Why didn't she help him?

Why didn't she help him?

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it's called natural selection. good riddance

>hurr why don't i marry this guy i don't love so he won't kill himself
genius idea!

Help him how. Its his life not her's anyways he opened up to his parents and they pushed him away they are ones that could of helped him.

>killing yourself over a roast
Nothing of value was lost. Just another 16 year old romanticizing suicide because of love.
They need to stop reading Romeo and Juliet in high school English, that's the real issue here.

But he was incredibly smart and gifted with a bright future? What more could she possibly want?

The roastie's true feelings is she never respected the guy for worshiping her and she would rather fuck a Chad that disrespected her.

>What more could she possibly want?

Someone who isnt emotionally unstable and prone to suicide perhaps?

That was the most reddit suicide note I've ever read. He felt the need to say he was an atheist and that emotions are just chemicals. I do like that the last sentence that will ever come from him affirms his value "This cruel world doesn't deserve me." although it still seems a bit like "entitled millennial" syndrome.

He probably watched Rick and Morty too.

Best response the girl could possibly give
>Who gives a damn, you dumb ugly fuck

The worst part to me was him blaming everyone else. Really reminds me of the angsty teens on this board.

The ultimate selfcuck

How could she help him?

I almost guarantee if she wasn't selfish and slept with him just once, he'd still be alive today.

>I was the only person I ever cared about
Noice Freudian slip.

She didn't owe him jack shit and that attitude is why people hate faggot like you.

But why does she get a life of happiness and relationships while he has to kill himself?

Not the user you were talking to
That's how life is kiddo maybe you can learn something from this

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Love is just meme created by lonely writers.

Because he chose to be a loser faggot.

Would you be willing to sleep with a 1/10 smelly landwhale to save her? Or are you too selfish for that?

He was probably under 6ft

Chads thundercock.
I wouldn't be suoprised if she sucked some Chad off when she heard the news and/or read the mail.
they're like that. Free of any real empathy unless it gives them likes or internet points.

No one deserves happiness. Some people are just lucky enough to experience it whole others aren't. This board is proof of that

yet if he blamed himself he'd get the "stop feeling sorry for yourself, faggot" treatment

You know there's more to attracting a woman than being smart, right? This is part of your problem. You think that just because you're smart, women have to be attracted to you.

He killed himself to punish some girl instead of pulling himself up by his bootstraps and finding another girl who actually wanted him. He was probably a fucking kid and now he's dead over some girl. No wonder she didn't want to be with him. Women find weakness disgusting in the first place, imagine being THIS fucking weak.

She'd fuck him once and then he'd want more. Then she wouldnt want him and he'd still kill himself.

I can't figure you guys out. You hate whores but you also want women to give free pity sex to every lonely or depressed man out there.

Because he's a retarded faggot who thought killing himself to spite some girls was a good idea. He even said that he wished there was an afterlife so he could watch her mourn him. Little fag probably had a hardon as he typed that excuse for a suicide note.

they were together you idiot, she did sleep with him before.

This happens to girls a lot actually.
Generally afterwards they stop living with their heads up their asses.

>I don't know whether it is my fault, or yours
>The blame must partially go to you
>you yanked me back into... depression
>...not knowing what pain your rejection has given me
>I hate you.
>I don't know whether to wish you a happy life or hope you rot in hell
>I wish... I could watch you after my death... see if you mourned me
>This cruel world doesn't deserve me
Fuck this guy. Holy shit, what a fag. He wasn't depressed, nothing in his life was going wrong, he didn't lose someone close to him, he killed himself because he wanted his oneitis to feel bad for not liking him. He did this solely to fuck this girl's head up for the rest of his life. What a mentally unstable douche. Thank god he fucking took himself out of the game so he wouldn't have the chance to find a girl who actually loved him and fuck her up with his narcissism.

I hope this girl doesn't feel too bad for too long, it's not her fault that this egotistical retard killed himself over a roast beef sandwich.

Fuck this kid and anyone who empathizes with him. If you feel his pain, kill yourself too. You've never experienced real depression. Your sadness is a meme. You just got the fucking blues because some girl doesn't like you. Get over yourself and grow up.

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>hurr, my depression is your fault because you exist and look pretty