How can you tell that a girl is just pretending to be innocent, but in reality she is a massive slut?
How can you tell that a girl is just pretending to be innocent, but in reality she is a massive slut?
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if she has a pulse
You can't, really. Not until you get to know her on a personal level, which she won't allow if she is a massive slut and has any shame. I guess the ones you can get to know on a personal level.
Thread over, everyone go home.
Are there any red flags though?
>Are there any red flags though?
chances are the more often she posts pics of herself on instagram, the sluttier she is
So if they don't have an Instagram, they might be a virgin?
if she's hit puberty, she's a thot. the only "innocent" girls are lolis, but why would you not want a girl to be slutty for you anyway?
Who gives a fuck? All girls are sexual. Either find one who is kind or become a priest. Stop complaining.
>only women can have standards
shut up roastie
How did you get that from my post, you dumb uni kid? If a girl hasn't fucked a guy by age 18, she's either crazy (religious) or extremely crazy (schizo). That's just life. Women are just as horny as men, and they can get sex anytime they like. And I'm a dude, btw. Not a normalfag. And older than you.
How innocent are you talking? I haven't gone further than kissing with 2 boys before, but that's it. I do have a lot of lewd intrusive thoughts.
then the majority of women can go neck themselves because i want nothing to do with them
They're often not pretending, they really are innocent in the ways you're seeing but sexually they aren't at all. The bubble pretty girls live in keeps the worlds troubles at bay leaving them innocent in many ways despite them simultaneously being turbo sluts as well. They are so naive that they don't even understand how things can be their fault. Womens childish lack of personal responsibility also is what makes them childishly innocent.
In short we're fucked. You really can't win with women. The make no god damn sense.
What I'm getting out of all of this is that we should be looking for mentally ill girls. So, where do I find them?
>older than you
man you are trying way to hard
Seriously lads, /thread
EVERY woman is looking for Chad. EVERY woman wants to be defiled by Chad and gangbanged by him and his friends. The sooner you realise it the better.
Wearing a sweater that covers her cleavage and sitting in a library doesn't mean anything. They have the same intrusive sexual thoughts and desires that men do. There's no such thing as innocent women.
Your digits seem to indicate some sort of confirmation
>she's either crazy (religious)
Fuck off degenerate scum.
If she is a Virgo
>They have the same intrusive sexual thoughts and desires that men do
I don't expect women to not have sexual desires, I just want one who has impulse control and doesn't act on every physical urge she has.
Stalk her social media. Actually, if she even has social media she's likely to be a whore.
How accurate is this?
this may sound weird, but IF they no longer live with parents, but are in their own place or at college or something AND they have more than one stuffed animal on their bed, they are a huge slut
also, even the most minor self mutilations are an indicator. If she has tattoos or any piercings more than basic ear rings, she is a slut
>by age 18
>pretending to be innocent
How? A girl can like getting railed by Chads and still think puppies are cute. That's not an act. It's not like Chad dick suddenly makes a woman not want to wear dresses and act feminine.
>A girl can like getting railed by Chads and still think puppies are cute
Innocent doesn't mean what you think it means
What does it mean? I've seen robots get upset because a girl that's done stuff with facial abuse is also "modest," plays piano, etc in her day-to-day life. As if there's no such thing as a Stacey who enjoys those things and no such thing as a Chad that's drawn to those types of girls.
Most religious women will have had sex by 18, they ones who hold over are legit crazies.
Innocent means a lack of sexual history. If it doesn't mean virgin then it means nothing except missionary sex and hand holding in a long term relationship.
> Women are just as horny as men
Until they're willing to fuck anything 3-4 points down, this is total bullshit.
They do, all the time. Go outside once in a while insteas of believing retarded incel memes.
>le go outside meme
Every moment you think a woman is innocent you're losing.
She's a woman.
By definition they're sluts.
Some are just better at hifding it then others.
That's not true. I'd rather die.
They're horny all the time. Just not horny for you or any other sub8 male.
That's how lesbians are"made".
