Graduate university with an engineering degree

>Graduate university with an engineering degree
>Start hunting for jobs
>Salt field; your school didn't teach you enough
>Take online courses to get up to speed with all the latest tech trends
>Try finding jobs again
>Salt field; you need a portfolio of personal projects
>Get some personal projects finished in my garage, upload all associated documents to a github
>Give job hunting another shot, actually getting interviews now
>Salt field; we are looking for someone with more professional work experience
>Look for any bullshit job I can get for experience; start working at a startup doing bullshit web maintenance and process automation for minimum wage
>Work for a whole year, even get a nice letter of recommendation out of it
>Try once more to look for jobs
>Salt field; we are looking for someone with related experience in the field.
STEM is a meme. University is a meme. Job hunting is a meme.
No one wants to train you.
You have to be a 22 year old with 40+ years experience doing the very same job you are applying to.
The only thing that matters is who you know.
That or you come up with an idea novel enough to warrant starting up your own business.
Fuck everything. I'm going to fake autism, apply for neetbux and just ride this shit out.

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Champ, you're never gonna get a job hiding behind your computer there. When I was your age, I walked through the worst snowstorm in state history over to the factory and asked for a job. The manager was so impressed he shook my hand and hired me on the spot.
It's as simple as walking in, giving the manager a firm handshake and telling him you're the right man for the job.

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>STEM is a meme. University is a meme. Job hunting is a meme.
I'm learning this as well. 3rd year at college, civil engineering. Trying to get internships, have had some interviews and got rejection letters. I know that trying to get an actual job will be worse but I'm 3 years in and cant leave due to debt.
Do you have any advice besides faking autism?

WHat the fuck are neetbux. Can I take advantage of socialist California for money, by faking autism?!?!?!?

Will you get the fuck out of here based Chad FUCKING FAGGOT

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Even if you get hired, don't fall for the training meme, because it's just a formality, you just have to learn by yourself by watching your coworkers.
At least I got hired and have the chance to do so.
Keep going user, you will land it.

Only other advice I can think of is not giving a shit about what you're doing and just look for something that pays decent. I'm talking about technician/assembler roles. Even that's a crapshoot though
I assume Commiefornia would probably accommodate. Though once you fake autism, you're pretty much barring yourself from future opportunities.

Second year EE here,teachers keep telling us to dont get jobs during uni,only after graduation,they say the employers wont teach us shit.Which one should i trust?

>Dad's job paid 18k a year when he was my age
>Talks about how he "survived" on less than anyone else in my family earns at the same age
>18k when he was my age was worth literally 4x as much, if not more

It's all so tiring. Where I live, 18k a year won't even pay your rent.

I'm not entirely concerned about having to train myself. It's what I've been doing all my life anyway and that's why I know I can do these retarded jobs that require """""3 years""""" experience.

>upload all associated documents to a github
>a github
try harder libtards.

pro tip for actual STEM majors: don't graduate from a shithole university, tell that guy interviewing you that you know what a martingale is and be happy with an easy job in risk management on your first try. literally no experience required, not even a 101 course in financial mathematics, they're that desperate.

They aren't wrong. All you get really is a cute little blurb on your resume that you have work experience. But you have to remember that you and thousands of other new grads will be out groveling for jobs and you will all have literally the same background. Work experience will push you to the top of the pile.
I highly suggest you get some internships. I fell for the same lines the profs fed me and I'm stuck having recruiters tell me I lack experience.

it's not about what they teach you (most likely it's how to make coffee), but about signalling you're not a lazy piece of shit

At least you didn't get a lib arts degree

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>lib art
The ultimate in scholarly cuck.

4 year degrees don't replace work experience anymore. Either get a 4 year with an internship during your studies or go for the 6 year. Either way college is a meme. You're better off working 60 hours a week right out of highschool and saving every penny you don't need to live. By the time your 22 you would have enough money to start your own business

>he didn't skip memeiversity and just go straight to wageslaving

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Second this advice. I'm working as an Engineering Technician right now. Just graduated with a Civil degree a few months ago.

>join bullshit company with pension
Wish I could now, still early twenties.

What do you do exactly? I'm concerned my degree's gonna be worthless and the debt will fuck me

Oh hi there champ! I see your still stuck in your room. Look champ it's not going to help your situation talking to your friend on fur or fee chan or whatever you call. Watcha mean you wanna watch anne may all day? Enough is enough champ. It's time to stop this nonsense.
Getting a job is very easy champ. You don't need no fancy degree to do that. All you gotta do is look the manager in the eye and give him a firm handshake. Look champ it's going to take practice but that guy chaff or chuff or whatever you call him is working in that engineering place. Him and that girl you call one e tis are working together! C'mon now champ it's easy. Look the manager in the eye and give him a firm handshake.

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Currently in comp eng with a year long internship during my 4th year. Honestly have I memed myself? Will I be able to find a job?

Dad I cant do that if they dont let me do an in person interview! Phone interviews dont allow me to touch them

If you haven't networked with other students and sucked up to profs by now, then yeah you memed yourself.