Bullying at work

>be me
>assistant manager for fast food place
>get stuck with closing shift
>one of my strong kitchen person's day off plus the other guy that usually take his spot day off for personal reasons
>an autistic guy gets stuck with closing shift
>he's the guy that usually get stuck with all the dirty work like fry cleaning, oven cleaning duty
>he doesn't close often so his routine is out of wack and he panic because people kept piling dishes for him to wash
>felt sorry for him
>order some people to wash dishes
>they don't listen to me
>so I help wash dishes after taking inventory
>autistic guy has to make orders, clean dishes and clean the fryers
>can tell he's stumped because he is shaking and making wrong burgers for customers
>one of the roasties co-worker in the break room says"DUMB DUMB fucking up again"
>the crew laughs
>autistic guy seem more sad
>something inside of me doesn't do this very often
>What did you say?
>DUMB DUMB, why?
>Don't say that.
>What? Everyone calls him that.
>Okay, go home.
>What? I need my hours!
>Nope. Go home. I'm writing you up too.
>Fuck you, you can't do that.
>I can, I'm the manager in charge and you're harassing one of my co-workers.
>roastie goes home
>everyone all quiet
>hear people talking "I think dumb dumb has a boyfriend lol"
>What? You go home too. And I'm writing you up.
>fag walks out and act like he wants to fight me
>stand my ground
>now everyone is working without saying a word
>almost end of the shift and we got hella work to do
>autistic guy stays longer but he clocked out at 1am and cleans everything

I can't stand bullies. Guy goes to his job and goes above and beyond expectations. He is quiet so it's easy to make fun of him. I know my crew is going to hate me but I'm gonna make my manager hire new people if needed.

FUCK what a long day

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I'm sorry user. Your coworkers were totally out of line there.. you did the right thing.

You're a nice person. I like you.

x x x x x x x

not being a pussy wp

Good job, OP. You made one autistic wagie's life a little less hell. Your reward awaits you in heaven.

You did good my man. Don't ever stop standing up for what's right.

I wish I had someone like you
Im autistic, none of the people at my work say stuff to my face about it but I can tell they all resent me for being slow

Good work, I got bullied out of a job once

Good job brother. Nothing worse than people causing friction in the workplace, just makes the atmosphere shitty and hostile for everyone, themselves included.

I'm having flashbacks of my old job now working with older men where everyone was passive aggressive as fuck, talking behind eachothers backs and bitching at eachother like women. Christ. Just do your job and let others do theirs.

>acts like he wants to fight
He should have been fired for that tho.

and then they all clapped!

The same shit happened to me when i was in high school. There was this mentally retarded guy that everyone made fun of. For the first year i kept trying to defend him, telling the bullies (which was pretty much the entire class) to fuck off and it did work sometimes. But then they switched to fuck with me as well, plus with the fact my effort meant less and less as time went by they just ignored me. So i gave up and they continued to keep bullying both of us. Sometimes it got so intense that he just snapped out of his mind and started throwing the broomstick at people. Everyone laughed and all i could do was pretending to sleep on the table. Everyone spit on him but nobody wanted to admit it. Normies here are truly the work of devil, they do not care a bit about true morality and only pretend to do so if it gives them virtue point.

>good people don't exist
>a robot cannot get angery and use his authority to fuck you over
What did mommy tell you about being nice to the guy that'd be your boss some day user? They didn't listen.

Well he didn't hit me so he probably can't. I wrote him up for harassment tho. There's a hotline where I can go to talk to someone about this. I saw harassment and i wanted to report it. I might have to do that tomorrow.

Sucks to hear that man. I have some authority so I can fuck with their hours if they do shit like that. Fucking normalfags. Hopefully I have the backing of the big boss manager. I fucking do hella shit for him and it would suck if I just quit on him.

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I worked a fast food job once for a short while and got bullied a bit by co-workers
The flow of the work and all the people made me really claustrophobic so I was basically is a state of a mini panic attack the entire time

The 2nd to last day there after finishing up closing I had a smoke outside when a co-worker decided to slight me for my apparent incompetence (I was actually a decent worker I just came off like a sperg)
I was no longer in a state of panic but I was fed up with the bullshit of the day so I called him a tremendous faggot and that as a fast food worker you should have the self awareness not to project your perceived superiority to someone you don't even know
He got in my face like he wanted to fight but I stood my ground and was bigger than him so he backed saying I was worth it

It felt really good
After a week of being emasculated I was ready to wipe the pavement with that faggot

You're the kind of person I wish I could have met growing up. You're a good man--don't ever lose sight of that heart of yours.

I will never understand why some people act like this. You're supposed to be at work for fuck sake not the classroom.

They want to go back to school where they thought they meant something

You're the type of guy I'd like to work for user
But I have one question, why is it ok for employees to refuse to do a task? Its their fucking job, they shouldn't have the luxury to decide

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>he back away
>said you're worth it
Worth what? I don't get it.

We need more people like you. Usually, people turn blind eye to bullying.

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Bump. Thank you, OP.

good job op, never stand for that shit. work is work, nothing else.

Not him, but very few people actually backread their posts. So for fuck's sake just learn to make sense of people's small mistakes. He 99.99% meant that the guy said he isn't worth it which basically means "i might get my ass beaten so ill try to act tough.

Also good job OP, good job.

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Some people just never grow out of that clique bullshit

I've been NEET for 5 years now and I'm an emotional pussy to boot as well. If I ever get into the workforce they're going to eat me alive.

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I just thought it was some American thing or something.