Why haven't mods made trap posting/gay posting a bannable offense outside of >>>/lgbt/?

Why haven't mods made trap posting/gay posting a bannable offense outside of ?

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Because it doesn't break any rules.
Not of Jow Forums or r9k

Mlp, and furry posts are a bannable offense outside their designated boards. Same should apply to gay posting because it ruins the quality of boards.

I wouldn't see this place as moderated. Even if it were against the rules.

Agreed. Trap posting was not the cancer then like it is now. Theres a whole board for this.

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Gays are not ruining this board

Yes they are, you mong!
Did you not see what they did a few days back?

That's because MLP and Furry shit is a very specific fetish, so they're only allowed in one place.
And, it's not like disallow anime or vidya posting outside of /a/ and /v/.

What that small trap group that does not represent gay people at all did? Yes I did

Oh God that was an interesting one. I think it was a trap raid in response to a /pool/ raid on response to a supposed trap cult which may aslo have been a ruse by someone else to get trap posters

Not everyone is an envading edgy teen from pol/reddit.

That was a pol invasion meant to get them banned outright.

the real question is why havent you done your part to rid the real world of traps and other assorted degenerates

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Because robots are even bigger degenerates and are prone to suicide.

Because there is a plot to destroy misogyny and robot culture on r9k by allowing and actually even promoting lgbt content. Soy mods want to drive those who hate women and engage in disusion about degeneration, women and society away from Jow Forums.

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>if gays come here our misogyny is kill
I'm glad I'm not retarded enough to use pol. So glad.

The overall quality of board goes down if half of the threads is about traps, dicks, gays and fembots.
Sounds like you should be worried about other things than pol boogeyman.

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Because the mods are roasties, all of them.
Why else would they want to destroy what was the most misogynistic board on Jow Forums by allowing a cesspool of literal men dressed as women to flood this place?

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Why haven't mods made video game posting a bannable offense outside of ?
Why haven't mods made anime posting a bannable offense outside of ?
Why haven't mods made food posting a bannable offense outside of ?
Why haven't mods made computer posting a bannable offense outside of ?

When this board is being taken over by /v/ or /a/ or /ck/ or Jow Forums like what's going on with traps/fags spamming Jow Forums all day every day you will have a point.

Your logic would apply to a Jow Forums that is flooded by the boards you've mentioned, but it wouldn't apply to the current situation.

it got taken over by /v/ (not the last time. but the time before that) when most of the boards crashed, for some reason r9k stayed up longer than the other boards and due to /v/ having one of the larger userbases there was alot of vidya stuff

also pic related was on the frontpage of r9k when that eventually forze too

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The overall quality of the board goes down with rampant censorship too.

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/lgbt/ Is a blue board faggot, know your enemy.

It's not censorship, we are so progressive and tolerant we even gave them their own board They are free to post whatever they want there among likeminded creatures.

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I haven't seen trap posting in quite a while. Why is everyone sperging out?
After reikogate they shut down operations

I agree, can't we just move the faggot stuff to the faggot board?

MLP belongs on the mlp board and it's banable if you post it anywhere else.

Fuck off reiko.


They should stop trying to normalize it

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There's no trap threads right now. Can't you stop making whine threads like this?

Gays and traps can be robots although arguably not as easily as straight cis men. Trap/gay posting also works as a buffer against Jow Forums and /soc/.


This too.

Being a crossdressing gay man is not a very specific fetish?

It has no subject mister Poltard Fascist.

Its not about banning gays from the board.
Its about banning specifically LGBT related things outside of /lgbt/ such as HRT guides or threads specifically designated for sexuality.

I'd rather Jow Forums and /soc/.

The mods don't even ban you for evading the filter and that's actually against the rules.


There is this huge misconseption that robots are ok with gay, no, we hate women but it's because they are evil and shiut, I prefer pol. than lgbretarded.

Don't have and argument?
Just use the card!
It doesnt matter if the person you are replying to mentioned anything Jow Forums related, because youre right and theyre wrong.

That was the argument mister triggered right winger.

Now slam that pol button and subscribe to rthedonalds, oh wait you already did.

lots of assumptions there kiddo, and I can tell you are underage by the way you write