a couple hundred people.
>crowd responded.
>people stop. Me afterwards and compliment my playing.
>one random stranger actually asks for my autograph.
>touring act we opened for actually stopped me and had a conversation.
>local music publication has an interview with us.
I just don't get to be happy, huh?

Also have no excuse, I'm just garbage.

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Try sex

Or drugs

Both wear off pretty fast though

Post band or fake and gay

Blastbeats? Clean vox? Bass player plays with fingers? Vocalist does some wannabe Travis Ryan style "cleans"? Tell me about your band fag

Are you struggling with anything right now or are your hands perfect and do whatever you want.

Band is called Iron core. We. Opened for puddle Of Mudd in Sherman theater in PA.

Inherit the earth's guitar stopped me and talked to me, among the total strangers.

These days I'm working on sweeping arpeggios, because it's the next natural progression.

Here's a link if Yall care.

Hope it does violate rules. My friend took it. It'd shitty cell phone photo.


lol where is the drummer?

He's stage right lol. Along with everyone else.

did he have to take a shit or something? Come on fuck the drum track

Yeah that's pretty good.
Say you're in a room of people and you have to size the room so that you're the best at guitar in the room, that rooms gonna be a very large number of people.
It's good to be humble about it, but face it you're pretty elite at guitar.

It's actually really good that you're frustrated, because you're going to continue to improve.

To more comprehensively answer your question, since we went on rather early there were several drum sets on stage, so nobody had to set up a drum kit between sets (we had about 10 minutes to get our stuff off stage). Our drummer was on a set further left (stage right) than my friend recorded. The bassist and other guitar was also over there.

D u b s confirm you guys are pretty awesome. I love 80's metal, and you guys are rocking it hard, fuck ya. Be proud user, you deserve it for knowing how to play, unlike most bands out there today.

how tho? live music is fun as fuck. especially extreme metal

check out Infinite Plagues. New EP this year

Attached: owo whats this.jpg (1024x1024, 76K)

If I'm honest part of it is the fact that only dudes care. It's fucked up I know. I actually feel kinda shitty that I feel shitty about that.

Anyway thanks for the kind words, anons. I'll just have to sleep it off and commit to feeling better tomorrow! In the meantime, I'm sleepy as fuck.

it's ok

you guys need better stage presence, 2 of you just standing around

also play better music lul

>also play better music lul

Eat a bullet little boy. It takes talent to play old school metal, unlike the faggot soyboy faggotry you probably fap to.

Im not OP btw, IM just someone who thinks modern rock and metal is putrid shit devoid of talent and enjoyment.

I've listened to every style of metal for many years now, what I just heard on that link sounded like uninspired teenager open-chug filled death metal (deathcore?) without much thought put into the composition.

I would post examples of the bands I usually listen to but I don't think it would matter to you.

That's exactly what it is. Me and the other guitar player started (and still are) classical players and just decided to make a death core group for fun. Were opening for Slaughter To Prevail soon which is pretty fun.

dont be that one guy that says "bUt CoRe IsNt REAL mEtal"

but core isn't real metal u poser

Thats a shame you think that. I still love a lot of OG tech death if thats more your style


hey man no worries, don't take it personally

Kinda weird that you say "It takes talent to play old school metal" and then play Deathcore, which is not really old school at all...

I've been jamming nonstop to Archspire's latest lately, give it a shot.


Attached: metal detector.jpg (513x604, 43K)

OP, are you still here? Need to ask you a question.

I have no idea who typed that. Deathcore is not even 15 years old lmao. and fuck yes dude thats some good shit. I also really love black metal as well.

haha so someone else is just whiteknighting you? good shit

if you guys ever swing through Minnesota l'll stop by

Shoot. Might be a minute but I'll do my best

Are you MrPlankton?

I don't know what you're asking, so I'm gonna say no. Sorry.

Aw, damn. Never mind. Thought you were an old internet friend of mine.

No worries. Have a great night