Why shouldn't men bellow 5'8" (172.72cm) be made into girls to service real men?

Why shouldn't men bellow 5'8" (172.72cm) be made into girls to service real men?

Attached: 1523573388586.png (588x618, 47K)

Jesus this fucking picture

Great picture bad thread am I right?

>tfw 173
I made it bros. I'm a real man

Congrats no governmental force feminization

that just means you're the shortest possible man alive.

grats though for not having your dick cut off

Because that's a stupid fucking idea. Go spread your b8 somewhere else

I'm 6' and I felt like a Manley when travelling around some countries in Europe.


What about asians? I see 5'5 asian guys walking around with their gfs all the time in public