would you date a delinquent girI if she was deeply in love with you?
No rollfagging in this thread
Yes, I always liked this type of girl in anime. It's probably not cool irl though.
>not cool irl though.
Why not?
Post more girIs!
I dated a serious drug addict for a bit. Its not cool as movies/tv potray it.
I broke up with her when she told me she had an idea to make money....by stealing a neighbors new crouch rocket
because im not in highschool and shed call me bro
Depends. Is it just a phase? Then maybe, if I could help guide her out of it. If it's not, then we're probably from distinctly different social classes and wouldn't have very much in common.
Thank you based mods.
Thank you.
i'v always had a thing bad girls in anime but i doubt it crosses over in to irl
Thats because bad girls irl are just petty criminals,drug addicts, and/or whores.
Usually all 3
Most delinquents aren't hardcore drug addicts, but they do dabble in stimulants a little.
Just going off my personal experience. These girls hang out in packs occasionally because normal girls dont tolerate their shit.
And a 'normal' girl is classified as your standard roastie?
>be lawfag
>completely boring personality
>don't know how to have fun
>do the same things every day
Tbh she might get me to loosen up and not be so god damn boring so sure. But why would she be deeply in love with someone like me?
Good taste, lads. Special place in my heart for Revy
People say opposites do attract.
please define what you mean by a delinquent, are we talking a high school drop out or a girl who smokes?
Absolutely Id date a qt delinquent girl
They form gangs and partake in "antisocial behaviour". She does smoke, yes.
if she's just a misfit tomboy, sure. if she's involved in gangs, drugs, prostitution, and that sort of shit, nah.
No. I want to date a nice girl.
Delinquent girls are my favorite type of girl.
Of course she's part of a gang of other girls like her. Not involved in drugs aside from use of light stimulants, not involved in prostitution.
Would i be able to convince her to stop all that illegal shit?
It all depends. If you love her enough, anything is possible :3
I would date this girl
>If I get dubs
Also, just as long as your okay with the smell of cigarettes until you can convince her to quit.
It's the one type of woman who doesn't use self victimisation against you, but also one who doesn't even try to hide her agression.
Probably. Still better than the average woman.
Then yes, yes i would.
If she's nice then i'll endure almost anything desu.
She like cock in her mouf n it leaf a lil tase of whit goo on hrr tungg ?
Most girls hang out in packs, they're social animals. A girl who is alone is either a mentally ill loser, or a very special individual who is fundamentally different from other girls.
It Depends on who she is personally if she turns out to be kinda chill but has fun fuck it why not be if she crazy non of that
What do you guys have against girls that smoke? Most I know keep good dental hygiene, and I love the smell of cigarette smoke on them and the taste when we kiss.
It's a thoroughly disgusting habit. Smokers should be shit on sight.
Smokers can't even be called people.
How do you like the taste when kissing? Its awful it's like ash
Only if she follows my command
She'll die of lung cancer
It's weird, if there were no health risks to smoking and cigarettes weren't expensive I would chainsmoke. Sometimes parts of me appreciates the smell too
I can't really explain it. There's just something about it I find really attractive.
Well, we all have to die of something, don't we?
>We all have to die of something
Yeah but I wouldn't want her to die too soon
Smokers dying early is just a meme. It catches up with them when they're fairly old.
Will she protect me from my abusive father? Will she be willing to deal with my mental issues?
>tfw you'll never be raped by a bunch of strong delinquent girls
What does delinquent entail?
If she's a virgin and will remain loyal to me, sure.
Yeah rollfagging is banned apparently.
Banchos are pure btw.
>would you date a
Yes not how many times you gonna post this shit?
I did date a delinquent girI in high school. She ran away from home and I almost got arrested for kidnapping. She ended up cheating on me with a pot dealer.
Only if she was arrested for hate crimes
>tfw no ridiculous delinquent gf that always drags you into a new situation and is deeply in love with you
that honestly sounds really fun