Tulpa thread

Let's see how fast we can get archived edition.

Join this thread to:
>ask questions about tulpas
>discuss your tulpa and talk about tulpa related stuff
>get help in creating your tulpa

Tulpas are good for:
>staving off loneliness
>getting a second opinion on things
>generally having someone to dick around with

>What are tulpas?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. More info:tulpa.info/faq/

>What guides do you recommend?
Check these out:

Other Guides
Tulpa Wiki's Guides:tulpa.wikia.com/wiki/Category:GuidesTulpa
General Guide List:pastebin.com/SrAWPTKZ (embed)
The No-Bullshit Tulpa Book:farcaller.gitbooks.io/nbtb/content/
Textbooks about Mental Training:pastebin.com/i6k1teitSoundscape (embed)


For those bad at visualising who might find it easier to create a Tulpa through guided meditation can download (3.39gb):

For anyone worried that they won't like their tulpa, keep in mind that getting rid of a tulpa can be a long process that might not work.
For anyone who just wants to derail the thread, let us retreat into our degenerate subconsciousnesses in peace.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Whay does your tulpa's ass taste like?

Haven't tried it. I assume it tastes like yours.

Wouldn't it taste like something you like? Do you like how my ass tastes?

Depends, what's your ass taste like?

It tastes like tea

Tea is nice, I guess it tastes like that. You'd better check for me, bend backwards and give it a lick.

What's your wonderland looks like ? Show me your wonderlands user .

Pic relatarino.

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pretty sure thats just schizophrenia

This is a common concern. Keep in mind, user, mental disorders are defined by the 4 Ds.

1. Dysfunction - Does this shit make you less capable of performing everyday functions?
2. Distress - Does this shit cause you to feel bad, ie, negative feelings?
3. Danger - Does this shit/condition causes you to exhibit dangerous or violent behavior toward yourself or other people?
4. Deviance - Is this shit just plain weird. Does it deviate from what conventional society consider as normal?

Something need to fulfill all 4 of the above conditions in order to be qualified as a mental illness. Schizophrenia, as people so frequently point out, does have all 4 Ds present.

However with tulpas, it's generally just deviant - it's considered weird by society. People with tulpas cause no dangers to themselves or others. People with tulpas also frequently report improved abilities to perform everyday functions, such as socializing. Lastly, majority of people with tulpas report feeling better/happier in life with tulpas, especially after the tulpa's at a point where it can communicate proficiently with the host.

I forgot the threadly post.

the shit they say in this thread is great for a laugh or two.

i have fucking seen you post this more than once in multiple threads

Is it a little big to visualize? My visualization skill is shit so my wonderland is only a small cottage on a mountain cliff , pic related. Come here every night chilling with my tulpa by the campfire is pretty comfy desu.

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That's the idea, although it's supposed to be posted at the start of the thread to calm down le schizo meme people.
I haven't been on Jow Forums in a while though, that was other people.

Sup haven't seen you guys on here thought you stuck to /trash/ I have tulpa, my eldest is little over 5 years old now. Though she's my age and all that form and mentality wise.

/trash/ is for ponies fags

Don't have any pics but it's a generally a world of it's own very much like ours. My eldest luves in the city we call Silverport, it's very 90s with a touch of 80s.

Yeah I got tulpa back in the days if when the Gen was on /mlp/ My eldest was a pony then but she's just a human now.

We normally stay in a one room apartment with a wide couch and a big tv screen replacing the wall opposite to it. I don't have a picture for it though. I don't think size is the problem for me, I normally have more trouble giving it all substance and making it look "real" if that makes sense.

Resuscitating this thread. It ain't a bad one or bad idea. At least a reprieve from the normal bullshit.

Can you talk to a tulpa just in your mind, or do you have to speak out loud? If it's the latter, that seems like a problem for people that don't live alone.

No can all be in your mind.

I only talk with her in my mind, talking out loud is cringe desu.

It's funny how most robots are lonely and depressed and yet they reject the idea of having an imaginary friend. Jow Forums is full of normies these days.

