>Tfw you ate another 100mg edible
Here we go going to be high for another 24hours fuck me
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you are a bitch i eat 500mg regularly grow some balls
stop making "drugfeels" threads faggot keep your drugs to yourself.
I hope you all overdose
After /brit/ and /r9gay/ die so will this one
Surely you jest user
>you are a bitch because I have to waste more money than you to get high
Mean man. PUFF some POT dude. You seem like you could use some sunshine and to find evberything funny :)
what are you listening to rn while high
Here we go again, how many druggies gonna show up this time
How do I enjoy weed again? Every time I smoke I get major anxiety because I think about bad shit.
Maybe this is a blessing in disguise I'd rather take bars than smoke - it's better received by most people unfortunately desu
tfw i can't experience shrooms & lsd becauase of the anti-psychotic medication i'm on
they are all waste of oxygen cockroaches. pathetic ""human"" beings, only caring about transient euphoria.
these degenerates will kill their family members just to get high.
>meth and heroin
>regular drug addicts
Maybe if you're addicted to the drugs no ones supposed to do you'll do retarded shit to get high. Most people just become drug seeking robots once they get psychologically addicted
the right drugs could help you with your anger and hate though user
jeez user were you hurt by a family member who was an addict?
>took .5mg of xanax and 30mg of adderall 7 hours ago
>Have to work Monday
Welp should I go for staying up for another 19 hours?
30 mg won't keep you up for 24 hours unless you're new to it, maybe
>not getting easily found ambien to force yourself asleep
I wish I knew. The first time I smoked was the best high I've ever had. All I cared about was studying my surrounding and looking at nature. I felt zero anxiety or fear. Just pure bliss. Now all I do is dwell on bad shit.
>make drugfeels thread
>post anime girl smoking crack
>talk about weed
weed is a fucking meme drug. its harmless. may as well post about coffee here.
>mfw antidepressants stop me from smoking weed
>mfw i will never fucking relax
>mfw I have no friends so I couldnt take up drugs if I even wanted to
this is now a quentin thread
How long are you supposed to stay up on meth?
What do illegal drugs, prescription drugs, legal supplements and the alcohol/coffee/tobacco triumvirate have in common?
EVERYONE is wired to hit their dopamine system. That's why we find hobbies like shitposting on Jow Forums about drug use.