Does anyone want to be my frined ? i have no friends

does anyone want to be my frined ? i have no friends

inb4 kill urself fag

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I guess if you have discord we can give it the college try

I will b ur friend

I'll be your friend. For realsies. drop me an email address and I;ll respond.

ok frens be my friends now

Why didn't you include me, faggot? kys. It is the only solution. The final solution, if you will.

you have received [2] fens!

why is everyone gay except for me? just because im a little gay....

wow thanks i so much appreciate it! if only there was some way i could pay you back

sure thing user, just provide contact info

Ok op we frends now!

why do y o uwant to have sex with other boys isnt that gay

Uh what are you into before we become frens

i like heavy metal country music and gothic music :)

am i too extreme lol?

Is this what we're calling extreme now?

goth music is very extrem

Get me a discord link and we're good.
^metal is fire user. I listen to Behemoth and Scandinavian battle metal, so a bit different, but still.

If you say so. I dont mean for my previous comment to be taken as dick swinging bait

I'll be your friend too

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thats not even metal

real true metal warriors listen to power metal like gods

How did i know it was gonna be fucking manowar. Blegh

I too am a friendless retard

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Dont make friends on Jow Forums. Its like a rule

manowar is true metal you poser

No need to be so hard on yourself, user

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add me if you like this (or if you dont)


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I don't have many friends, but I am alright with that. I have 2 very good friends that I can talk to anytime, and it's no big deal if we don't talk for half a year. The rest of them have proven to be conditional to some extent, and that pissed me off, but I'm not going to let that get under my skin.

Personally, Twitch has proved to be a great community to me. I'm no streamer, but the dudes that I follow (Lacari, Wr4thTV, Squillakilla) provide great atmospheres to suit my interests and moods.

I feel like there is still some kind of stigma to watching people stream games, but fuck it. Do what you enjoy long enough, and you'll make friends.

If you've never had friends, then fuck em all. There's a lot of fuckers out there pretending to know all the good shit. When you meet those people irl, they are more than likely going to have almost no work ethic, shit people skills, and not give a fuck about their overall reputation. So don't listen to those fucking losers.

If you're passionate about something such as novels, games, music, causes, religion, etc, find a community that revolves around your passion and you will be sure to run into some people who you'll really click with.

Hang in there, brother. There's a lot of shitty dudes out there, but there's a lot of good dudes out there too. If you've got Dark Souls 3 for PC, my handle is Beef_Dinner if you want to do some jolly co-op. Best of luck to you.

>"If you're passionate about something such as novels, games, music, causes, religion, etc, find a community that revolves around your passion and you will be sure to run into some people who you'll really click with."

Then it's the fucking same than just still lurking and posting in here.
People who I can relate to, feel sad and have a laugh with, but I will never know.
At the end, You and Me, we are the fucking same, Anons that will never get know each other, and will never get to be friends.

>inb4 "hurr durr just make friends in r9k or Jow Forums in general"
I fucking can't, user, I have tried, they just get bored after a hour talking to me.

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Not necessarily. I actually hate Jow Forums; it's not what it was to me more than what it was 10 years ago. I actually don't know why I'm here, but for what it's worth, here I am talking to you, and I give a shit about people, no matter what their walks of life entail. I'm not a very social person, and I find it easier to connect with people over text rather than the usual sociopolitical bullshit games. So don't jump to conclusions about people that you don't know personally until you know them personally. By doing that, it seems to me that you are only limiting yourself to some kind of arbitrary, whimsical standard influenced solely by your cumulative experiences, rather than possible/probable outcomes.

Bro, sometimes it's about taking some more initiative than you're used to taking. Jow Forums might not be the best platform to discuss shit like this, but like I said before; I give a shit about people I know nothing about.

If you assume that nothing will change based on the same old routine that you've been living, then it follows that it's highly unlikely that anything will change for you. That is based on your stubborn presuppositions, and is something that you need to understand that is subject to change over the course of time, and the changes in your life, and observations of social situations and other people will impact and change your view of these things over time. For that reason I think it's unwise to assume that you have all the answers, because you certainly don't.

If you don't take the time to get to know somebody who cares about you and your wellbeing, whose decision is that? Right?

All your response is telling me is how much you are limiting yourself. You have doubts like anybody else, but you are unwilling to take a single step into the unknown because you think you know what the outcome will be. You don't know what the outcome will actually be, whatever the probability is. Fuck it, dude.

i will be frend

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