Be honest, which level are you?
Be honest, which level are you?
level 2 before i gave up
Im level 1. I refuse to believe level 4 is even possible
I have ascended to level 5 nice guy, and I am seriously considering being gay, because I consider women a lost cause and beyond my reach.
I have never been a "nice guy" nor do I want to be. I don't know why women think all male virgins are nice guys or something.
I hate fedoras and I'm not even attracted to women, so I must be level 1...right?
Level 0, I've always tried to not be a nice guy
Level 0 because its a fabricated feminist stereotype meant to demonize unattractive men. I have yet to meet a dude who could even be considered level 1
Im either 0 or 5 because I dont even talk to girls
Wow, I'm not even level 1.
Lol stop being such a fag and learn to get women.
This. I never went through the nice guy phase, but I think nice guys, incels, and MGTOWs ultimately end up at the same place. By default I just don't interact with women unless I absolutely have to. When they interact with me, I give no eye contact and one word answers so they leave me alone.
Level 0: I don't pursue women nor care about them.
Level 0 apparently.
hey i know this is just another shitpost and all but the whole making fun of nice guys meme isnt becoming popular again is it? like normies arent actually talking about this shit like they were years ago right? i havent heard about an actual example of this nice guy fedora lord character in forever
I'm below nice guys.
I couldn't get a female friend even if I tried.
this actually
inb4 >cope
Not even on the spectrum. I'm a dickhead because I despise the "nice person" shtick. Literally have made women cry from bullying them.
Why would you want to be friends with women anyway? They never have anything interesting to say. The key is to network with your bros, and they will lead you to situations with women. You can share and relate more with other guys anyway.
God I wish that were me.
Why aren't women ragged on the way men are for being "nice" or whatever?
Because women aren't the ones pulling the first move.
They do however get ragged on when they sleep with too many men if that makes you feel better.
I transcend this scale. I am a hostile misogynist. Love my grandma, tho. xoxoxo
A nice girl is a slut?
>God I wish that were me
Literally learned how to be a dick through years of fucking with people on forums when I was a kid and on the chins.
What's stopping you?
Just say whatever is on your mind. When a girl says some dumb shit, tell her she's a fucking moron and make her feel bad for even thinking she had a bright idea.
Figuratively yes, the "nice girl" is actually the slut that sleeps with every guy that approaches her.
Has anyone refuted that women date a disproportionate number of jerks yet? It's a no brainer that you'd date a violent thuggish Chad over an ugly nerd who is impervious to social cues, but why won't women admit that this is the case? No matter how vitriolic or entitled the "Nice Guy" is in his Facebook posts, he is actually nicer than all these criminals getting dates. So how is he not right that niceness isn't a relevant criteria?
Is this meme still around? I'm well aware of whiny incel groups and other groups alike, but these ancient fedora-niceguy memes make it seem like any man who struggles to connect with people is just a secret asshole and thus deserves to be alone. While it is very realistic that guy who gets rejected a lot is just ugly or boring person, it falls to the "just world fallacy", as if there is some kind of cosmic power laying down the cosmic justice on the secret asshole, summing the whole thing into:
>you got rejected? you're probably just a bad person, only good people get girlfriends
level 1
not sure how anyone could do that shit lol
I think don't even meet level 1, I just don't care anymore.
This makes me think; What is considered as genuinely nice guy then? How did people even manage to exist before the fedora meme when they couldn't categorize people as fedoras and non-fedoras? Can a very handsome man be considered as "le nice guy"?
Nice guy is just a codeword for Non-Chad. A Chad who acts the same way a nice guy does will have no problem getting laid. It's all looks, women just won't admit it
The logic is really hard to explain because it's so mind-bendingly stupid.
>Premise: Some good men are alone, some assholes have gfs
>This conflicts with normies' just world theory, where everyone gets what they deserve
>Therefore, normies have to rationalize to themselves that the assholes aren't really assholes and the nice guys aren't really nice
This is where the nice guy meme comes from. The fact that a nice guy is alone is itself taken as evidence that he's secretly an asshole, while assholes with gfs are praised for their "confidence" and "assertiveness."
I hope this makes sense because, once again, it's fucking insane.
These women are not blameless for friending a guy who ks clealry lusting for them
I'm polite/nice to people without expecting anything in return. Not because I think that's the healthy way to act, because it's not. All social interactions are based on a give and take: I am nice to you, you are nice to me, and so on. I'm nice to people without expecting anything in return because of a decade of bullying from the moment I started school to the moment I finished, which caused me to expect nothing from others except relentless cruelty and physical violence. Any "kindness" I receive I can immediately discount as a charade to try and gain my trust in order to abuse it.
None of my romantic relationships have lasted long because I never let myself truly believe people like me, and that's okay. Not everyone has to be happy or normal. What I dislike is when people pretend like "nice guys" are bad people simply because they expect reciprocation for their kindness. It's fucking horrid.
I don't want to date. I don't like most potential friendships either because my level of honesty and sincerity makes me incompatible with the social games that others play. It's not that they don't want to be my friend because I'm too good, but I'm too good(stubborn) to compromise on what I know about decency and authenticity for the sake of fitting in.
Could you please stop making these daily bait threads? Those kinds of people mostly frequent leddit, not this board.
Zero or one.
