Should I take big pharma route for my horrid depression and anxiety or find another way ?

should I take big pharma route for my horrid depression and anxiety or find another way ?

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Antidepressants are really just a stopgap to help keep you functional while you deal with your depression through therapy. You don't want to be on them forever.

Are you saying they work?

Try weed. It did wonders for my social anxiety.

Do Magic Mushrooms instead.

know a dude who tried this unironically. He's in the psych ward now. Might work for some people, might fuck you up irreparably.

Not him... but they work in the sense that any attempt to avoid your problem does, which is to say not really.

They made me feel like a zombie, and a decade later I wished I hadn't taken them.

Finding a good therapist who you click with and sticking to it is probably the only way to really solve things.

The big pharma route isn't popular because it's effective, it's popular because it's really really easy. It's a cure in a bottle.

SSRIs are, no bullshit, no exaggerations, no hippie ass distortions, roughly as effective long term as taking walks in nature for depression. They're as effective as just going outside and taking a walk. Don't even get me started on how much more effective exercise is than these pills, but that's WAY too much work. WAY too much work. Changing your diet? That works, but shit that's so much trial and error and menu planning!

With dr shekelsteins pill, you just take it, your dick stops working, and you just feel kind of placid afterwards. It's the lazy mans cure for depression and anxiety.

It makes you look deep into your soul, but if you're mentally I'll you've already condoned off a big part of your psyche in order to stay functional.

They probably looked at big, traumatic parts of themself before they were ready. Shrooms might be an option once you're in therapy, but I wouldn't recommend going it alone.

Not OP, but I'm clinically depressed aswell.
I work out 3-4 days a week, eat moderately healthy, go to therapy once a week and engage in social activities 2-3 times a week. Still i've gotten more and more depressed since I started working out and going to therapy. Going to try antidepressants in a month or so, because right now I don't really see another way to fight it.

I've taken the big pharma route (Britfag though so idk if same experience), so far it's been great. I feel upbeat and back to my normal self, I can wake up and do stuff, I don't spend hour staring at nothing hating myself. People I talk to online and irl have said it's a really noticeable change and that I almost seem like a full normie now. If you get the right meds for you the big pharma route can be good. Can require a lot of trial and error though. Good luck desu

The skepticism around the pharma route isn't the short term effectiveness, it's more sustaining the results 5 years later.

Imagine shilling for people to not try to help their depression

It's up to you. My life has vastly improved now that I am medicated, but I had worse shit that just depression so it's hard to say what helped the most.

Anti depressants are to make you docile so you wont give your parents a head ache.
In exchange they give the doctor a check.
Adderall is better.

>Anti depressants are to make you docile
they don't do that

>Adderall is better
Agree wholeheartedly. everyone should be on stimulants.

Yes they do
When youre not on anti depressants youre more agressive because youre mad that your life sucks.
When you take them you become content with your life sucking.

Its worth a try.

It cant change your view of the world, I tried a few different meds and it didn't really make me feel better other than a bit fucked up, which was fine for me cause I like drugs.

But give it a try. I'm kind of fine with things now, but I'm 29.. The world is a shitty place but so what..

Aggression is a niche symptom of depression that a lot of people don't experience, myself included.
I have never gotten depression anger.

I used to be aggressive, quite a lot actually
with meds I'm more calm
I stopped functioning however cause I don't have contact with people anymore

Oh, depression makes me more docile and likely to just "take shit" from people because I feel like 'what's the point'?
then I use it later to feel bad about myself.
>I can't believe I let people treat me like shit
>i can't believe people treat me like shit
>i must be shit