I f a woman can't find a satisfying cock she "comes out" as lesbian and gets off other chicks until a suitable cock appears and "it was jsut a phase".
Then when she hits 30 she's willing to go for men doen to 5/10, but not lower.
She doesn't need to have any control, since it's a negative for her to have some.
In days past she would get thrown out into the street and die alone should she fuck mor ethen 3 guys.
Now she can fuck guys in the huindreds in her teens and tweens and get away with it by chaining billybeta down the line when her age starts to show.
There are absolultery no innocent girls in this day and age because there is no need to.
Ask yourself seriously, if you were in their place, would you not try to have as much fun as possible if you knew that it'll never bite you in the ass?
Of course yo uwould. Everyone would do the same. And woman are in that place right now and are abusing it to the fullest.
I only watched half of it.
He's only half right. Also this guy doesn't try to stop being a fatass.
He also doesn't take cultural Marxism into account because there are plenty of superior women who go for inferior guys I.E. getting blacked and there are superior men going for inferior women.
Look at pewdiepie. He's pretty much the most attractive guy in the world right now yet his girlfriend isn't a super model. She's pretty average.
Hot women have too many guys going after them at once. Especially women who throw themselves into any form of media. Men swarm and talk to them so much that its pretty much impossible to say or do anything they haven't heard of before.
Also women in general don't enjoy sex as much as men do.
I think women get fat just because they're lazy, not necessarily because they're bitter. Also party of female genetics. All around the world moms are fatties, not just in the united states.
Finding, meeting, and talking to hot attractive women is like playing a slot machine. You have to find them before they get popular, you got to talk to them when they aren't angry or emotional, you have to say the right things that won't make them upset. It's pretty ridiculous. On top of all this websites are probably making it harder for you to meet more attractive women.
I have been muted because u mom gay
Makeup is the ultimate red flag. Girls that wear makeup seek to attract - a sign of them potentially being a slut.
Not using social media or not using it frequently is actually a really go sign the girl might be decent, even if she is not a virgin.
There are a shit ton of women that dont lose their vcard before being 20 years old.
And there are also women that just want to save themselfves when they find a bf.
Places like Jow Forumsforeveralone also have a decent amount of women.
If people refused to pair up with someone because they are virgins them how am i suposed to also get a gf at some point? thats just hypocrate.
In my personal experience the girls i knew that never had sex were 100 times more down to eath than the average stereotypical roasties were at my uni.
Roasties are really pieces amphibian shit, the lowest fucking human beings to walk in face of earth. I live to see the day were people change their views and conclude that roasties are brainwashed people by the mainstream media and start to look down on them.
ALL women, I repeat. ALL women are biologically wired to have sex with as many high tier males as possible. The propaged myth that there's ONE for YOU out there is to keep the masses feel wanted when this cannot be further from the truth.
Cultural conservatism (partiarchy) had been reigning in female hypergamous nature. Females are genetically hardwired to go for the fittest genes and simultaneously look for more effeminate males for high-investment parental involvement.
You can see it with sex hormone levels and how they are alted during and following ovulation. You can see it in multitudes of studies. You can see it in fMRI scans. You can see it in quantitative research of clinical and behavioral psychology. You can see it in neurochemistry. You can see it in primatology.
Literally everyone already knows it. It is not scientifically debatable. The falsehood is only being perpetuated because even though the system has changed (cultural marxism and sexual liberation), the powers that be still need men to keep working, spending and producing.
They cant afford to have men check out. That's why all relevant science is being suppressed and they resort to deflections ad nauseam.
Just accept that we are a sexually dimorphic species with asymmetrical mating strategies. You are deemed not fit for reproduction and pair-bonding. The end.
>its crazy to not have promiscuous sex before you're a legal adult
Trying to tell if this girl is introverted or not. She inadvertently mentioned that she would be alone on a Friday night once.
this is why I am buying a sex doll. sex dolls don't breath therefore not a thot.
yeah only the crazy bioplar girls that suffer from hypersexually have the sex drive of a man. the other girls only use sex as a tool to manipulate men and get a relationship.
Fpbp. Pack it up and shut the thread down, boys.