Some people talk to them out loud, personally I never talk out loud to Joy unless I'm sure I'm alone, but even then I prefer to keep it in my head.

Newfag to tulpas reporting in.

Give me a rundown on the creation process. I read like 5 guides and still don't get it. Am I just a brainlet or is there more to it than "talk to a girl inside your head"

Honestly when I made my eldest I wasn't even lonely just curious. Now I am happy I have, because life has been down hill for years, but still have company. Still have friends amongst them.

You wanted a tulpa?
She's laying in your bead right now
She's skinny and has strawberry blonde her.
Her name is emma.
She comes from the low class england during the 19th century and she died early from a textile factory accident when she was 18.
For her your life is luxurious since she used to sleep in a bed made of straw in a small house made out of wood with no electricity.
She likes the fact that you're a virgin cause she has victorian value.
She's also not used to being treated like an equal.
She wishes you'd take her to the park for a picnic.

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When making my tup the guides are just to give you an idea to proceed. I did a lot of winging it myself. You sometimes just need to figure out what works for you.

How is a tulpa different from an imaginary friend?

Are imaginary friends harmful, or beneficial?

For me I talked to her, watched movies with her, and generally just hanged out with her. I don't think there's much more to it than that, but it depends on the person making the tulpa.
>How is a tulpa different from an imaginary friend?
Tulpas have a cooler name.
>Are imaginary friends harmful, or beneficial?
beneficial. Especially if you're constantly bored.

1. Decide on your tulpa appearance and personality.
2. Make a wonderlands ( A place where you will meet your tulpa when you force.
3. Sit down, meditate, image yourself being in your wonderland and meet her for the first time.
4. Start talking to her.
5. Continue to force and she will become more real to you.
Now you can work on your Imposion ( Seeing her in the real world, touching her and shit ), Vocal ( Hearing her voice like a real person )
If you too much of a brainlet you can also try the guided meditation in the first post.

Think like this, imaginary friends are puppets, you pull their strings and they will behave on how you like them to behave. Tulpas are seprate entities, they can think and behave on their own. And no, it's not harmful.

Is it weird my tups and I have 0 interest in impostion? We do everything in wonderland and develop it. We still have out when not in wonderland, but they're just a voice in NY head seeing what I see then. Which is fine, just saying. Seems most are interested in it, where as we are not.

Same for me, my tulpa improved my life too much. She wants to experience the world more, she made me go outside and try many new things because the world is still new to her, everytime I have a suicidal thoughts she told me " If you suicide then I will die too, do you want that ? If you can't love yourself then love me instead, live for me "

Joy prefers it out here, we don't spend much time in the wonderland. It's too bad, I like it in there. She gets annoyed that I'm not good at making it seem real. She says it's like a ps2 game lol.

I got it the other way around it's so vivid and real for them they see no point in coming out here. They've made their own lives in there. It's a little world of their own we all been working on for years. I like worldbuilding for the sake of worldbuilding anyway so it suits me just fine.

nice thread user bumping it

Is this so appealing. I can't imagine it is healthy and I know I already have enough problems. But check it sounds appealing to never be alone again

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You think tulpas are from your imagination.
But they come from the spirit world.
you have to link your mind to a higher dimension.

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You can make Hunter's dream your wonderland and make the doll your tulpa user.

That really does sound fantastic.
Having the plain doll love me forever and ever would be a dream come true. She is very caring.
I've read that is bad to base it off of a pre-existing character.
I also don't want to devalue my current friendships.
This is a very tricky idea.

My tulpa is also based on a character, she will evolve and develop her own personality and become a different person than the based character after 1 months so don't worry.

How has this affected your health?
Are you more or less social than before?

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I have more questions.
They are like other people in your life yes? A completely different person.
Will it get jealous or become unhealthy if i vented to it and didn't do that when I interacted with other people?