Uh, stage 4. Just swap out fedora for a legbeard.
This is so wrong it hurts. Serves you (don't pretend you didn't post this) for fagging out over Karen - some failed single mom waitress who managed to cash in on single dudes looking for (1) a semi-articulate person and (2) a woman to articulate their world-view.
In most romantic comedies, men and boys are the ones who engage in "comedic" or "endearing" romantic stalking and harassment (Urkle, Say Anything, Stranger Things, etc.). When women decide to play this shit, they go full Bunny Boiler.
Used to be an honest to god level 4 as a teenager, but actual experience with women and the sexual market place have taken me down to a level 1 on my worst day.
I think i'm level -1, when a girl breaks up w me, my girl friends make sure to tell me than I'm "waaaay to good for her" I'm seeking help anons
Level 0, I avoid befriending or talking to women for the most part
Lies, atheists are the real fedora tippers.
Wait I'll befriend women who don't have interest in my but don't pursue them, I don't consider myself nice by any regard though
I've been """"friends"""" with level 4s before. Move around D&D circles and you'll find them.
>"Bad things happen to you because you're a bad person."
Norms could benefit from simply reading a Bible book for once.
>What is considered as genuinely nice guy then?
A cuck
>which level are you?
i'm fucking rude and autistic
I blame all the rejection I have faced on my own failings
Women do not owe me anything
I don't think I'm a nice guy at all
Wouldn't girls get you ostracized, get the cops, get you fired, get men to beat you up, etc.?
I don't think I'm a nice guy at all. I mean, people seem to like me, but I honestly don't understand why.
>Why would you want to be friends with women anyway? They never have anything interesting to say.
Is this true when comparing average guy to average woman? I don't talk to women my age much.
Level 0. I ignore women
>but actual experience with women and the sexual market place have taken me down to a level 1 on my worst day.
As in level 4 guy proven right or afraid of being shamed?
>trusting what a board full of bitter virgins have to say about women
Most people are boring. The issue is that Jow Forums is full of boring men, so they rate other boring men as being less boring than boring women.
I have more interesting female friends than male. I'm not saying that's anything more than an anecdote, but it is what it is.
>Most people are boring. The issue is that Jow Forums is full of boring men, so they rate other boring men as being less boring than boring women.
Sounds like you're doing the "I know you are, but what am I?" thing.
What I mean by boring is talking about interests/hobbies rather than being "basic". Seems like the guys here would be far from "basic" normies.
Level 0
I've never been able to stand social interaction long enough to become a nice guy
>I know you are but what am I
This isn't conjecture. Most of Jow Forums is a bunch of dudes who barely have the energy to play video games. That's boring. They're boring. But they're similar enough to each other that they find one another's company amusing, but the opinions of boring women ("I love to travel!") unrelatable and thus they can see them for what they are without bias.
>talking about hobbies as opposed to....
To what? Gossiping over people? What are e-celeb threads then? What are "women hate threads"? There's very few discussions of genuine hobbies on this board How do you even define hobby? What's the alternative? What do you think normies discuss?
>"basic bitch", back to black twitter with you
Level 3
Girl i met lately has a bf but messaged me suddenly yesterday at midnight
I still want to pursue her
Men have the internet nowadays and are well aware that being a "nice guy" is a meme and is not what women actually want in a romantic partner, but what they want in a beta orbiter. Women make fun of "nice guys" I think the whole "nice guy" thing has fallen off a cliff and most men realise they are being judged for their intrinsic value as a sexual and romantic partner and just fail. They're just deficient compared to other people.
>Blaming women for taking advantage of servile men
Maybe you should take some personal responsibility instead of going "don't blame the victim" like a fucking woman.
Does it count as being a nice guy if most of your few friends are female, but you believe you'll never get into a relationship and thus have no desire to date any of them? Also, half of them don't like dick.
I assume it does, guess I'll need a fedora.
>"I love to travel!"
Is one of the most unoriginal things a person can say. you love to be pampered in a resort for vacation, who doesn't like that? Actual travel -- for work or to see loved ones who live far away -- is terrible
don't there are plenty of fish in the sea. download tinder or something
none because I am not a pathetic pussy beggar that gives his power to women.
no male feminist are the new joke for normies because they are the nice guy version 2.0.
Pictured is a Trilby not a Fedora.
Humps wear a Trilby.
A Fedora is a Man's hat.
I dont even speak to real women i dont undertad
beta males are on the social chain hieracrchy thing
were not even playing were mentally deranged locked in weirdos what the fuck are you men even doing trying to actually be normal?
>tfw level 0
feels good m8
I don't try to be in relationships anymore all I need is myself despite how much of a piece of shit I am
level 1 before i gave up on myself and accepted the idea that i will be alone al of my life
Level 0
Total avoidance of female interaction
level 0
i do not interact with women nor do i intend to in the future
i dont believe in reddit memes
level 1 and i want to keep it at that.
>dad thought fedora looked good on me
>now he knows what it symbolizes
>he literally doesn't let me leave the house with it on
LV 3 but only for the fedora otherwise i'm Lv three
I'd like to think i'm a real nice guy, not the meme kind, in that. i'd rather have a nice relationship and cuddle and get hugs then get sucked off by some 5 dollar whore, where as they'd rather be a 5 dollar whore.