Help me come up with a militant Christian cult name
Pic unrelated
Help me come up with a militant Christian cult name
>this entire pic
The Hebrew Hammers
The Bible Thumpers
the kikecucks
Murderous Martyrs of Mischief
Convocation of the New Messiah
Jesuit Justicars
Kill yourself: the club
That's a good one. My idea was 'horns of Gabriel'
The Anticipate of Abaddon
Except here I've nominalized "anticipate" to mean an individual or group that anticipates or waits for the Destroyer
No OP, pic very related.
nice try protescuck. we all know prods are too pussy to ever do anything other than beg jesus to give them eternal gibs
United in Reconciliation
Sacred Order of the Righteous Few
Covenant of the Chosen
Seraphic Discipline of Martyrs
Eternal Consecration
Imperium Dominus
The Church of England
fighters for Islam
The Armor of God
Ephesians 6:12-13
The knights of jesus derp
How about Hell's Angels?