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Actually I become more social and open than before. Before having a tulpa, I'm afraid of going outside because anxiety, but having a friend always by my side give me a sense of relief. My tulpa is pretty outgoing, so she wants me to take her for a walk, try new food and meet new people and force me to take care of myself ( also mean taking care of her ) . I'm no longer feel awkward when I have to stand alone and wait for someone or something ( Waiting for my friends or at the bank for example )

I think it depends on your tulpa personality, I sometimes vent on my tulpa too, but she will tell me what's wrong and what's right and calm me down or finding the solution for the problem. About the jealous part, she sometimes jealous about different things too but she will get over it, she doesn't want any harm on me because that will also harm her.

Is this some kind of cult thing? Am I being tricked. All I'm hearing is positive reinforcement. I have been told that people with tulpas can be off.
I would like to hear the negative aspects as well.

Can you get rid of your tulpa? djbdjb

people do remember tulpas and what happened with the mlp community right
youre all just gonna become your waifus

There's some anons on /x/ anh /mlp/ got taken over by a tulpa or their tulpa force them to do bad things. I think it's just LARPing or some creepypasta, switching is a difficult thing to do and I'm sure that nobody can let a tulpa fully taking over their life. It's like hypnosis, you're not being controlled but you follow the hypnotist because deep down you want it.

Well. That is very dumb. This entire thing seems like trickery or a silly joke.

It's real and asian monks have practised it hundreds years ago: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulpa . Also meditation is good for you, just google benefits of meditation and see for yourself.

daily reminder these threads are brought to you by the one of the same faggots behind the trap psyop.

agenda here is probably to make you schizophrenic, deteriorate your mental health and make more susceptible to becoming their little sissy slut.

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Tulpa thread was long before these discord things.

Fake News. Tulpa culture is something that has been going around on Jow Forums on different boards. I myself attempted to bring it to r9k a few months ago but to no avail. It picked up when someone made a thread that ended up sparking a lot of curiosity and a decision was made there to make tulpa threads more regular so robots can discuss their tulpas and help lonely robots to make them if they are intrested. After that one got archived Haruka made the next thread and for some retardes reason bragged about it on discord. Almost all regular tulappsters are against Reiko and his bullshit.

The catch is that you cant get rid of your tulpa isnt it

You can. If it's an older tulpa it might take a little more time but it's more than doable. The only way for a tulpa to be completely indestructible is if you legitimately have schizophrenia.

Your tulpa will fade away if you stop forcing but I believe it still there. Just like a piece of your memories, you forget it but it still exists.

>youre all just gonna become your waifus
sounds hot desu

I read a couple of guides and it just says imagine your tulpa and an imaginary scenery.
But it doesnt say anything other than that.
Im imagining a tulpa right now and its not doing anything.
Its just regular imagination.

Will you sick weirdo brit fucks take your lonely virgin imaginary friend threads back to >>/x/

>The only way for a tulpa to be completely indestructible is if you legitimately have schizophrenia.

Well, yeah, but isn't that because it basically becomes schizophrenia the moment you can no longer get rid of it?

From what I understand Schizophrenia doesn't appear to have a known physiological cause, it's something that just kind of happens, and usually starts developing in the time of early adulthood.

So I'm not entirely convinced that you don't end up accidentally making yourself schizophrenic by doing this. Are there any psychiatric studies into the Tulpa phenomenon?

Schizoprhenia is way more complicated than ""I'm imaginary friend is real" and "I hear voices".

This basically sums up everything on the topic. I haven't looked too much into it but tulpas are a pretty niche thing and I doubt there has been any thorough research on them and their effects. There was an interview with the founder of Tulpa.io wher they asked a specialist on the amtter and he said that despite being weird and off the norm it's certainly not mental illness. Religious people claim that they are able to talk with God but it isn't considered being insanity.

So youre saying i could make pic related real?
I want to believe

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100% yes. Most people will say tulpas aren't for satisfying degenerate fetishes but honestly many of the techniques in tulpamaking can be utilized to create something like a mind-succubus which you can touch, feel, hear, smell and of course have sex with.

Depends on how you define "real".

The guides still dont say how to do it.
Im imagining her and its not doing anything.

How long have you been forcing? It usually takes more than 1 weeks to many months to see some signs.

