God I fucking despise you degenerate subhumans so fucking much. I wish I could smash your head with a hammer. For you it's all about "fun" isn't it? That's all your life is about, having fun all day, drinking, drugging yourselves and fucking everything that moves. You have no sense of decency, righteousness, duty to others or even the least amount of respect for your own family.

You're literally the worst of the worst, you throw everything your parents, family and those who came before you worked for, the society they built, the wars they fought, the whole lives they wasted working in an almost slave condition just so you could have a bright future. And what do you do? You ruin everything, you run it to the mud so you can get a little bit of satisfaction at the end of the day. Instead of working and trying to create and improve things, to honor the country you live in, and above all else, your family, just so you can show up on twatter or whatever the hot social media is fucking some random whore without a dad, just for fucking likes on a webpage.

But what's really offensive, what really takes the trophy for the most insulting, barbaric behavior is how you claim to be right, how you have absolutely no shame. You retch this bullshit about these guys after the fact going about remembering this shit and how awesome they are, but what about the families? When they see that shit, what are they supposed to think?

>hey honey, come see our darling daughter getting fucked in public by some manwhore
>oh look at that, a million likes! now everyone is gonna know us as the degenerate family! all our ancestors worked hard for, gone, just like that, for a moment of pleasure! isn't it wonderful?
>look son! I found a pic of your grandma, look at her getting fucked by all those guys, pretty cool huh? Remember to tell your friends in school so they can ruin your life too!

You value nothing. You're garbage, all of you. Scum.

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We are the subhumans, not them

All in favour of deleting Jow Forums say aye.

dumb unoriginal frogposter.

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I reckon sitting on my ass in a shithole with no prospects, no job, and severe mental health defects, being unable and unwilling to contribute to society in any way renders me more of an insult to the generations that came before me than some roastie doing shit that humans are literally wired to do.

Get off your high horse and own the fact that you're a pathetic waste rather than shill it to people who have done nothing but what they're supposed to do.

also if this is bait good fucking job you have my (you)

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I was using that image you posted in alot of threads here a day or two ago. Glad to see it being used.
As easy as it is to just kill them all, it's the elites and media that have been pushing this, along with academia. Less focus on responsibility and more on mere pleasure and "life is an experience" meme.
Target the root of why it's worse today. When you kill some, many will just ignore it and go along with life after they fake mourn.
If you were to be able to take over the media and change cultural norms back to Christian values and outlaw all other religions, eventually, there would be less degeneracy here.

There's quite literally no reason whatsoever for you to continue living. You're absolutely fucking retarded.

Sounds like the same person. I'm not OP, but he's talking about the obvious focus of pleasure over sound responsibility and stabibility and thinking seriously. I don't see anything retarded about him pointing what's obvious to anyone with half a brain

Based. Normans are scum

There's literally nothing to connect those two posts.

Normies get to do all the things you're whinging about. I suspect you know this and that's what upsets you the most as you cling to morality like a crutch.

My friend, you are not a real robot. A real robot understands that there is no honor or tradition, and family, society, and country mean nothing. I am a robot. I am isolated, I am an outsider, I have no desire to get along with stupid vapid normies. That said, I go out to bars alone and drink every night. Thats all I have. Not even to socialize, I just like the dark atmosphere. Drinking at home is not as fun. Also I have fucked 10 girls. Most were gross, a few were pretty. And I owe it all to drinking. I also love cocaine and gambling. But I am more of a robot than you could ever be

Dirty dumb moralfag scum
The current society they worked for is a load of shit.

>projecting this hard
You're basically Elliot Rodger 0.5

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Agreed 100%

One of the most redpilled post i seen on Jow Forums.

Yeah but on the other hand I've had two gfs and done both of them at the same time once, what have you done?

Stayed celibate and pure for his future wife that may or may not exist?

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Sounds like jealousy to me bro, enjoy wizardry

This is why Jow Forumspol and Jow Forums need to stay seperate, we're not political figures, we're just sad people who want to be left alone.

Jews did this to our society

If you browse Jow Forums you are a normie
