Tell normies about my idea for a state sponsored system to give everyone career aptitude tests and make it mandatory...

>tell normies about my idea for a state sponsored system to give everyone career aptitude tests and make it mandatory for people to work in the careers best suited for them
>they call it fascist and say I'm retarded for even considering it might work

What's wrong with my idea? If everyone does the job they're best at then society would function so much better. The current system of handing in resumes everywhere is flawed in so many ways.

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>they call it fascist

what do they mean by this? stating a form of governance doesnt mean anything

People want to do what they want to do and not necessarily what they may be best at. People also want to feel like THEY made the choice or came up with the idea. You cant give someone an idea because then theyll reject it but you can help them find the idea on their own.

Also your idea can go fuck itself seriously

I just don't understand why people are just let loose into the world, and supposed to just get a job.
I had no idea what the fuck to do after high school.
I don't understand why we don't actually place graduates directly into apprenticeships or at internships.

The irony being if you had your way you'd be working at McD's and would complain how unfair the test is.

OP, go read "The Giver".

I was supposed to read it in grade 4 English class but it was boring so I didn't read it.

Trusting bureaucracy to sort people in to jobs based on some (((psychiatric))) test is dumb. The free market sorts people out best to what they are capable of.

It actually does sound like a policy a fashist would be interested in. Only problem with the idea is it disregards peoples freedoms. This is definitely a post for pol tho op.

Society would function much better if we gassed everyone who browses Jow Forums on a regular basis. They're a net loss on the world.
See where I'm going with this?

The State can't even run the DMV properly and you want it to control people's lives? At the least they would still assign obsolete jobs decades after technology has made it unnecessary.

Isn't this essentially how the US military works?

My aptitude test said mathematician. Fast forward to college, I just barely passed Calculus to get my bachelors'. In Computer Science. I am a fantastic programmer. Because it is something I love to do, I got very good at it.
Your system failed me.

Basically how every government agency works, and OP is retarded because these tests you can STUDY FOR .

People like "free will", it makes them feel powerful and important. Never mind that most people don't actually possess free will and are just the result of upbringing, genes, environment, and other outside events. You need to rework your system in a way that gets the masses to do what you want while making them think they're doing it out of free will; this is very easy, because you just have to organize society so that the option you want has the best effort/reward ratio for that person. It's sort of like how democracies are basically puppet governments to international finance, and elections are all decided by the media. People are getting screwed over hard by their government, but they believe they chose that government, so the state has a mandate to screw them over.

Instead of making it "mandatory to work the same job forever" give them the privilege to work the perfect job. Force companies to hire them, and make it seem like the company is getting screwed over.

except not really, you take a placement test and u can kinda choose what job you want but really theyll most likely place you somewhere where your skills greatly exceed what is required of you, like a astrophysicist working at mcdonalds

Well yes, it's not statistically possible to provide people with what jobs they're best at because each job has limited places.

isnt this a program that germany does?
They give everyone the same basic education but by 5th grade, they split off into different fields, one to university and one to trade school

>took a career aptitude test in senior year
>got social worker
>i have Assburgers, hate dealing with people
OP's system failed me as well.

>Most people
You don't understand natural determinism, do you?

This would be neat, with future-tech out of a William Gibson novel that can actually tell what you'd be good at down to desk placement, rather than shitty aptitude tests.

Because something that is best suited to someone in theory, doesn't actually work out in reality.
If someone does your test and is best suited to being a surgeon, but that isn't what they want to do at all, you are going to have a surgeon who does a sub-par job because they are unhappy and were completely uninterested during their studies, and in some professions like the example i mentioned, being "technically capable" isn't really the only thing that you need.

There are also so many jobs, and so many that are only slightly different from eachother (but still need different training etc) that a test couldn't possibly narrow the skills down far enough to get the exact job for each person.

I believe in free will. It's just that most people don't actually have or use it.

First its normalfag, normalfag, second they are right, forcing somebody is bad.

>What's wrong with my idea?

You presume a single apitude test is actually sufficient to gauge where somebody is best fit to work in life, you ignore the problem of "churn" where old jobs become obsolete and new ones are needed, and you put too much confidence in the state alone to determine where employees should go.

Markets are a better solution for matching employees to employers than formalised testing dictating employees career paths.

I mean OP, you're basically going to leave it to what are essentially high school guidance counsellers to deal with the problem of allocating human resources for an entire country. That's absolutely fucking retarded.

Ah yes, very good sir, we'll be having you working the fryers. NEXT.

You should watch Psycho-Pass user

What if my personal aspirations don't line up with my aptitude test? What then?

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You wind up a failure, like literally hundreds of thousands - at least - of people before you.