I'd suggest practicing more. Also how long have you been trying for? These things won't happen immediately you know. What guides are you specifically reading? Do you have any specific questions to ask that I could answer?

Instead of tulpas, why don't you all try to make friends with demons or demoness. Instead of trying to develop schizophrenia...
Not all demons are friendly and it's best to go through the ones of Satan.

I honestly sometimes wish I had actual schizophrenia and delusions just so my tulpa could feel more real.

tempted to form a tulpa now so I can eat its arse

So i just have to imagine her for a week straight?

>trying to develop schizophrenia...
>Debunked multiple times
>He still writes it
Also, there shouldnt be a discord for tulpas. Discord is most of the time the last nail in the coffin for smaller communitys since discord users tend to join alot of servers but never post in any

Yes. Just because it's inside your head doesn't mean it's not real

Yes i have a question
How do i make the friggin tulpa

Essentially yes, although it takes more interaction than that.
I think there was a tulpa discord that was being shilled a while back.
spock is gay data is king

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Data cant get laid cause hes a robot

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Data is fully functional and can turn a lesbian straight. Spock thinks sex is illogical.

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No its mating season.
Im going to go kidnap a tasty one.

Keyword "specific", user.
Anyway I'll try my best to explain it as best as I can.
If you have read or even skimmed through the guides then you're probably familiar with terms like forcing, puppeting etc. You need to keep all these persistent. Basically imaigine your tulpa, talk to your tulpa and interact with your tulpa even if you feel like the responses aren't independent. For touching there was a good practice method in one of the guides (or it could have been the book I dont remember) to imagine and "create" objects in your hand with your mind focusing on things like weight and texture. The most simple advice I can give is just talk to it. Even if there is no response AT ALL keep talking to it. Ask it questions. As time goes on try to imagine what it would say, visualize it more and ask more advanced questions.

Don't deny your faggotry Spock. You know you want some Kirk cock.

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Just read the guide or download the guided meditation in the first post my nigga.

So I have a question.
I have had my tulpa for some time now and things are going great. However the biggest difference I've seen between me and other tulpafags is that I don't have a wonderland.
Does that hinder me and/or my tulpa in any way? I've discussed it with her and she has said that she doesn't particularly need it.
What are wonderlands really for? Do I need one to make my tulpa more authentic?

Wonderlands are mostly meant for having adventures and hanging out in I think. I mostly just sit around with Joy and watch movies with her so we don't go on any "adventures" or anything. She hasn't really expressed much interest in it. I'd say that it's helpful to have, but not necessary, although jumping straight to imposition might not be the best thing to do, if it's working for you I'd say it's fine.

I don't think so, I have met a few who either didn't have one or left it extremely undeveloped because they didn't use it. Just as we never bothered with impostion and focus everything on wonderland. It's all just up to you and your tulpa, whatever you guys find preferable.

I see. We mostly hang out IRL and she is almost always around me. I guess I could try creating a wonderland in the future.


Here's a useful guide for those starting out.

Skimmed through it. Seems good enough. We should add it to the guide list in the tulpa thread OPs

I'll probably add it if I make the next thread.

yea retard, that'd be your shill Lord haruka

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Did you even read what I said you absolute baboon?

Haruka hasn't posted in these threads in a while, at least not with his trip.

You know this shit has been going on since long before Discord right? I've had tulpa for over 5 years now. Even then the thread back then was on another board. We spoke on the board and IRC. So fuck off with whatever this recent drama crap is.

the absolute state of today's trash kids shilling for their Lord with no counter proof or anything.

>get told that there has been tulpamancers on Jow Forums way before discord shit
>not proof
You have an interesting definition of "proof". Either way, does it matter? if you don't like the idea of mentally getting rid of your loneliness then just don't post here dumbass.

>is shown proof
>"no counter proof"
Did I just get baited?

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tulpa threads did exist on /x/ before but they were never shilled like they are now.
and no I do not like the idea of creating mental problems and inducing schizophrenia you fucking mong.

>shown proof by typing words

I am actually a tulpa created by your imagination.

it's t-t-rue because I just typed it and nobody never lies on the i-internet r-right guys?

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