Does Jow Forums like the 40 year old virgin or does it hit to close to home and hurt your soul?

Does Jow Forums like the 40 year old virgin or does it hit to close to home and hurt your soul?

Attached: r9k-the musical.jpg (674x1000, 179K)

I've never seen it. Is it any good?

>guy throws away all the things he cares about to marry a used up granny
it's one of the most blue pilled movies i've ever seen

Its pretty funny, Not amazing but definitely worth a watch. Steve Carrell plays a high functioning robot and a bunch of guys from his shitty job try to help him get laid.

>implying there was any way he could find a female 40 year old virgin

Its the most natural thing that could happen besides him staying and dying a virgin

mostly meh, it's funny in some parts

It didn't hit close to home at all.
He seemed pretty happy and content with his life and his hobbies.
I wish I could have that.

No, because he was actually a chad and happy while being content

you dont have to marry a used up whore to have sex

What's funny to me is that it was wacky circumstances that led him up to being the 40 year old virgin. In the minds of normal people they can't comprehend some one being a virgin at that age

I wish I had a job with co-workers who cared about me like he did.

It's unrealistic how content he is

What were those circumstances? I haven't seen the movie.

We're the extras. Outside of being a kid and can't remember any time someone really went out of their way to support me or do something nice for me. The average person doesn't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

>used up granny
15 year old detected.

I'm 10 years short of getting there right now.
Tough in the beginning of the movie he seems to have a fulfilling life.
he has his hobbies, his firends and managed to accept his siituation.
I hope that I can manage the same.

>He wants middle-aged single mom sex

Just how old are you? Don't you have a 401k to worry about or a breakfast buffet to get to?

But almost anyone would've succeeded earlier if they were like him he's basically a normie

Middle-aged is 50+, kiddo.

>implying anything above 30 isn't old by todays standard
You wil know it once you reached it, kiddo.

Attached: 1447292826895.gif (311x223, 1.52M)

It felt like an exact replica of my life. I without a shadow of a doubt believe the producer of this film made it as a self-help guide for us, in the guise of a 'comedy' that normies can enjoy.

There are a few exaggerations like the toy collection, but parallels are easily found.

Think closely about the things they're saying/doing, they are red-pill truths and common from PU culture.

>only 6 years away from being tbe 40 y/o virgin
Kill me.

do it yourself slefish cunt

It's the opposite, virgin kiddo. 30 is when your young adulthood decade starts. At 20 you're just a kid.

Not him but I'm 28 and really anything below 35 is still quite young

Yes, need t ocultivate that attaraction and once you're 40 your life TRULY beginns, right?
Face it kiddo, once you're above 25 you're on the decline. Everything that should happen, better has happened by then, or it never will.

No it isn't. The average life span is not 100, it's around 80. 40's are literally middle aged.

How old are you? Because you can't be older than 15. Most people get their shit together in their late 20s. It's only if you are a fat neckbeard NEET that life goes downhill at 25 already.

> 30 is when your young adulthood decade starts
Do not stop deluding yourself. Your clock is ticking. You're already balding and the beer gut is starting to forming up. There are first wrinkles and grey hair. And your dick does not rise anytime you want it. Feels good to be and """"adult"""", right?

>beer gut is starting to forming up
Who are you trying to troll, us or yourself?

>Because you can't be older than 15

Double that little faggot.
You're the one that need sto grow up and finally get rid of the fairytale outlook on life. It'll just hurt you harder the longer you wait with it and accept reality as that what it is.

>beer gut
>gray hair
I think you need to go back to school because clearly they let you pass math by accident. You can't even tell the difference between 30 and 60.

You're a 30 year old fat basement-dwelling NEET virgin. That's why you age fast, everyone else your age is young because they're not colossal failures like you.

Like fucking clockwork whenever the "arguments run out, eh?

Attached: virgin nerd shaming arguments.jpg (900x900, 294K)

>Tfw 45 year-old user gives you a >you

At least there's that.

I dont know whenever his collegues where honest or made fun from him.

Lost my virginity at 35 to a window whore. I've never watched this movie because it gave me anxiety.

Like clockwork indeed, when you realize you have been btfo and all your posts have been proven false, you retreat into memes.

Nah that guy was a normie.

>window whore

Yes, a window whore, like Amsterdam.

>not even trying t oargue
>instead tries to hit blame
Yeah, you surley "showed me " with your nonexisting loogic and zero experiences on how the world works.
Once you grow up it'll be a hurtfull wakening for you.