Who else /Varg/?

Who else /Varg/?

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reply to my thread or I will drink from your blood

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Varg is cool, but I'm am a son of The Golden Angel.

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desu he was pretty cute. such a sad waste

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Daily reminder to stop watching porn

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>ywn protect young Varg's smile

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I think somebody said hes 35
I hope i dont look like santa when im 35

Don't stop posting Varg.

He's 45.

>mfw don't know whether to be a vargtard or to worship the temple of iron

>ywn look like young varg
just end me right now

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tfw I have dark brown eyes so Varg hates me and wants me to die.

Feels bad man.

When you burn down a church
Gangnam style

Norwegians in general have a quality gene pool. The nation is a lot more patriotic than Sweden and they still retain some Lutheran Christianity while Sweden is insanely atheistic.

not gonna lie this is epic

Dumb edgelord living on gibs while accusing others of nigger behaviour

Burning down ancient churches was fucked up in my opinion. The whole Christian culture war/moral panic about Satanism that existed in the 80s and 90s has died. Christianity in the West is giving way to Apatheism.
These days, Vargs anti-Christian ideas just come across as cruel and stupid; like kicking a dying dog that was once and great mastiff.

Tbf he gets a lot of money from Burzum sales and his books on Amazon. The only welfare he receives is child benefit (which all French people get for having kids) for his ridiculous number of kids.

you're a fucking retard. why not benefit from a broken system?

You are a retard for admiring some edgy faggot that goes around destroying national monuments and stabbing other edgy faggots because they looked badly at him

Also i hope i didnt hurt your feelings with the gibs part you nigger-tier neet faggot :^(

>tfw look kinda like young Varg

I find that odd seeing as how Norway never really did anything besides also being one of the nations that vikings came from.

you won a fucking lottery man.
learn how into social interaction and you'll be chad tier.

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look at this faggot over here, bragging about getting fucked by shlomo shekelstein. you're a cuckold and you're slurping jewish semen.

I really like Varg, he is one of the like 3 semi-NatSoc figures who isn't a complete faggot. Plus I have a lot more respect for people like him and Sam Hyde for getting famous from something else, and not just being a worthless e-celeb.

>learn how into social interaction
Yeah, about that...

Hahaha at least you could haved pretended you are not such a fucking loser. Keep having obsession with male genitals and being a useless parasite nigger :3

that jumper is /fa/ as fuck

>receiving free money is a bad thing

ok retard

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Tfw I know he's right in hating brown eyes, though.

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I dont think he hates people with brown eyes

Only a two-digit iq nigger doesnt see the damage in keeping people like you alive, so everything checks out. There are causes that deserve 'free' money more than your greasy useless ass that will shoot yourself anyway once your parents pass away or die of heart attack in front of the computer fapping to hentai. Literally what is the point?